

BBC ラッド首相はオーストラリアの日の変更に反対

2009-01-26 | Weblog
Page last updated at 05:41 GMT, Monday, 26 January 2009

Rudd rejects Australia Day change

By Nick Bryant
BBC News, Alice Springs, Australia

1: The Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, has ruled out a change to the date of the national day which the country celebrates on 26 January.

2: A leading Aboriginal leader, Professor Mick Dodson, had called for a national debate on the question.

3: Mr Dodson has just been named Australian of the Year for his work in promoting indigenous issues.

4: He said that many Aboriginal Australians called the national day "Invasion Day".

5: Australia Day is a national celebration which commemorates the arrival of the First British fleet in 1788, and the proclamation of British sovereignty over the continent's eastern seaboard.

6: It is a public holiday in every state and territory, but many indigenous Australians refer to it as Invasion Day, since they claim it celebrates the destruction of Aboriginal culture by the British settlers.

7: The debate has been reopened by Professor Dodson, who said that Australia Day offends many indigenous citizens, and that a debate about moving the date would be important to the ongoing process of reconciliation.

8: But Kevin Rudd, who last year delivered a formal apology to Aboriginal Australians for past injustices, has rejected the idea.

9: "Let me say," he said, "a simple, respectful, but straightforward no".





BBC フランスのユダヤ教会にガソリン爆弾

2009-01-12 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:59 GMT, Monday, 12 January 2009

Petrol bombs hit French synagogue

1: Two petrol bombs have been thrown at a synagogue north of Paris, police have said, days after another French synagogue was attacked.

2: Police in the Seine-Saint-Denis region said no injuries were caused, but a restaurant next door to the synagogue was damaged.

3: Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said the attack was "intolerable".

4: The incident came amid tensions in France over the violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, now in its 17th day.


5: Ms Alliot-Marie vowed to find and punish those who carried out the attack in Saint-Denis on Sunday.

6: French officials have been keen to stress to Jewish and Muslim community leaders that the unrest in Gaza should not lead to violence in France.

7: Protests against Israel's military action in Gaza attracted more than 100,000 people in France during the weekend.

8: In last week's attack, a burning car was rammed into a synagogue in the south-western French city of Toulouse.

9: The car, packed with a petrol bomb, was set alight and then pushed into the synagogue door by a second car.

10: No-one was hurt in that attack.





BBC 中国の役人が莫大な公金を不正使用

2009-01-11 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:29 GMT, Saturday, 10 January 2009

China officials 'lost millions'

1: Officials from China's southern Guangdong province are reported to have gambled away more than $3m (£2m) of public money in recent years.

2: Chinese media reports said more than 50 officials had been investigated and six had been jailed or punished.

3: The officials lost the money gambling at casinos in Macau, on cruise ships off Hong Kong, and betting on football matches, reports said.

4: President Hu Jintao has said battling corruption is a key priority.
Hu Jintao主席は、汚職追放を最重要事項にすると言った。

5: The heaviest sentence was given to Wu Xingkui, the Communist Party of China (CPC) number two in the town of Yunfu.
Yunfuの町の中国共産党ナンバー2のWu Xingkui氏が最重刑を言い渡された。

6: Mr Wu was handed a four-year jail term for embezzling large sums of public money to finance his gambling habit, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.

7: The paper said he was found guilty of losing 520,000 yuan ($76,000) on soccer bets and 70,000 yuan playing mahjong, in addition to thousands of yuan of public money while on a cruise in Hong Kong on 1 January 2004.

8: Ironically, Mr Wu had carried out several operations against gambling, pornography and drugs.

9: Several other CPC party officials were also handed jail terms, expelled from the party, or put on probation in what should be a "clear warning" to all officials, a spokesman for the discipline commission told the China Daily.





BBC アテネで新たな衝突が発生

2009-01-10 | Weblog
BBC アテネで新たな衝突が発生
Page last updated at 16:40 GMT, Friday, 9 January 2009

New clashes break out in Athens

Police have come under attack since Grigoropoulos' killing

1: Police in Athens have clashed with protesters in a resumption of the violence that flared after last month's killing of a teenager by police.

2: Hooded youths broke away from a student march against education reforms and threw stones and flares at riot police, who fired tear gas and flash grenades.

3: The centre-right Greek government has pledged to crack down on the rioting.

4: Earlier this week a policeman was shot and badly injured in an attack feared linked to the unrest.

5: The policeman underwent more surgery on Friday.
Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis recently vowed that police would take a harder line against the "catastrophic violence" that swept Greece after the shooting of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos on 6 December.
その警官は、金曜日に、手術を受けた。 最近、コスタス・カラマンリス首相は、警察は12月6日に15才のアレクサンドロス・グリゴロポロス君が銃殺された後ギリシャ中で起こった破滅的な暴動に対してより強硬な姿勢で臨むと約束した。

6: The new deputy interior minister in the prime minister's reshuffled cabinet, Christos Markoyiannakis, has promised a "zero tolerance" approach to crime.

7: Friday's clashes were the first test of that resolve.




BBC 母親殺しで少年に有罪

2009-01-04 | Weblog
Page last updated at 01:19 GMT, Sunday, 4 January 2009

Boy guilty of shooting his mother

1: A 12-year-old boy has been found guilty in the United States of murdering his mother following a row over his household chores.

2: A judge in Arizona ruled prosecutors had proved the boy acted intentionally when he shot his mother, Sara Madrid, eight times last year.

3: The boy, from the city of Douglas in Cochise County, was found guilty of premeditated murder.
He has not been identified because he was charged as a juvenile.

4: He is due to be sentenced on 23 January.

5: The hearing took place in Cochise County Superior Court in the southern Arizona town of Bisbee.

6: According to prosecutors, the shooting happened after the boy had argued with his mother over chores.

7: He got a pistol from a bedroom cupboard and shot Sara Madrid repeatedly.

8: Her live-in boyfriend of 10 years, Alfonso Munoz, saw what happened and he says the boy gave him the empty gun afterwards.

9: Mr Munoz, who helped raise the boy, said he had taught him how to use the weapon for emergencies and self-defence.

10: The boy's lawyer argued the child did not intend to kill his mother, but only wanted to get back at her for abusing him.

11: Police said the boy told them his mother yelled at him and slapped him.

12: Prosecutors wanted the child tried as an adult, but the judge ruled the case should remain in juvenile court after a psychologist and psychiatrist testified that he suffered physical and verbal abuse from his mother and could be rehabilitated in the juvenile justice system.

13:* Under Arizona law, the boy can be held only until he turns 18 years of age.



