Page last updated at 08:30 GMT, Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Toyota sales plunge in November

Toyota has suffered from falling demand in the downturn
1: Toyota has reported a big drop in global vehicle sales for November, just days after forecasting its first annual loss in 71 years.
2: Japan's biggest carmaker only sold 618,000 cars last month, which is 21.8% down on November 2007.
3: On Monday, Toyota predicted it would make a full year operating loss of 150bn yen ($1.7bn; £1.1bn).
4: Although it has not suffered as badly as its US rivals, Toyota has still been hit by falling demand in the downturn.
5: The strengthening yen has also cut its profitability.
Toyota boss Katsuaki Watanabe said earlier in the week that the current downturn was of a size that came only "once in a hundred years".
@:トヨタは確かに最近アメリカのビッグ3を抜く収益を上げたと騒がれていましたよね。つい、この前のことです。それが一転して急降下とは経済の恐ろしさですね。円高で収益が減り、不況で売れない。ダブルパンチの中で、トヨタには環境に良い乗り物を作り続けてほしいものです。 ハイテク自転車とかハイテク乳母車とか目を向ける物は他にもたくさんあるのではないでしょうか。
「知恵を出せ 世界のトヨタ リードせよ」
Toyota sales plunge in November

Toyota has suffered from falling demand in the downturn
1: Toyota has reported a big drop in global vehicle sales for November, just days after forecasting its first annual loss in 71 years.
2: Japan's biggest carmaker only sold 618,000 cars last month, which is 21.8% down on November 2007.
3: On Monday, Toyota predicted it would make a full year operating loss of 150bn yen ($1.7bn; £1.1bn).
4: Although it has not suffered as badly as its US rivals, Toyota has still been hit by falling demand in the downturn.
5: The strengthening yen has also cut its profitability.
Toyota boss Katsuaki Watanabe said earlier in the week that the current downturn was of a size that came only "once in a hundred years".
@:トヨタは確かに最近アメリカのビッグ3を抜く収益を上げたと騒がれていましたよね。つい、この前のことです。それが一転して急降下とは経済の恐ろしさですね。円高で収益が減り、不況で売れない。ダブルパンチの中で、トヨタには環境に良い乗り物を作り続けてほしいものです。 ハイテク自転車とかハイテク乳母車とか目を向ける物は他にもたくさんあるのではないでしょうか。
「知恵を出せ 世界のトヨタ リードせよ」