Page last updated at 09:25 GMT, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 10:25 UK
Web curbs for Olympic journalists

The press will be accommodated in a high-tech facility in Beijing
1: Chinese officials say foreign journalists covering the Beijing Olympic Games will not have completely uncensored access to the internet.
2: A top spokesman said sites relating to spiritual movement Falun Gong would be blocked. Another said other unspecified sites would also be unavailable.
3:* China enforces tough internet controls, but said when it bid for the Games that journalists would be free to report.
4: Journalists have complained they cannot access some news or human rights sites.
5: A senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member confirmed that while journalists would have free range to cover the Games, the IOC was aware some sites would be blocked.
6: More than 20,000 foreign media personnel are due in the Chinese capital to cover the Olympic Games, which begin on 8 August. Many are already moving into the press and broadcast centres in Beijing.
7: On Tuesday, they were reportedly unable to access the website of Amnesty International as it released a critical report on China's human rights record.
8: Some international news pages and sites that dealt with issues such as Tibet were also inaccessible, reports from Beijing said.
9: Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao confirmed that websites relating to the Falun Gong spiritual movement were blocked.
中国の外務省のLiu Jianchao報道官は、法輪功宗教団体の関連サイトは閉鎖されていると言った。
10: "As to sites related to Falun Gong, I think you know that Falun Gong is a cult that has been banned according to law, and we will adhere to our position," he told a news conference on Tuesday.
11:* He suggested that part of the problem with other sites could lie with the sites themselves.
12: "There are some problems with a lot of websites themselves that makes it not easy to view them in China," he said. "Our attitude is to ensure that foreign journalists have regular access to information in China during the Olympic Games."
13: But on Wednesday, a spokesman for the Olympic organising committee told the French news agency AFP that other - unspecified - sites were blocked.
14: Sun Weide declined to provide more details when asked by the BBC.
BBCに尋ねられて、Sun Weideはそれ以上の詳細は語らなかった。
15:* "During the Olympic Games we will provide reporters with sufficient and convenient internet access so the Olympic Games will not be affected," he said.
16: In an interview with the South China Morning Post, IOC press commission chairman Kevan Gosper apologised for inadvertently misleading journalists over unfettered internet access.
17: "I'm not backing off what I said. There will be full, open and free internet access during Games time to allow journalists to report on the Olympics," he told the daily.
「自分が言ったことを取り消しているのではありません。 大会中は報道陣がオリンピックの報道ができるように、いつでも自由にインターネットにアクセスできるでしょう、」と彼はデイリーに語った。
18: "But I have also been advised that some of the IOC officials had negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked."
The move was disappointing, he said.
@:このところ、北京オリンピックが近づくにつれて、中国の話題が多くなっています。今日はインターネットの制限に報道陣が不満をもっている記事です。 IOCの態度が少し気になりますが、中国が大会期間中記者団が求める条件を守るように説得できるでしょうか。
Web curbs for Olympic journalists

The press will be accommodated in a high-tech facility in Beijing
1: Chinese officials say foreign journalists covering the Beijing Olympic Games will not have completely uncensored access to the internet.
2: A top spokesman said sites relating to spiritual movement Falun Gong would be blocked. Another said other unspecified sites would also be unavailable.
3:* China enforces tough internet controls, but said when it bid for the Games that journalists would be free to report.
4: Journalists have complained they cannot access some news or human rights sites.
5: A senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member confirmed that while journalists would have free range to cover the Games, the IOC was aware some sites would be blocked.
6: More than 20,000 foreign media personnel are due in the Chinese capital to cover the Olympic Games, which begin on 8 August. Many are already moving into the press and broadcast centres in Beijing.
7: On Tuesday, they were reportedly unable to access the website of Amnesty International as it released a critical report on China's human rights record.
8: Some international news pages and sites that dealt with issues such as Tibet were also inaccessible, reports from Beijing said.
9: Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao confirmed that websites relating to the Falun Gong spiritual movement were blocked.
中国の外務省のLiu Jianchao報道官は、法輪功宗教団体の関連サイトは閉鎖されていると言った。
10: "As to sites related to Falun Gong, I think you know that Falun Gong is a cult that has been banned according to law, and we will adhere to our position," he told a news conference on Tuesday.
11:* He suggested that part of the problem with other sites could lie with the sites themselves.
12: "There are some problems with a lot of websites themselves that makes it not easy to view them in China," he said. "Our attitude is to ensure that foreign journalists have regular access to information in China during the Olympic Games."
13: But on Wednesday, a spokesman for the Olympic organising committee told the French news agency AFP that other - unspecified - sites were blocked.
14: Sun Weide declined to provide more details when asked by the BBC.
BBCに尋ねられて、Sun Weideはそれ以上の詳細は語らなかった。
15:* "During the Olympic Games we will provide reporters with sufficient and convenient internet access so the Olympic Games will not be affected," he said.
16: In an interview with the South China Morning Post, IOC press commission chairman Kevan Gosper apologised for inadvertently misleading journalists over unfettered internet access.
17: "I'm not backing off what I said. There will be full, open and free internet access during Games time to allow journalists to report on the Olympics," he told the daily.
「自分が言ったことを取り消しているのではありません。 大会中は報道陣がオリンピックの報道ができるように、いつでも自由にインターネットにアクセスできるでしょう、」と彼はデイリーに語った。
18: "But I have also been advised that some of the IOC officials had negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked."
The move was disappointing, he said.
@:このところ、北京オリンピックが近づくにつれて、中国の話題が多くなっています。今日はインターネットの制限に報道陣が不満をもっている記事です。 IOCの態度が少し気になりますが、中国が大会期間中記者団が求める条件を守るように説得できるでしょうか。
Page last updated at 11:37 GMT, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 12:37 UK
Oprah school abuse trial starts

Oprah Winfrey set up the school after a request from Nelson Mandela
1: A former matron at Oprah Winfrey's school in South Africa has pleaded not guilty at the start of her trial for allegedly abusing students.
2: The six teenage alleged victims will testify in private, as the prosecutor said they were "very scared".
3: Virginia Mokgobo, 28, who worked at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy near Johannesburg, was arrested last year.
4: The US talk-show host has said she was herself abused as a child and has campaigned against abuse in the US.
5:* The school was opened in 2007 at a cost of $40m (£20m). Ms Winfrey pledged to build the academy after a meeting with former South African President Nelson Mandela six years ago, and personally interviewed many of the South African girls from low-income families who applied for the initial 150 places at the school.
6: Ms Mokgobo was arrested last year on charges including assault, indecent assault and soliciting under-age girls to perform indecent acts.
7: Ms Winfrey has described the charges as one of the most devastating experiences in her life, and said she had not renewed the head mistress's contract.
8: She praised the students who reported the alleged abuse.
9: *"My experience with child predators is that no-one ever, ever abuses just one child," she said last November.
10: She said that because of the high rates of rape and sexual abuse in South Africa, she had tried to ensure predators would not be able to reach students at the school.
@:ウィンフェリさんが建てたウインフェリ・リーダーシップ・アカデミーは、アフリカのイートン校と呼ばれるほどの評判があるようです。貧しい家庭の頭のよい女子を世界の指導者たる教育を授けるという大きい目標を持つ学校のようです。建物が贅沢だと批判される面もあるようです。 今回の事件は、そんなアカデミーに傷をつけることになるのでしょうか。裁判次第だと思いますが・・・
Oprah school abuse trial starts

Oprah Winfrey set up the school after a request from Nelson Mandela
1: A former matron at Oprah Winfrey's school in South Africa has pleaded not guilty at the start of her trial for allegedly abusing students.
2: The six teenage alleged victims will testify in private, as the prosecutor said they were "very scared".
3: Virginia Mokgobo, 28, who worked at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy near Johannesburg, was arrested last year.
4: The US talk-show host has said she was herself abused as a child and has campaigned against abuse in the US.
5:* The school was opened in 2007 at a cost of $40m (£20m). Ms Winfrey pledged to build the academy after a meeting with former South African President Nelson Mandela six years ago, and personally interviewed many of the South African girls from low-income families who applied for the initial 150 places at the school.
6: Ms Mokgobo was arrested last year on charges including assault, indecent assault and soliciting under-age girls to perform indecent acts.
7: Ms Winfrey has described the charges as one of the most devastating experiences in her life, and said she had not renewed the head mistress's contract.
8: She praised the students who reported the alleged abuse.
9: *"My experience with child predators is that no-one ever, ever abuses just one child," she said last November.
10: She said that because of the high rates of rape and sexual abuse in South Africa, she had tried to ensure predators would not be able to reach students at the school.
@:ウィンフェリさんが建てたウインフェリ・リーダーシップ・アカデミーは、アフリカのイートン校と呼ばれるほどの評判があるようです。貧しい家庭の頭のよい女子を世界の指導者たる教育を授けるという大きい目標を持つ学校のようです。建物が贅沢だと批判される面もあるようです。 今回の事件は、そんなアカデミーに傷をつけることになるのでしょうか。裁判次第だと思いますが・・・
Page last updated at 11:43 GMT, Monday, 28 July 2008 12:43 UK
Lingering pollution worries China
By Michael Bristow BBC News, Beijing

Air pollution remains a very visible problem in Beijing
1: China has admitted it could introduce further emergency measures to cut air pollution during the Olympic Games.
2: One expert said that could mean taking 90% of Beijing's private cars off the streets at particularly bad times.
3: Figures show pollution levels have been relatively high over recent days - on some days thick smog is severely reducing visibility.
4: The BBC found one pollutant at the Olympic Village was three times higher than the recommended level on Monday.
5: China has already introduced a series of measures to curb air pollution, including taking half the city's cars off the roads.
6: Polluting factories surrounding Beijing have also been told to close.
7: But an article in the state-run China Daily gave details of the further, stricter measures that could be introduced.
8: "More vehicles could go off the roads, and all construction sites and some more factories in Beijing and its neighbouring areas could be closed temporarily," a front-page article said.
9: This was confirmed by Professor Zhu Tong, of Peking University, who advises the Beijing government about air pollution.
これは、北京政府に空気汚染についてアドバイスしている北京大学のZhu Tong教授が確証したものだ。
10: He confirmed that 90% of the city's private cars could be taken off the roads under these stricter controls.
11: Any emergency measures would be introduced 48 hours in advance of very bad pollution, he said.
12:"There is a chance... that we cannot meet the air quality standards so stricter measures are needed," said Prof Zhu.
「機会はあります…私達は空気の質の基準を満たしていないので、もっと厳しい手段が必要です、」とProf Zhu氏は言った。
13: He maintained that the current measures had reduced pollution, but not by enough to guarantee good air quality every day.
14: China promised to clean up its air pollution for this summer's games, but figures show it still does not meet the toughest World Health Organization standards.
15: Small particles in the air - PM10 - are a particular worry. WHO guidelines say 50 micrograms per cubic metre is the standard to aim for, but Beijing rarely hits that target.
16: At the Olympic Village on Monday, the BBC found the PM10 level was at least 145, while at the BBC office it was 134.
BBCによると、月曜日のオリンピック村ではPM10 レベルは少なくとも145だった。一方、BBCの事務所は134だった。
17: Separately on Monday, Greenpeace published its assessment of China's efforts to clean up Beijing for the Olympic Games.
18: It says, that overall the attempt to get rid of pollution has created a "positive legacy" for the city and should be commended.
19: "Greenpeace found that Beijing achieved, and in some cases surpassed, original environmental goals," the report says.
20: But it said in other areas, including air quality, Beijing had not met targets, and has had to bring in short-term measures.
21: "Beijing could have adopted clean production measures more widely across the municipality to speed up the improvement of air quality," the report says.
Lingering pollution worries China
By Michael Bristow BBC News, Beijing

Air pollution remains a very visible problem in Beijing
1: China has admitted it could introduce further emergency measures to cut air pollution during the Olympic Games.
2: One expert said that could mean taking 90% of Beijing's private cars off the streets at particularly bad times.
3: Figures show pollution levels have been relatively high over recent days - on some days thick smog is severely reducing visibility.
4: The BBC found one pollutant at the Olympic Village was three times higher than the recommended level on Monday.
5: China has already introduced a series of measures to curb air pollution, including taking half the city's cars off the roads.
6: Polluting factories surrounding Beijing have also been told to close.
7: But an article in the state-run China Daily gave details of the further, stricter measures that could be introduced.
8: "More vehicles could go off the roads, and all construction sites and some more factories in Beijing and its neighbouring areas could be closed temporarily," a front-page article said.
9: This was confirmed by Professor Zhu Tong, of Peking University, who advises the Beijing government about air pollution.
これは、北京政府に空気汚染についてアドバイスしている北京大学のZhu Tong教授が確証したものだ。
10: He confirmed that 90% of the city's private cars could be taken off the roads under these stricter controls.
11: Any emergency measures would be introduced 48 hours in advance of very bad pollution, he said.
12:"There is a chance... that we cannot meet the air quality standards so stricter measures are needed," said Prof Zhu.
「機会はあります…私達は空気の質の基準を満たしていないので、もっと厳しい手段が必要です、」とProf Zhu氏は言った。
13: He maintained that the current measures had reduced pollution, but not by enough to guarantee good air quality every day.
14: China promised to clean up its air pollution for this summer's games, but figures show it still does not meet the toughest World Health Organization standards.
15: Small particles in the air - PM10 - are a particular worry. WHO guidelines say 50 micrograms per cubic metre is the standard to aim for, but Beijing rarely hits that target.
16: At the Olympic Village on Monday, the BBC found the PM10 level was at least 145, while at the BBC office it was 134.
BBCによると、月曜日のオリンピック村ではPM10 レベルは少なくとも145だった。一方、BBCの事務所は134だった。
17: Separately on Monday, Greenpeace published its assessment of China's efforts to clean up Beijing for the Olympic Games.
18: It says, that overall the attempt to get rid of pollution has created a "positive legacy" for the city and should be commended.
19: "Greenpeace found that Beijing achieved, and in some cases surpassed, original environmental goals," the report says.
20: But it said in other areas, including air quality, Beijing had not met targets, and has had to bring in short-term measures.
21: "Beijing could have adopted clean production measures more widely across the municipality to speed up the improvement of air quality," the report says.
Page last updated at 01:53 GMT, Sunday, 27 July 2008 02:53 UK
Obama missed 'injured US heroes'

John McCain condemned Mr Obama for giving a political speech in Berlin
1: US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has been criticised by his Republican rival for cancelling a visit to injured US soldiers in Germany this week.
2: John McCain's campaign office said Mr Obama's speeches to cheering Europeans should not have been a substitute for comforting "injured American heroes".
3: Mr Obama responded by saying he dropped the visit after the Pentagon warned it might be considered a political event.
4: But officials later insisted the senator had never been told not to go.
5: A Pentagon spokesman said Mr Obama had only been told he could not do so if he was accompanied by campaign staff and reporters.
6: US military personnel and facilities are prohibited from being associated with partisan political campaigns and elections.
7: A new campaign advert for Mr McCain criticized his Democratic opponent for being disrespectful by making "time to go to the gym" during his European tour while at the same time cancelling his visit to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre on Friday.
8:* "Seems the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras," the advert claims. "John McCain is always there for our troops."
9: A McCain spokesman, retired Lt Col Joe Repy, claimed that Mr Obama had "badly misjudged the important demands of the office he seeks".
10: "Visits with world leaders and speeches to cheering Europeans shouldn't be a substitute for comforting injured American heroes," he said.
11:The Arizona senator told Sunday's ABC TV's This Week programme: "If I had been told by the Pentagon that I couldn't visit those troops, and I was there and wanted to be there, I guarantee you, there would have been a seismic event."
12: Before heading home from Europe, Mr Obama said the Pentagon had notified his campaign that the visit to Landstuhl might be viewed as political if he brought along an adviser, retired Maj-Gen Scott Gration.
13:*"That triggered then a concern that maybe our visit was going to be perceived as political," he told reporters in London.
14:* "And the last thing that I want to do is have injured soldiers and the staff at these institutions having to sort through whether this is political or not and get caught in the cross-fire between campaigns."
Obama missed 'injured US heroes'

John McCain condemned Mr Obama for giving a political speech in Berlin
1: US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has been criticised by his Republican rival for cancelling a visit to injured US soldiers in Germany this week.
2: John McCain's campaign office said Mr Obama's speeches to cheering Europeans should not have been a substitute for comforting "injured American heroes".
3: Mr Obama responded by saying he dropped the visit after the Pentagon warned it might be considered a political event.
4: But officials later insisted the senator had never been told not to go.
5: A Pentagon spokesman said Mr Obama had only been told he could not do so if he was accompanied by campaign staff and reporters.
6: US military personnel and facilities are prohibited from being associated with partisan political campaigns and elections.
7: A new campaign advert for Mr McCain criticized his Democratic opponent for being disrespectful by making "time to go to the gym" during his European tour while at the same time cancelling his visit to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre on Friday.
8:* "Seems the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras," the advert claims. "John McCain is always there for our troops."
9: A McCain spokesman, retired Lt Col Joe Repy, claimed that Mr Obama had "badly misjudged the important demands of the office he seeks".
10: "Visits with world leaders and speeches to cheering Europeans shouldn't be a substitute for comforting injured American heroes," he said.
11:The Arizona senator told Sunday's ABC TV's This Week programme: "If I had been told by the Pentagon that I couldn't visit those troops, and I was there and wanted to be there, I guarantee you, there would have been a seismic event."
12: Before heading home from Europe, Mr Obama said the Pentagon had notified his campaign that the visit to Landstuhl might be viewed as political if he brought along an adviser, retired Maj-Gen Scott Gration.
13:*"That triggered then a concern that maybe our visit was going to be perceived as political," he told reporters in London.
14:* "And the last thing that I want to do is have injured soldiers and the staff at these institutions having to sort through whether this is political or not and get caught in the cross-fire between campaigns."