Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2012-05-24 | tweet
17:34 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 295 RT ]
ツイッターで使える絵文字。(分野別)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ★ ? ? ? ♂ ♀ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ♪ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ゜ 。 ・

17:35 from Twitter for iPhone
@smile_mamiko CONGRATS!!!

17:35 from Twitter for iPhone
Super sleepy. Everyday.

17:36 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @A_L_I_S_A_v
@A_L_I_S_A_v 帰ってくるのねー。11月に結婚式出席のためハワイ行くからいろいろ教えてー

17:38 from Twitter for iPhone
August: Paris & London for the weddingSeptember: LA & SFNovember: Hawaii for the wedding December: Boston & NYCCan't wait!

17:38 from Twitter for iPhone
Well this means I can't be at the city this summer #imissnyc

17:39 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @horikun1230
@horikun1230 いいですねー!

17:40 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @A_L_I_S_A_v
@A_L_I_S_A_v もう15年以上行ってないよー。

18:02 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @marie_on
@marie_on yay!

21:11 from Tumblr
Photo: Taken with instagram tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yL__kpN

by xoKanaJane on Twitter