Hello, I’m Noguchi who studying in Canada.🇨🇦
I’m study abroad from May. 3 months passed since I came Canada! ✏️
Today, I’m going to talk about Vancouver airport.✈️ Actually , this topic is a story from 3 months ago. I’m sorry it’s late.🙇🏻
I took an airplane in May to study abroad. 📖Then I took Air Canada. Do you know Air Canada? The color is red a little similar to JAL and the mark is a maple leaf. 🌿Canada is famous for maple leaf.

There are a lot of kinds of maple leaf in Vancouver. Unfortunately it does not smell sweet...
Air Canada is star alliance the same as ANA.
And flight attendants were all experienced people. I’ve never seen people who are so experienced on Japan airlines. I was surprised.
They can speak English and Japanese sometimes Spanish.
The meal was two time.
The meal was given out front to back. At this time if someone wants to go to the washroom, they say “wait till the end!” so, let’s go before it starts!🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️
And if you want some more food, you can order by front monitor. Also your meal can make sure by your monitor but it’s all English. It has many kinds of beverages.
There are souvenir, sightseeing and Canada information in the front monitor. I never got bored.👍🏻
After dinner and in-flight sales, it was dim the cabin lights. Even if after dim, they can serve drink or snack.
I was lucky because my seat was the aisle but my neighbor didn’t go to the washroom at all so I didn’t need to move. However I was a little worried that they didn’t go to the washroom…
My front people who Japanese and maybe Canadian?
They met on the airplane and the had a good relationship on the airplane.
I was surprised. But this is normal in Canada. I didn’t know until I came to Canada. In bus, in train, talking with neighbor is often thing to do. But then I was surprised. Japanese can speak English fluently.
Then I thought I want to be like her. I said “Your English is good , beautiful and easy to hear.” I was surprised because she the same age as me. She said “I’m not yet.” It was very cool!
I want to say such as thing in the same situation!
I thought I want to be close to her level at least by this study abroad.
Thank you for reading! I will post the next post soon! See you next time and have a nice weekend!
皆さんこんにちは。只今カナダ留学中の野口です🇨🇦 今年の5月から留学して、早3ヶ月が経ちました✏️

バンクーバーにはたくさんの種類のメープルの木がありますよ🌿 残念ながら甘い匂いはしません…

前のモニターでは、追加注文、機内食の確認ができます。しかし全部の英語です🍽💦 ドリンクの種類も豊富でしたよ。 また、お土産や観光地、カナダの詳細も見ることができました。まったく飽きませんでした!
長文申し訳ありません。最後までお読みいただきありがとうございございました。次の投稿もすぐに致します!また次の投稿でお会いしましょう 良い週末をお過ごしください!