アンダイエの港 Le Port d'Hendaye
(1) アキテーヌ地方(Region de Aquitene)
b. アンダイエ Hendaye (ピレネー・アトランティック県 Dep. des Pyrenees-Atlantiques)
It was in June, 2009 when I visited Hendaye, the most south-westernly town in France.
The previous day, I was staying at Hondarribia in Spain. From this town, Hendaye can be seen just at the opposite side of the narrow bay. I took a small boat to cross the border to enter the most south-westernly town in France.
アンダイエのヨットハーバー Yacht harbor of Hendaye
アンダイエ港の港湾事務所 Port Bureau of Hendaye
It was absolutely a fine day. Promptly after the check-in at the hotel, I went out to the seashore. It was a very beautiful sand beach overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Though it was still early June, there was a crowd of holidaymakers. I also joined them to spend some leisurely time, enjoying the scent of the sea. There were lots of yachts in the sea.
私の泊まったホテル I stayed at this hotel
海辺の行楽客 Holidaymakers on the beach
サーフィンを楽しむ若者 Youngsters enjoying surfing
対岸に見えるスペインの町 Spanish town seen on the other side
バイヨンヌの空港 Bayonne airport