

BBC 米国のオハイオ州で投票が始まる

2008-09-30 | Weblog

Page last updated at 12:30 GMT, Tuesday, 30 September 2008 13:30 UK

Voting begins in US state of Ohio

John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin campaigned in Ohio on Monday

1: Early voting is getting under way in the US battleground state of Ohio, five weeks exactly before the 4 November presidential election.

2: It comes a day after Ohio courts ruled that new voters could register and cast an absentee ballot on the same day.

3: Republicans, who argue same-day voting opens the door to voter fraud, opposed the measure; Democrats backed it.

4: Both John McCain and Barack Obama have been campaigning hard in Ohio, seen as a key swing state.

5: John McCain, accompanied by running mate Sarah Palin, used a rally in Colombus, Ohio, on Monday to attack his Democratic rival over his economic policies.

6: Mrs Palin, Republican governor of Alaska, is preparing for the vice-presidential debate scheduled for Thursday night, in which she and Democrat Joe Biden will face each other for the first time.

7: She has come under increasing pressure after a series of TV interviews which critics say have exposed her lack of readiness for the role.

8: Monday's Ohio Supreme Court decision, backed by two federal judges, cleared the way for same-day registration and voting during a week-long period up to 6 October, when voter registration ends.

9: The ruling was welcomed by state Democrats, who hope to encourage college students and other groups such as minorities, the poor and the homeless to make use of the same-day voting period.

10: Previously, voters had to be registered for at least 30 days before receiving an absentee ballot, which tended to reduce participation among such voter groups. They often favour the Democrats.

11: The ruling was seen as a victory for Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, who had been criticised by Republicans for telling county election organisers to allow same-day voting.

12: Both Mr Obama's campaign and the Republican National Committee have urged supporters to make use of Ohio's 35-day early voting period to cast their absentee ballots.

13: The ballots can be sent by post to voters' county election boards or delivered in person to designated places.

14: The Obama campaign has organised shared car rides from college campuses to early voting sites, the Associated Press news agency reports. Organisations that seek to increase participation in elections by the poor and homeless are also offering transport to voting sites.

15: Ohio was an important swing state in 2004, when it went to President George W Bush by a narrow margin, helping him to re-election.

16: A number of states, including the battleground states of Iowa, Virginia, Nevada, New Mexico and North Carolina, allow early and absentee voting.

17: Some voters prefer it because they fear potential problems and long queues at polling stations on election day.

18: The Obama campaign believes its strong on-the-ground organisation in many states could give it an advantage in encouraging people to cast their ballot early.





BBC インドがフランスとの核協定に着眼

2008-09-29 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:06 GMT, Monday, 29 September 2008 13:06 UK

India eyes France nuclear accord

PM Manmohan Singh has described the nuclear deal as "momentous"

1: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is in France where he will discuss boosting civilian nuclear trade.

2: Mr Singh meets President Sarkozy in Paris on Tuesday and says they could sign a nuclear co-operation agreement.

3: The trip comes after the US House of Representatives voted in favour of a landmark India-US nuclear accord.
Earlier this month, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) lifted a ban that had denied India access to the international nuclear market.

4: India says the agreement with the US is vital for it to meet its growing energy demands. Critics say it creates a dangerous precedent.
インドは、米国との合意は、高まるエネルギー需要を満たす活力になると言う。 批評家は、それを危険な先例になると言う。

5: They say the deal allows India to expand its nuclear power industry without requiring it to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as other nations must.

6: Under the terms of the deal, India would get access to US civilian nuclear technology and fuel.

7: In return, Delhi would open its civilian nuclear facilities to inspection - but its nuclear weapons sites would remain off-limits.

8: Mr Singh has said India is close to securing a "new status" in the world nuclear order.

9: The Framework Agreement for Civil Nuclear Co-operation was agreed with France in January.

10: Reports say the deal includes providing India with France's latest model of the European Pressurised Reactor as well as other civilian nuclear material.

11: "We have already initialled the framework agreement in civil nuclear matters. It will certainly come up for review and possible signature during my visit," Mr Singh told reporters on Sunday.

12: He and Mr Sarkozy are in the southern French city of for a European Union-India summit. The meeting is focusing on bilateral trade and the global financial crisis.

13: The US House of Representatives passed the agreement by 298-117 votes late on Saturday. The agreement now goes to the Senate for final approval, before President George W Bush can sign it into law.

14: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is a Democrat and supports the bill, promised a vote this week, possibly on Monday.

15: Mr Bush urged the Senate to "quickly" vote on the deal before it adjourns. "Signing this bipartisan bill will help strengthen our partnership with India," he said in a statement.

16: "I am happy that one hurdle has been crossed, but it is not the end of the Congressional process and we need to wait for the final outcome," Manmohan Singh told reporters.

17: "India will be liberated from the constraints of technology denial of 34 years," Mr Singh was quoted as saying in a statement issued by his office.

18: "The civilian nuclear co-operation is in the interest of India, in the interest of the US and in the interest of the world at large."

19: Correspondents say President Bush faces a race against time to sign the deal into law before he leaves office in January.

20: It was first agreed three years ago and is regarded as a key foreign policy priority for both the Indian and US governments.

21: The US restricted nuclear co-operation with India after it tested a nuclear weapon in 1974.






BBC インドで市場の買い物客に爆発

2008-09-28 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:52 GMT, Saturday, 27 September 2008 12:52 UK

Bomb hits India market shoppers

1: A bomb blast at a market in India's capital has killed one person and injured at least 15 others.

2: The market, in the Mehrauli area, was packed with shoppers when, according to eyewitnesses, two men drove up in a motorcycle and dropped a package.

3: Police have described it as a low intensity explosive device.

4: Two weeks ago, five bombs ripped through busy shopping areas in Delhi, killing at least 20 people. Nearly 50 were killed in Ahmadabad in July.

5: Police say they have arrested the head of a group claiming the attacks.

6: Mohammed Arif Sheikh, described as the founder of the Indian Mujahideen (IM), was arrested along with four others, Mumbai (Bombay) police said on Thursday.

7: Television footage showed shards of glass in the market area, with people walking about in blood-stained shirts.

8: The site has been cordoned off and fire fighters have rushed to the area.

9: Ambulances are ferrying the injured to hospital. Some are said to be in a serious condition.

10: The brother of the 13-year-old boy who died said he had sent his brother to buy eggs when the blast went off.

11: "He had barely entered the shop to buy the crate (of eggs), smoke started coming out of a tiffin and suddenly there was a blast and he died on the spot," he said.

12: Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said they were questioning eyewitnesses who saw two men throw something from a passing motorcycle.



27 September: Bomb blasts kills one in Delhi

13 September: Five bomb blasts kill 18 in Delhi

26 July: At least 22 small bombs kill 49 in Ahmedabad

25 July: Seven bombs go off in Bangalore killing two people

13 May: Seven bomb hit markets and crowded streets in Jaipur killing 63




BBC 共和党員がヒスパニック騒動で辞任

2008-09-27 | Weblog
Page last updated at 05:22 GMT, Saturday, 27 September 2008 06:22 UK

Republican quits in Hispanic row

Mr de Baca said he was referring to the older generation of Hispanics

1: A Republican official in the US has resigned over comments he made to the BBC that "Hispanics consider themselves above blacks".

2: Fernando de Baca, the chairman of the Republican Party in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, also said Hispanics "won't vote for a black president".

3: Mr de Baca spoke last week but resisted calls from his own party to resign, saying he was quoted out of context.
He said he decided to step down because of the "media circus" that developed.

4: Mr de Baca had been approached by the BBC's Jon Kelly for comments on the presidential election campaign at the New Mexico State Fair in Albuquerque, part of Bernalillo County.

5: He was explaining why he thought John McCain would do well in the state, which has large population of Hispanics.

6: "The truth is that Hispanics came here as conquerors. African-Americans came here as slaves."

7: He said the Latino emphasis on hard work and family values and the Catholic Church's opposition to abortion made the community naturally conservative.

8: The remarks appeared on the BBC News website on its Talking America blog.

9: After calls grew for his resignation, he said the comments were taken out of context and that he was referring to views held by the older generation of Hispanics.

10: "Snippets were used to try and embarrass me," Mr de Baca, 70, told the Associated Press (AP) news agency.
He said a "media circus" had developed that was obscuring the election issues.

11: "It's time to step aside and let the candidates and the political races that are so important to this country and democracy be placed in focus," he told AP.





BBC ブラジルの森林伐採減少計画

2008-09-26 | Weblog
Page last updated at 06:40 GMT, Friday, 26 September 2008 07:40 UK

Brazil unveils deforestation plan

By Tim Hirsch BBC News, Sao Paulo

Brazil's disappearing rainforests have long been of concern

1: The Brazilian government has pledged to end net deforestation by 2015.

2: It is one of the key commitments in a draft climate change plan, which stops short of setting specific targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

3: The plan - setting out how Brazil will help prevent climate change, and how it will adapt to it - was promised nearly a year ago by President Lula.

4: But the environmental group Greenpeace criticised it for simply highlighting existing proposals.

5: It said the draft did not explain how they would be brought into action.

6: In the provisional version which will go for public consultation before being finalised, no specific targets are set for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions amongst Brazil's industrial sectors.

7: But with deforestation accounting for 75% of the country's emission, it sets out a timetable to reduce forest loss to a point where by 2015, more Brazilian trees are being planted than are cut down.

8: According to the Environment Minister Carlos Minc, this will be possible through an aggressive programme of restoring native forests, as well as further crackdowns on illegal logging.

9: Other measures outlined in the document are incentives to improve energy efficiency and to encourage renewable energy sources such as wind power.



