

BBC オーストラリアで、浅瀬に乗り上げた鯨が死ぬ

2008-11-30 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:04 GMT, Sunday, 30 November 2008

Beached whales die in Australia

1: About 150 whales have died after being stranded in a remote coastal area of the Australian island of Tasmania.

2: Many of the long-finned pilot whales, which were discovered on Saturday, had been badly injured by jagged rocks.

3: Rescuers did manage to shepherd about 30 whales trapped in shallow reefs to safety using a small boat, an official said.

4: Whales pass Tasmania as they migrate to and from Antarctic waters and stranding is not uncommon.

5: Last week 11 whales were rescued after more than 60 became stranded off another part of the island.

6: Local residents and experts had worked to help this group of whales, stranded near Sandy Cape in north-west Tasmania, but most had been injured by rocks and reefs.

7:* Officials moved one stranded whale that was calling to a group offshore, in a bid to prevent further deaths.

8: "Unfortunately, that whale died but what happened then was those 30 whales milling around seemed more willing to move on and with a boat in the water we managed to shepherd them out of the bay," Warwick Brennan, a spokesman for the department of primary industries and water, told AAP news agency.

9: Pilot whales are among the smaller whales, growing to about 5m (16ft) in length.

10: Scientists are not sure what causes whales to beach.





BBC 裁判所がイラン人の男に盲目になる事を命じる

2008-11-29 | Weblog
Page last updated at 14:17 GMT, Friday, 28 November 2008

Court orders Iranian man blinded

1: A court in Iran has ruled that a man who blinded a woman with acid after she spurned his marriage proposals will also be blinded with acid.

2: The ruling was reported in Iranian newspapers on Thursday.

3: The punishment is legal under the Islamic Sharia code of qias or equivalence, which allows retribution for violent crimes.

4: The court also ordered the attacker, 27-year-old Majid Movahedi, to pay compensation to the victim.

5: The acid attack took place in 2004. The victim, Ameneh Bahrami, went to Spain for surgery to reconstruct her face but efforts to restore her sight failed.

6: The ruling was a response to her plea to the court in the Iranian capital Tehran for retribution.

7: "Ever since I was subject to acid being thrown on my face, I have a constant feeling of being in danger," she told the court.

8: Ms Bahrami also said that Movahedi had also threatened to kill her.





BBC EUが10,000人のイラク人を受け入れる

2008-11-28 | Weblog

Page last updated at 11:19 GMT, Friday, 28 November 2008

EU ready to accept 10,000 Iraqis

Many poor Iraqis live precariously in neighbouring countries

1: The European Union says it is ready to accept up to 10,000 Iraqi refugees, many of whom are living in extreme hardship in Jordan and Syria.

2: The agreement came at an EU meeting in Brussels on Thursday, where interior ministers received a new report on conditions at refugee camps.

3: Germany said it would take in about 2,500 of the refugees.

4: Priority will be given to those with medical needs, torture victims, single mothers and religious minorities.

5: Sweden says it received about 18,000 Iraqi asylum seekers in 2007 - more than half the total that entered the EU last year.

6: Sweden has a well-established Iraqi community totalling about 100,000 but says other EU countries should take in a bigger share of Iraqis, who have mostly fled violence and poverty.

7: A UK Home Office spokesperson said the UK had "already shown its clear determination to support Iraqi refugees through the Gateway Programme, with over 200 people resettled in the UK since April and more arriving in the coming months".

8: "We will continue to work with our European partners to ensure that Iraqi refugees are resettled across Europe," the spokesperson added.

9: An EU expert group that toured Iraqi refugee camps in the Middle East recently said conditions were worsening for most of the refugees, because their savings were dwindling and they did not have work permits, German media reported.


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BBC ムンバイのユダヤ人センターが占領される

2008-11-27 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:37 GMT, Thursday, 27 November 2008

Jewish centre seized in Mumbai

1: Police have surrounded a Jewish centre in Mumbai where a rabbi, his wife and a number of others are thought to have been taken hostage.

2: A series of co-ordinated attacks across the Indian city, which began late on Wednesday, have left 101 people dead.

3: The centre is the base for the Jewish outreach group Chabad Lubavitch.
その中心街はユダヤ人の奉仕活動グループのChabad Lubavitchの拠点になっている。

4: The Reuters news agency says that four gunmen remain in the building. There have been reports of gunfire.

5: The house, which acts as a centre for prayer and study, attracts many Jewish and Israeli visitors every year.

6: A spokesman for the Lubavitch movement in New York, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, said he did not know the status of Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holzberg, who is being held hostage in the centre.

7: Rabbi Shmotkin told the Associated Press: "It seems that the terrorists commandeered a police vehicle which allowed them easy access to the area of Chabad House and threw a grenade at a gas pump nearby."

8: A near-by resident, Sanjay Bhasme, said he telephoned police after shooting began at around 9:45pm local time, but no police arrived for more than 30 minutes.

9: Chabad House is situated in the Nariman business and residential complex in south Mumbai.





BBC ゲーツ氏が米国防長官に留まる

2008-11-26 | Weblog
Page last updated at 00:26 GMT, Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Gates 'to stay as Pentagon chief'

1: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates is to stay on in charge of the Pentagon when Barack Obama takes office as president, according to US media reports.

2: Mr Gates was nominated to the role by President George W Bush in 2006 and has overseen a change of strategy in Iraq.

3: ABC News and Politico.com quoted officials saying Mr Gates would remain in the job for at least the first year of Mr Obama's administration.

4:* Mr Obama will give his third news briefing in as many days on Wednesday.

5: The focus will be the economy, an aide said. In the previous news conferences, Mr Obama - who takes office on 20 January - named the new leaders of his economic team.

6: ABC and Politico said that retired Marine Gen James Jones - a former commander of US and Nato forces in Europe - would be named as national security adviser.

7: Mr Obama is expected to announce his national security team early next week, Politico said, citing officials from both the Republican and Democratic parties.

8: Analysts had suggested that former CIA director Mr Gates, 65, might be asked to stay in his role because he was respected by both parties and would reflect a more bipartisan administration.

9: Mr Obama's office has not confirmed the reports.
It has been widely reported that former First Lady Hillary Clinton will form part of that team as Mr Obama's secretary of state.

10: Her office said last week that discussions were "very much on track" but that further reports were premature.

11: Speaking in Chicago on Tuesday, the president-elect outlined more details of his plans to stimulate the ailing US economy, at the same time as making cuts to the budget.

12: He said budget reform was "imperative" and that the nation could not "sustain a system that bleeds billions of taxpayer dollars" on unneeded projects.

13: "We will go through our federal budget - page by page, line by line - eliminating those programmes we don't need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way," he said.

14:* He said he would ask his economic team to "think anew and act anew" to meet new challenges and ensure it was not politics as usual when it came to spending in Washington.

15: Mr Obama announced the appointment of Peter Orszag, now head of the Congressional Budget Office, as his budget director.

16: He said Rob Nabors would be deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.

17:* Mr Obama praised both men as "outstanding public servants", and he described Mr Orszag as a man who, because of his current role, "knows where the bodies are buried".

18: Their appointment came a day after Mr Obama named other key economic advisers, among them New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary.

19: Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve said it was to inject another $800bn (£526.8bn) into the US economy in a further effort to stabilise the financial system.


