Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-08-15 | tweet
00:04 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @mk325
@mk325 自分を信じて。
06:51 from Twitter for iPhone
Good Morning. Tribute Day.
07:05 from Twitter for iPhone
#FF U never forget @ChesterGregory once U saw his performance. His performance always ENERGIZE me.

Check out www.ChesterGregory.com
10:36 from Twitter for iPhone
10:40 from Twitter for iPhone
iOS 4.0.2 is much much better than 4.0.1!!
Now my iPhone work properly ??
11:29 from Twitter for iPhone
11:49 from Twitter for iPhone
Dear Japanese @ChesterGregory Fans;
Join his fan page on #mixi, Japanese SNS.
Spread his music to the world!!!
13:02 from Twitter for iPhone
Grief comes suddenly with tears. And goes after a while. And comes again. And goes. And comes....
16:16 from Twitter for iPhone
Heart aching. I know I am not but somehow I feel so lonely. And sad.
18:02 from Twitter for iPhone
So true. RT @cynthiapulley "I remember daddy told me, fairytales can come true. But you've gotta make them happen, it all depends on you"
22:52 from Twitter for iPhone
Sharing pain with Yuka really saved me. What I will do is to inherit her sprit as a doctor. I will keep her soul in my heart.
R.I.P. Chisono
22:54 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @senco48
@senco48 私の自転車名前あるよー笑
23:37 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @senco48
@senco48 いや、黒と緑です。その時、いいピンクのがなくて。次はピンクのクルーザー欲しい!
by Kana_Jane on Twitter
