

BBC 「北京が汚染の目標を達成」

2007-12-31 | Weblog
Last Updated: Monday, 31 December 2007, 11:26 GMT

Beijing 'meets pollution target'

1: Officials in China's capital Beijing say clear skies on the last day of the year mean that Beijing has surpassed an air pollution target for 2007.

2:* On Monday the city registered its 246th "blue sky day", beating by one its goal for the year.

3: The news is a boost to officials, who face serious and ongoing concern over air pollution levels in the metropolis.

4: International officials have voiced fears that poor air quality may affect athletes at the summer's Olympic Games.

5: Earlier this year, Olympic chief Jacques Rogge said some events could be rescheduled if the air quality was not good enough.

6: Since then, Chinese officials have been working to tackle the pollution with measures such as experimental no-car days

7: Du Shaozhong, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Environmental Protection, told Xinhua news agency he was relieved.
市環境予防局のDu Shaozhong副局長は、安堵していると新華社通信に伝えた。

8: "We anticipated the last 'blue sky day' more than 10 days ago, but lingering fog and sandstorms frustrated us in the past week," he said.

9: In order to declare a "blue sky day", scientists measure the levels of three air pollutants.

10: But, says the BBC's James Reynolds in Beijing, the government's cut-off point is fairly lenient.

11: Days which count as "blue sky days" in the Chinese capital would count as polluted in other countries, our correspondent says.

12: And, he adds, on the non-blue sky days it is hard to see more than 50 metres ahead.

13: Beijing authorities now plan to set a target of 256 "blue sky days" days for 2008.



BBC 「サダムの1周年に警戒するイラク」

2007-12-30 | Weblog
Last Updated: Sunday, 30 December 2007, 03:58 GMT

Iraq on Saddam anniversary alert

1: Security forces in Iraq have been placed on alert on the first anniversary of the execution of former President Saddam Hussein.

2: His supporters are expected to gather at his power base in the city of Tikrit, and at his grave nearby.

3: Saddam was hanged after being convicted of the killings of nearly 150 Shia Muslims in Dujail in the 1980s.

4: He was taunted by his executioners shortly before his death, conduct which embarrassed the Iraqi government.

5: Scenes from the execution were captured on mobile telephones and quickly distributed around the world, prompting US President George W Bush, among others, to criticise the way the death sentence was carried out.

6: The killing of the 69-year-old Sunni leader worsened the rift with Shia groups in Iraq.

7: Iraqi officials conceded that some supporters would visit the grave where Saddam is buried next to his sons Uday and Qusay, who died in a gun battle with US forces in 2003.

8: "There are men who used to support him, and there are still some of his loyalists left," said interior ministry spokesman Abdul Karim Khalaf.

9: "If we see any criminal acts aimed at harming our fellow citizens, there are preparations and procedures in place to make certain that such attempts fail," he added.

10: On Saturday, about 2,000 people commemorated the former Iraqi leader at a rally in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

11: Iraqi government officials maintain that Saddam's execution ended all hope among his supporters that he might return to power, says the BBC's Humphrey Hawksley in Baghdad.

12: The authorities say it contributed to the shift of loyalty of many Sunnis away from the insurgency towards the mainstream political process.

13: Other members of Saddam's government are still awaiting execution including former Defence Minister Sultan Hashim al-Tai and senior army chief Hussein Rashid al-Takriti.

14: Ali Hassan al-Majid, better known as "Chemical Ali", is also on death row, after being convicted of ordering gas attacks in Kurdish areas of the country in 1988.



BBC 「フランスのカフェが喫煙を禁止」

2007-12-29 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 28 December 2007, 16:16 GMT

French cafes set to ban smoking

1: France is poised to extend its smoking ban to bars, cafes, restaurants and discos, but the measure will not be enforced fully until 2 January.

2: The health ministry said smokers would be allowed a 24-hour "grace" period for the New Year festivities.

3: The ban, which will also cover casinos and hotels, comes on top of a partial ban on smoking in public places that took effect in February.

4: Similar bans are already in place in Britain, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

5: The French health ministry said the wider ban, due to take effect on 1 January, would not be monitored strictly during the New Year festivities, in a gesture of "tolerance".

6: Any smoker caught flouting the ban thereafter faces a 450-euro (£332; $662) fine, while those who turn a blind eye to smokers on their premises can be fined up to 750 euros.

7: France has about 13.5 million smokers among its population of 60.7 million.

8: In February smoking became outlawed in French airports, railway stations, hospitals, schools, shops and offices.

9: The new ban is seen as a big cultural shift for France, where smoky cafes have long been the haunts of famous artists and philosophers. The ban does not include pavement tables or open-air terraces.

10: In 2004, Ireland became the first European country to introduce a comprehensive smoking ban in all workplaces, including pubs and restaurants.




BBC 「韓国がイラク派遣を延長」

2007-12-28 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 28 December 2007, 08:17 GMT

S Korea extends Iraq deployment

1: Parliament in South Korea has voted to extend its country's troop deployment in Iraq for another year.

2: It voted by 146 votes to 104 to keep some 650 Korean troops in Iraq until December 2008

3: The government had originally said it would bring all its troops back this year, after three years in Iraq.

4: But it decided in October to only repatriate half of them. About 600 troops have been brought back in the past few weeks.

5: Extending the troops’ mandate has been a controversial issue in South Korean politics.

6: But President Roh Moo-hyun - when he announced the move in October - made it clear he wanted to please the United States, at a time when talks on dismantling North Korea's nuclear facilities were a priority.

7: South Korea first sent troops to Iraq in 2003, to do reconstruction work in the northern town of Irbil.

8: Since then troop levels have been cut from 3,600, amid mounting public opposition in South Korea to the presence of their troops in Iraq.


@:3600の韓国軍が派遣されていたのですね。少しずつ削減されてきたものの、650の軍をもう1年イラクに滞在さすることを議会で決めたようです。 福田さんが聞いたら羨ましいでしょうね。韓国も米国との協調を得策と考えているようですが・・・・・

BBC 「エジプトが支援減額でイスラエルを非難」

2007-12-27 | Weblog
Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 December 2007, 15:20 GMT

Egypt accuses Israel over aid cut

By Heba Saleh BBC News, Cairo

1: Egypt has accused Israel of interfering in its relations with the US by causing Congress to suspend $100m (£50m) of its annual military aid.

2: The accusation came as Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak visited Egypt for talks with President Hosni Mubarak.

3: They were discussing how to stem the flow of smuggled weapons through tunnels under Egypt's border with Gaza.

4: Congress has frozen some of the aid while US officials check Egypt is making efforts to stop the smuggling.

5: A spokesman for the Egyptian president said Cairo was exerting every effort to stop weapons smuggling to Gaza but it could not, as he put it "guarantee 100% results".

6: Officials accompanying the Israeli defence minister to Egypt denied the accusations of interference.

7: Tension between Egypt and Israel has been rising in recent days over the smuggling issue.

8:*Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni had said the Egyptians were doing what she described as a terrible job policing their border with Gaza.

9: Cairo accused her of speaking of matters she did not know about.

10: Egypt announced before Mr Barak's arrival that it had uncovered two more smugglers' tunnels.

11: But it is clear the Egyptians are angry the US Congressmen have ordered a freeze on $100m of aid until they are satisfied Cairo is doing all it can.


