

マルタの性格研究 – マルタに関する聖書研究 Martha Character Study – Bible Study On Martha

2024-10-11 09:54:14 | 日記
マルタの性格研究 – マルタに関する聖書研究
Martha Character Study – Bible Study On Martha
重要箇所: ルカ 10:38-42、ヨハネ 11:1-44
家系と家族生活: マーサは、姉妹のマリアと兄弟のラザロと一緒に暮らしていたようです。彼らはユダヤ人の家族で、イエスの友人であり信奉者でした。
Key Passages: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44
Ancestry and family life: Martha apparently lived with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus. They were a Jewish family who were friends and followers of Jesus.

マルタが住んでいた時期と場所: マルタは「歓迎の家」または「いちじくの家」を意味するベタニアという町に住んでいました。ベタニアはエルサレムの東約 3 キロ (1.7 マイル) のオリーブ山のふもとにある小さな町です。この町は首都の郊外にあり、エルサレムの混沌とし​​た群衆から少し離れたイエスの重要な休息地でした。イエスは生涯の最後の 1 週間、おそらくマルタとその家族とともにこの町に滞在しました。凱旋入城の日に、イエスはベタニアを出発しました。
町からわずか 3 キロの距離だったので、20 分か 30 分の散歩で十分だったでしょう。
ルカによる福音書 10:38-42 – 彼らが旅を続けておられるうちに、イエスはある村に入られた。マルタという婦人がイエスを家に迎え入れた。彼女にはマリアという姉妹がいて、主の足もとに座って、御言葉に聞き入っていた。しかし、マルタは準備のことで気が散っていたので、イエスのもとに進み出て言った。「主よ、妹がわたしひとりに配膳をさせているのを、何とも思われないのですか。妹に手伝うようにおっしゃってください。」しかし、主は答えて言われた。「マルタ、マルタ、あなたは多くのことに心を配って思い煩っている。しかし、必要なことは一つだけです。マリアは良い方を選んだのです。それを彼女から取り去ってはならないのです。」
Luke 10:38-42 – Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”


1. 良いことで最善を見失う 1. Distracted from the best by the good –

マルタは非常に興味深い人物です。彼女はイエスのホステスとして奉仕するという非常にユニークで特別な機会を得ました。何度か (おそらくイエスの最後の週も含む)、彼女と家族はイエスに自宅を開放しました。これまで生きてきた人々の中で、マルタはイエスと直接会い、友人として個人的な場でイエスと交流できた数少ない人の 1 人です。なんという特権でしょう!
Martha is a very interesting character. She had a very unique and special opportunity to serve as a hostess for Jesus. On several occasions (including probably Jesus’ last week), she and her family opened her home to Jesus. Of all the people who have ever lived, Martha is one of the few who could visit with Jesus face to face and interact with Him in a personal setting as a friend. What a privilege!

But as has been said, “with great privilege comes great responsibility!” Martha had a heavy sense of responsibility at having Jesus over. She wanted to be hospitable. She wanted to be a good host. Martha seems to have wanted everything to be perfect for Jesus. Perhaps she was making Him a special dish. Or perhaps she wanted His room clean and tidy so that He could have a comfortable rest. It is an admirable goal.

But the text says that she was “distracted by all her preparations.” What was she distracted from? She was distracted from spending time with Jesus. Jesus clearly told her that Mary had made the better choice. Mary decided to simply put aside all the work and the worry and focus on listening to Jesus. Martha was thinking, “lazy!” But Jesus commended her. He clearly did not care about having the perfect dinner, the exactly correct seasoning, or a room that was spotless. Jesus wanted to have time with them, the people, His people.

And this was far more important than whatever Martha was readying. Martha had the opportunity of a lifetime. Perhaps decades from now she would surely think back to this very day. People may even ask her, “What was it like to have the Savior in your house?” And Martha might answer, “I don’t really know. I was busy trying to get a stain out of a cloth.”

It was not a wrong thing that she was doing. But it did distract her from something far more valuable.

振り返る: 何かもっと良いことから気をそらしてしまうような良いことは何でしょうか?
Reflect: What are some good things that might distract you from something better?

2. ストレスや不安を感じやすい –
2. Easily stressed and worried –

Jesus could see that Martha was stressed out. And Martha’s worry overflowed to all of those present. Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered by so many things.”

Repeating her name twice was a gentle admonition. Martha was a worry-wart.

Worry can be cause by a lack of faith. Or it can be caused by placing undue importance on non-essential matters.

3. イエスに威張る –
3. Bossy to Jesus –

Martha was stewing about the fact that she had to do all the work. She grew more and more flustered. And finally she had it. So she told Jesus, “Tell her [Mary] to help me.” Martha was taken over by her emotions. And she temporarily lost her mind. Jesus is the Son of the God, the Messiah, the Savior of the world. And here she was bossing Him around, commanding Him to command her sister to help.

It was inappropriate to talk to Jesus in this way. But stress and frustration often causes people to speak without thinking.

In fact, many people treat God like this. They view God as their personal servant or wish-granter. And they expect that God should give them what they want and when they want it. Instead of humbly submitting their petition, they mistakenly demand God to intervene on their behalf. They, like Martha, forget who they are talking to.

Let us think about our petitions carefully and humbly submit them to God as His subjects, not His boss.


1. 親切 –
1. Hospitable –

Martha’s weakness appears to be that she is “too hospitable.” If you are going to have a weakness, that is a pretty good one to have! David was an adulterer. Moses was a murderer. Peter was a liar. And Martha was too hospitable.

Certainly in this case Martha did not choose the most important thing, being with Jesus. But this does not negate the fact that she was a very dedicated hostess. Neither does it mean that we should not pay attention to details and make our guests feel comfortable. We, for example, do not have Jesus visit our houses so do not face the same choice that she did.

1 ペテロ 4:9 – 不平を言わずに互いに親切に接しなさい。

ローマ 12:13 – 聖徒たちの必要に応え、親切に接しなさい。
1 Peter 4:9 – Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

Romans 12:13 – Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Hospitality should be sincere and from the heart. It is not about putting on a show or impressing people.

考察: ホスピタリティとはどのように定義しますか? 優れたホストに必要な資質とは何でしょうか?
Reflect: How would you define hospitality? What are the qualities that a good host needs?

2. 召使い –
2. Servant –

Martha was not looking to have Jesus serve her. One translation says that Martha was “distracted by serving.” Here you can see Martha’s heart. She wanted to make things nice for others. Looking for ways to serve is a good quality.

There are very few people in the world who will be so intent on serving that they are distracted by it.

熟考: 教会や家庭では、やるべき仕事がたくさんあります。例えば、教会で奉仕するあまりいつも忙しく、イエスの足元に座る時間があまりない人がいます。イエスはこう言っています。「私はマルタのように奉仕しています。他の人たちが気を散らすことなく主に集中できるようにするためです。」この人にあなたは何と言いますか。
Reflect: In a church or a family there is a lot of work to do. Take for example a person who serves at church so much they are always busy and don’t have much time to sit at Jesus’ feet. He says, “I am serving like Martha so that others can be free of distractions to focus on the Lord.” What would you say to this person?

3. 信仰 –
3. Faith –

ヨハネ 11:17-27 NIV [17] イエスが到着すると、ラザロはすでに四日間墓の中にいたことがわかった。[18] ベタニアはエルサレムから二マイル足らずの所にあった。[19] 多くのユダヤ人がマルタとマリアのもとに来て、兄弟を失った二人を慰めていた。[20] マルタはイエスが来ると聞いて迎えに出たが、マリアは家に残っていた。[21] マルタはイエスに言った。「主よ、もしあなたがここにいてくださったなら、私の兄弟は死ななかったでしょう。[22] しかし、神はあなたが願うことは何でもかなえて下さることを、私は今でも知っています。」[23] イエスは彼女に言われた。「あなたの兄弟はよみがえります。」[24] マルタは答えた。「終わりの日の復活のときによみがえることは知っています。」[25] イエスは彼女に言われた。「わたしはよみがえりであり、命である。わたしを信じる者は、死んでも生きる。 [26] そして、わたしを信じて生きる者は決して死にません。あなたはこれを信じますか?」[27] 彼女は答えた。「はい、主よ。私はあなたが世に来られるメシア、神の子であると信じています。」
John 11:17-27 NIV [17] On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. [18] Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, [19] and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. [20] When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. [21] “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. [22] But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” [23] Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” [24] Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” [25] Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; [26] and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” [27] “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

When Lazarus got sick, Martha and Mary sent a letter informing Jesus with an implied request that Jesus come and heal Lazarus.

Martha clearly believed in Jesus’ ability to heal. She said, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Martha also believed in the last resurrection. And she made a powerful profession of faith, “Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ, the Son of God, even He who comes into the world.”

Many thought Jesus was a prophet. Others thought He was a good man. Martha is one of the few true followers of Jesus at that time who believed that He was in fact the Messiah. In the end, that is by far the most important thing about Martha. And its especially powerful that she still expressed belief in Jesus even in the wake of her brother’s untimely death. She had some weaknesses. She had some strengths. But she believed in Jesus.

イエスの恵みは、あらゆる欠点を覆い隠すのに十分でした。イエスの恵みは、あらゆる罪を赦すのに十分でした。そして、この聖句に見られるように、イエスはマルタに力強い言葉を発しました。「わたしは復活であり、命である。」これは、イエスがご自身について発した 7 つの「わたしはある」という発言のうちの 1 つです。そして、イエスはマルタに直接それを発しました。もし彼女がイエスを信じていたなら (彼女はそうしていました)、彼女はこの命を得ることができたでしょう。
His grace was sufficient to cover over every defect. His grace was sufficient to forgive every sin. And as we see in the passage, Jesus made a powerful statement to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.” This is one of seven “I am” statements Jesus made about Himself. And He made it personally to Martha. If she believed in Jesus (as she did), she could would have this life.

ローマ人への手紙 6:23 から、罪の報いは死であることがわかります。この死は肉体の死だけでなく、霊的な死も意味します。霊的な死は神との分離であり、地獄での永遠の罰です。これは人間にとって恐ろしい知らせです。私たち自身の努力ではこの運命から逃れることはできません。しかし、イエスは希望を約束しています。
From Romans 6:23 we know that the wages of sin is death. This death doesn’t only refer to physical death, but it also refers to spiritual death. Spiritual death is separation from God and is punished by an eternity in hell. This is terrible news for humans. By our own efforts we cannot escape this fate. But Jesus promises hope!

We don’t have to be doomed to separation from God and punishment! We don’t have to go through life as a slave of sin! By believing in Jesus we can have a new life, here in this earth and after we die.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold new things have come.”

Jesus promises a resurrection in our spiritual lives. He will wash away our sins and give us a new, joyful life in Him. But that’s not all! Even though our body will die, that is not the end for us. It is the beginning of a new and wonderful life in the very presence of Jesus. These are some amazing promises.

But once again Jesus proved they are true. Shortly after he said “I am the resurrection and the life” he raised a man from the dead. Even more incredible, He himself raised from the dead, proving He has the power over death and the power to give us this life.

Important acts and events:

1. イエスの「わたしは復活であり、命である」という言葉の受容者 –
1. Recipient of Jesus’ statement “I am the resurrection and the life.” –

ヨハネの福音書では、イエスは「わたしはある」という有名な主張を 7 回行っています。そのうちのいくつかは群衆や弟子たちに語られました。しかし、サマリア人の女性と並んで、マルタはこれらの発言の 1 つを個人的に受けた唯一の人物です。
In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes seven famous “I am” claims. Some of these were told to the crowds or the disciples. But along with the Samaritan woman, Martha is the only one to personally the object of one of these statements.

2. ラザロが死からよみがえったことの証言 –
2. Witness of Lazarus being arose from the dead –

Martha was an eye-witness of many of Jesus’ amazing deeds and teachings. One of the most amazing was the raising of her brother Lazarus from the dead. Martha noted that he had been in the grave already for four days when Jesus commanded for the tomb to be opened.

Lessons from her life:

1. イエスと共にいることから気をそらすものを何にも許さないでください。
1. Don’t allow anything to distract you from being with Jesus –

We all face many distractions, things which vie for our attention and pull our focus away from Christ. Let’s face it. The world today has far more distractions than what Martha faced. And most of those distractions are both more alluring and worse than he distraction (serving.)

考えてみましょう: 毎日の祈りや礼拝でイエスと充実した時間を過ごすことを妨げるものは何でしょうか。
Reflect: What are some things which may distract you from having quality time with Jesus in devotions and prayer each day?

Here are a few of the distractions that we often face:

Social media
Cell phone

The list could go on and on. Anything and everything could be a distraction. Sometimes distractions are sinful (greed, laziness, lust). Other times they are a part of life. If you have children, you will know that it can be hard to get quiet time free of distractions. You may just settle in for devotions when your kid comes in to tell you a joke or ask for help with a project.

But we must make a way. Spending quality time with Jesus each day is critical. It is not enough to listen to a sermon or an audio Bible while you are focusing on another task. Martha could have overheard Jesus talking, but her heart was not in it. We need a time when we are dedicated fully to meditating on God and His word. During those times we must put aside all distractions, all worries, all stress, and indeed all thoughts of our tasks that day.

今日の世界には「メアリー」よりも「マーサ」の方がはるかに多くいます。誰かに「調子はどう?」と尋ねると、おそらく「忙しい」と答えるでしょう。人生は忙しいです。無数の物事が私たちの注意を引こうと競い合います。そして、これらの光景は、これまでにない方法で私たちの家や生活を侵略しています。それらはクリック 1 回、一目見るだけで見つかります。私たちの携帯電話の中には、発見されるのを待っている、終わりのない気晴らしがすぐそこにあります。これは大きなビジネスです。
There are far more “Marthas” than there are “Marys” in the world today. Ask someone, “how are you” and the odds are good they will answer, “busy.” Life is busy. A million things vie for our attention. And these spectacles are invading our homes and lives in a way they never did before. They are a click away, a glace away. Unending distractions are right there in our our phones waiting to be discovered. It is a big business!

広告会社は、人々の注目を集めるために多額のお金を費やします。映画会社は、人々の注目を集めるためだけに映画を作ります。しかし、それだけではありません。ソーシャル メディアは、注目を集めることがすべてです。投稿には何件の「いいね!」が付きましたか? ビデオ クリップは何人の人が視聴しましたか? 動画はバイラルになりましたか?
Ad companies spend huge amounts of money to get your eyes. Movie companies make movies just to get your eyes. But it goes far beyond that. Social media is all about eyes. How many likes did the post get? How many people viewed the video clip? Has it gone viral?

And companies promote ever manner of either diversions or “necessary” pursuits such as: athletics, thrills, travel, and education. These are all competing for your eyes and your time, which means money.

Even Jesus had to get away from it all (in a world with many fewer distractions) to pray. How much more do we need to put aside distractions and find times to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to Him. It is not enough to have Jesus in our house like Martha did while we are busy and fretting about other things. We must give Him all our attention.

Because you see, Jesus is the greatest spectacle of all! Martha put her attention to the meal. But the real meal was right before her eyes and she missed it. The story of Jesus is the greatest ever told. He actually delivers on all the promises that these paid peddlers of promises fail to fulfill.

ヘブル人への手紙12章2節 – 私たちの信仰の創始者であり完成者であるイエスから目を離さないでください。
Hebrews 12:2 – Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

応用: 毎日イエスと充実した時間を過ごすためには何をする必要がありますか?
Application: What do you need to do to ensure that you have quality time with Jesus each day?

2. イエスと共にいる他の人の邪魔をしないでください。
2. Do not distract anyone else from being with Jesus –

Martha was not only distracted from being with Jesus herself, but her flustered attitude and demand of Mary to help her was distracting others as well. Mary was in the right place with the right attitude, but Martha’s focus on unimportant things threatened that.

この分野では、他の人のつまずきの石にならないよう、細心の注意を払う必要があります。たとえば、これを実践する方法の 1 つは、配偶者が主と過ごす間、交代で子供の面倒を見ることです。配偶者が「ただそこに座っている」間に、あなたが仕事をしたり、子供の面倒を見たりしていると、憤りを感じたくなるかもしれません。しかし、配偶者がしていることは重要であり、結婚生活や家族に実を結ぶことを忘れないでください。小言を言うのではなく、配偶者を支え、励ましてください。
We need to be very careful that we do not become a stumbling block to others in this area. For example, one practical way to apply this is for spouses to take turns watching the kids while their partner spends time with the Lord. There will be a temptation to feel resentment if you are working or facing challenges with the kids while your spouse is “just sitting there.” But remember that what they are doing is important and will bear fruit in your marriage and in the family. Support and encourage them instead of nagging.

3. 些細なことでストレスや心配を抱かないようにする –
3. Do not allow trivial things to cause stress and worry –

Do not major on the minors. Much stress and worry is caused by focusing on things that are either not at all important or completely outside of one’s control. Martha is so famous for worrying that a phrase was invented, “Don’t be a Martha.” It means that you should not worry so much.

You can probably think and remember events in your life that should have been happy, which were ruined or spoiled by excessive worrying. Worrying can wreck the mood of a family, bringing disharmony, grumpiness, complaining, and bad attitudes. And it doesn’t help.

イエスはマタイ6:27でこう言っています。「あなたがたのうち、だれが思い煩ったからといって、自分の命をわずかでも延ばすことができるでしょうか。」 あなたは心配性ですか?心配があなたを圧倒し始めていると感じたら、ちょっと身を引いて心を静めてください。イエスと充実した時間を過ごしてください。そして、ペテロの手紙一5:7の命令に従ってください。「思い煩いを、いっさい神にゆだねなさい。神があなたがたのことを思っておられるからです。」
Jesus said in Matthew 6:27, “And which of you by worrying can add even one hour to his life?” Are you a worrier? When you feel that worry is starting to overcome you, just pull back and quiet yourself down. Spend some quality time with Jesus. And follow the command in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Life is short. Don’t spend it worrying!

4. 神はあなたがしていることと同じことを他の人に求めないかもしれない –
4. God may not ask others to do the same thing as what you are doing –

Maybe God has called you to serve in a specific area. Good! Do your best! But that doesn’t mean God wants everyone else to join you. We are part of a team. And each member has their own gifting and calling. Do not push others to do what you are doing, but instead be understanding that God uses each person in different ways.

5. 神のタイミングは私たちのタイミングとは異なり、神のやり方は私たちのやり方ではない。
5. God’s timing is not our timing and God’s ways are not our ways –

Martha and Mary sent a letter to Jesus, expecting that He would come right away to heal Lazarus. But He didn’t. And Lazarus died. They couldn’t understand why Jesus allowed to happen. And you can almost detect blame in their words, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

イエスはどうしてこんなことが起こるのを許したのでしょうか? 彼らがイエスを必要としたとき、どうしてイエスはすぐに来なかったのでしょうか?
How could Jesus allow this to happen? How could He not come right away when they needed Him?

The answer is that God’s timing is not our timing. God had a bigger and better plan. He was going to do something amazing which they did not understand or expect. Of course we know that He raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus was proving the incredible statement, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He was giving one more powerful evidence that He was the Son of God, an evidence that is still speaking to people today.

Like Martha, we often don’t understand why God does things. We don’t understand why He delays in answering our prayers. But we must trust that He has a plan. And His plan is better than ours.

熟考する: 人生でこの真理を経験した時のことを話してください。祈りの答えが遅れたり、理解できなかった試練があったりしたかもしれません。この経験から何を学びましたか。
Reflect: Share about a time when you have experienced this truth in your life. Perhaps it was a delayed answer to prayer or a trial which you did not understand. What did you learn from this experience?

仕事に専心するCommit to the Work

2024-10-11 08:30:22 | 日記
箴言 16:3 NIV [3] あなたが何をするにも主にゆだねよ。そうすれば、主はあなたの計画を成就される。
Proverbs 16:3 NIV [3] Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.




箴言 16:3 ESV




「神はその恵みにより、特定のことをうまく行うために、私たちにさまざまな賜物を与えてくださいました。ですから、神があなたに預言する能力を与えてくださったのなら、神が与えてくださったのと同じだけの信仰をもって語りなさい。 もしあなたの賜物が他人に仕えることなら、よく仕えなさい。もしあなたが教師なら、よく教えなさい。もしあなたの賜物が他人を励ますことなら、励ますことでありなさい。もしそれが与えることなら、惜しみなく与えなさい。もし神があなたにリーダーシップ能力を与えたなら、その責任を真剣に受け止めなさい。そして、もしあなたが他人に親切を示す賜物を持っているなら、喜んでそれを行いなさい。」
ローマ12:6-8 NLT


- 努力で神を敬う
- 交流する人々を大切にする
- 忠実に什一献金を返す
- 真実と愛を促進する
- 優しく寛大に生きる
- 思慮深く自分の時間を活用する
- 神から与えられた創造力を活用して神を讃える


私たちの仕事は従順であり、神の仕事は他のすべてです。 ですから、何をするにしても、あなたの仕事、努力、そして人生を神に委ね、神があなたを通して働かれるのを見守ってください。

Commit to the Work

It’s a complex dance—being faithful with the opportunities God gives you while also trusting Him with the variables that are out of your control.

The writer of Proverbs, typically attributed to King Solomon, said this:

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

It sounds simple enough—to commit your work to the Lord. But it takes intentional effort, continual surrender, and genuine trust.

Throughout Scripture, we see all kinds of work: farming, building, pastoring, parenting, fishing, doctoring, leading, designing, singing, writing, engineering, shepherding, and much more.

In his letter to the Roman believers, Paul discusses talents and gifts when he says:

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:6-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You can commit your work to God by:

- honoring Him with your efforts
- valuing the people you interact with
- faithfully returning the tithe
- promoting truth and love
- living graciously and generously
- thoughtfully utilizing your time
- leveraging your God-given creativity to glorify Him

You can plant a seed in good soil, position it for ideal sunlight, and water it consistently, but—above all—it’s God who gave you the seed and it’s God who makes the seed grow.

Our job is obedience, God’s job is everything else. So whatever you do, commit your work, your efforts, and your life to Him—and watch Him work through you.

A Prayer to Surrender My Plans to God

God, I want my life to be lived for Your glory. In moments where it is difficult for me to surrender my plans to You, please help me to focus on Your vision for the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

誘惑から身を守る Defend Against Temptation

2024-10-11 05:23:18 | 日記
Defend Against Temptation

Temptation comes to all; the wise prepare for it.

ヤコブ 1:12-16 NIV [12] 試練に耐える人は幸いです。その人は試練に耐えて、主がご自身を愛する者に約束された命の冠を受けるからです。[13] 誘惑に遭っても、だれも「神が私を誘惑している」と言ってはなりません。神は悪に誘惑されるような方ではなく、また、だれを誘惑することもないからです。[14] 人はみな、自分の欲に引きずり出され、おびき寄せられて誘惑されるのです。[15] こうして、欲ははらんで罪を生み、罪が成熟して死を生みます。[16] 愛する兄弟姉妹たち、惑わされてはいけません。
James 1:12-16 NIV [12] Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. [13] When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; [14] but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. [15] Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. [16] Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.

コリント人への第一の手紙 10:13 NIV [13] あなたがたは、人間に共通する誘惑以外には、何の誘惑も受けていません。神は真実な方ですから、あなたがたが耐えられないほどの誘惑に遭うことはなさいません。誘惑に遭うと、それに耐えられるように、逃れる道も備えてくださっています。
1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV [13] No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

ヤコブ 4:7 NIV [7] ですから、神に従いなさい。悪魔に立ち向かいなさい。そうすれば、悪魔はあなたから逃げ去るでしょう。
James 4:7 NIV [7] Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

誘惑に負けそうになったとき、誘惑の仕組みを理解しておくと役に立ちます。すべての罪は思考から生じます (ヤコブ 1:14-15)。その思考に執着すると、それは空想になってしまいます。つまり、その考えを追求するとどうなるかを、実際に実行することなく想像するチャンスになってしまいます。空想は簡単に感情と絡み合います。これが欲望を生み出し、選択を迫られる地点に至ります。そして、罪に同意するか拒否するかのどちらかを選ばなければなりません。このプロセスは非常に危険です。思考から選択への進行はほぼ瞬時に起こり得るからです。
When we struggle with temptation, understanding how it works can be helpful. Every sin originates as a thought (James 1:14-15). If we hold on to the thought, it becomes a fantasy—the chance to imagine what pursuing that notion would be like, without actually doing so. Fantasies can easily become entangled with our emotions. This creates a desire, which brings us to the point where a choice must be made. And we must either consent to the sin or refuse. This process is quite dangerous, as the progression from thought to choice can be almost instantaneous.

賢明な信者は誘惑に抵抗することを事前に決意します。彼らは攻撃を受ける前に防御を構築します。良い防御には二つの基礎があります。神がすべてを支配しておられることを認識することと、神に従う決意です(コリント人への第一の手紙 10:13、ヤコブの手紙 4:7)。
Wise believers determine ahead of time to resist temptation. They build the defense before the offense happens. There are two cornerstones to a good defense: the recognition that God’s in control and the commitment to obey Him (1 Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7).

We can further fortify our defense when temptation actually comes. Satan has a way of spotlighting the pleasure of sin until it’s all we see. But with prayerful effort, we can retrain our focus to take in the bigger picture: Is this choice a violation of God’s Word? What are the consequences?

No one can resist temptation perfectly—we’ll all continue to struggle with sin. But the more we meditate on Scripture and communicate with God, the stronger our defense will be.