

BBC 「日本が軍艦衝突後に捜索」

2008-02-19 | Weblog
Last Updated: Tuesday, 19 February 2008, 03:53 GMT
Search after Japan navy collision

1: A Japanese naval vessel has collided with a fishing boat east of Tokyo, leaving two fishermen missing.

2: The Atago destroyer hit the Seitoku Maru fishing boat early on Tuesday off Chiba prefecture's Nojimazaki Cape, splitting the boat in two.

3: Coastguard ships and helicopters were searching for the missing fishermen, officials said.

4: The Atago is one of several Japanese navy ships equipped with the high-tech Aegis radar tracking system.

5: "It is extremely regrettable that this sort of accident has happened," Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba told journalists.

6: "We must do all we can to search for and save the missing men and find out what caused it as soon as possible."

7: The two men, 58-year-old Haruo Kichisei and his son Tetsuhiro, had been out fishing for tuna, officials said.

8: It was the first serious accident involving a navy vessel and a civilian ship since a submarine and a fishing boat collided in Tokyo Bay in 1988, killing 30, Kyodo news agency said.

9: The Atago, the newest of Japan's Aegis-equipped vessels, was on its way back to the Yokosuka naval base from a training exercise in Hawaii when the incident occurred.

10: It and other vessels are key to Japan's missile defence shield, aimed at North Korea.

11: In December, a similar vessel armed with a Standard-3 missile defence system shot down a mock ballistic missile launched from a US base in Hawaii.




BBC 「英国の観光客の遺体がベニスで発見される」

2008-02-18 | Weblog
Last Updated: Sunday, 17 February 2008, 22:53 GMT

UK tourist found dead in Venice

1: A British tourist who went missing in Venice while on a Valentine's trip with his girlfriend has been found dead.

2: The body of Richard John Raynor, 23, from Doncaster, was discovered under a bridge connecting Venice lagoon to the mainland, the Foreign Office confirmed.

3: Mr Raynor disappeared in the early hours of Thursday morning as the couple were returning to their hotel.

4: It is understood Mr Raynor's father, William, who flew to Venice to search for his son, identified the body.

5: A Foreign Office spokesman said on Sunday: "We can confirm that sadly, the body found in Venice is that of the missing British national."

6: Earlier, an Italian police spokesman, Alessandro Guiliano said there were no indications that Mr Raynor's death had been violent, although he said they were "not ruling out any hypothesis".

7: The couple arrived in the Mestre area of the city on Wednesday for a three-day break.

8: After checking into their hotel, they went out in Venice, and according to Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper, spent the evening there.

9: It is understood Mr Raynor vanished as his girlfriend was looking for a taxi.

10: Reports say she was unable to reach him on his mobile phone and contacted police the following day after he did not return to their hotel.

11: An elderly couple later returned Mr Raynor's mobile, wallet and room key to the hotel. It is not known where they were found.



BBC 「デンマークの議員が風刺漫画の謝罪を断る」

2008-02-17 | Weblog
Last Updated: Saturday, 16 February 2008, 20:26 GMT

Danish MPs refuse cartoon apology

By Thomas Buch-Andersen  BBC News, Copenhagen

1: Danish MPs have cancelled a trip to Iran after Tehran demanded they apologise for the republication of cartoons deemed offensive to Islam.

2: Two days before the scheduled trip, Tehran demanded the MPs condemn the cartoon on their arrival in Iran.

3: The row follows the arrest on Tuesday of three men for allegedly planning to murder cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.

4: The following day, 11 Danish papers reprinted his drawing depicting the Prophet with a bomb in his turban.

5: *A condemnation and apology would help convince the Iranian people that Denmark's authorities had distanced themselves from the action, Iran's parliament said in a letter to Danish MPs.

6: Nine members of Denmark's foreign affairs committee were due to arrive in Iran on Monday for a three-day trip focusing on human rights and the Islamic Republic's nuclear programme.

7: "We are not the ones to apologise," said Villy Soevndal, the leader of Denmark's Socialist People's Party.

8: "If anyone needs to apologise for freedom of speech, human rights, imprisonments, executions and lack of democracy, it is the Iranians."

9: Denmark's foreign minister has backed the parliamentarians' decision not to travel.



BBC 「北京の選手がブログ作りを許される」

2008-02-16 | Weblog
Last Updated: Saturday, 16 February 2008, 08:37 GMT

Beijing athletes allowed to blog

1: The International Olympic Committee is for the first time permitting athletes to write blogs.

2: The IOC has set out guidelines for blogging at the Beijing Games to ensure copyright agreements are not infringed.

3: They include bans on posting any audio or visual material of action from the games themselves.

4: The move follows the increasing use of unofficial blogs by athletes in previous Games, including Athens in 2004 and the Turin Winter Games.

5: "It is required that, when accredited persons at the games post any Olympic content, it be confined solely to their own personal Olympic-related experience," said an IOC statement.

6: Posting confidential information about other people is also outlawed. 他人に関する秘密の情報を書くことも禁止されている。

7: "The IOC considers blogging... as a legitimate form of personal expression and not a form of journalism," the Olympic authority said.

8: "Blogs should be dignified and in good taste."

9: The IOC guidelines follow concern that the games could become highly politicized, with China's human rights record, its treatment of dissidents and links with Sudan becoming major issues.

10:* Some national Olympic committees in Europe found themselves at the centre of a row after being accused of trying to prevent athletes from speaking out on issues such as Darfur.


BBC 「ペット犬のクローンが始めて注文される」

2008-02-15 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 15 February 2008, 11:49 GMT

First order for pet dog cloning

1: A South Korean company says it has taken its first order for the cloning of a pet dog.

2: A woman from the United States wants her dead pitbull terrier - called Booger - re-created.

3: RNL Bio is charging the woman, from California, $150,000 (£76,000) to clone the pitbull using tissue extracted from its ear before it died.
PNL Bio社は、カリフォルニアの女性に、犬が死ぬ前に耳から取り出していた繊維を使ってピットブルを作るのに15万ドルを請求している。

4: The work will be carried out by a team from Seoul National University, where the first dog was cloned in 2005.

5: RNL Bio says this is the first time a dog will have been cloned commercially.
RNL Bio社は、犬のクローンが商業的に行われるのはこれが初めてだと言う。

6: "There are many people who want to clone their pet dogs in Western countries even at this high price," company chief executive, Ra Jeong-chan, told the Korea Times.

7: The firm is expecting hundreds more orders for pets over the next few years and also plans to clone dogs trained to sniff out bombs or drugs.

8: One out of every four surrogate mother dogs produces puppies, according to RNL Bio's marketing director, Cho Seong-ryul.
RNL Bio社のマーケティング・ディレクターのショ・ソン-リュ氏によると、代理母犬の4匹のうち1匹が子犬を産む。

9: "The cost of cloning a dog may come down to less than $50,000 as cloning is becoming an industry," he said.

10: The pitbull’s owner, Bernann McKunney, gave the company ear tissue, which an American biotech firm preserved before the animal died 18 months ago.

11: She is said to have been particularly attached to the dog, after it saved her life when another dog attacked her and bit off her arm.

12: The university's team is lead by Professor Lee Byeong-chun, who was previously in a team headed by the disgraced stem cell scientist, Hwang Woo-suk.

13: Mr Hwang's results on cloning human stem cells, initially hailed as a breakthrough, were found to have been falsified and he is now on trial charged with embezzlement and fake research.

14: But the team did succeed in creating the world's first cloned dog two years ago - an Afghan hound named Snuppy.

15: They continued with the programme, cloning more dogs and also producing clones of Korean grey wolves.

