Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2012-04-03 | tweet
08:20 from Twitter for iPhone
Here comes 2nd year of my residency.Grad school PhD course, presentations for society meetings, papers and USMLE...focusing on my future.

16:37 RT from web
2nd show! pic.twitter.com/s0YsM3Lq
Jarran Museさんのツイート

16:38 RT from web
@IdiotOnTour guess who's on for #St.Jimmy today?! ME!!!
Jarran Museさんのツイート

16:40 from web (Re: @Jarranmuse
So proud of @Jarranmuse! As I always say, HE ROCKS!!!!

16:45 RT from web
All that U do, do it in love or don't do it at all.
Chester Gregoryさんのツイート

23:05 from Twitter for iPhone
Welcoming 9 PGY1s!!!5 cute & diligent girls and 4 unique guys...yup UNIQUE.Looking forward to working with'em all.

by xoKanaJane on Twitter