

影響力のある祈り Praying With Impact

2024-10-15 16:37:27 | 日記
Praying With Impact

Communication with the Lord is a vital part of the Christian life.

ヨハネの手紙一 5:14-15 NIV [14] 神に近づくにあたって、私たちが何事でも神の御心にかなう願いをするなら、神はその願いを聞いてくださるという確信が私たちにはある。[15] 神が私たちの願いを聞いてくださると分かれば、私たちは、何を願っても、神に願ったものはかなえられたと知っている。
1 John 5:14-15 NIV [14] This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. [15] And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

詩篇 66:18 NIV [18] もし私が心に罪を抱いていたなら、主は耳を傾けなかったでしょう。
Psalms 66:18 NIV [18] If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;

ヨハネ 14:13 NIV [13] あなたがたがわたしの名によって求めることは何でも、わたしはかなえてあげます。それは、父が子によって栄光をお受けになるためです。
John 14:13 NIV [13] And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

民数記 23:19 NIV [19] 神は人間ではないから、偽りを言うことはない。人間ではないから、考えを変えることはない。神は語っておいて、実行しないだろうか。約束しておいて、果たさないだろうか。
Numbers 23:19 NIV [19] God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Prayer is a common practice for believers, but we can easily lose sight of its greater purpose—communing with God and discerning His will for our life. Because communication with Him is so vital, it’s wise to step back at times and ask yourself these questions:

What are my prayers accomplishing in me? Does praying make you feel closer to the Lord or is it more of a “have to”?

Who am I praying for? Are most of your requests for yourself or others?

What am I asking God to do? Have you looked in His Word to see what He wants, or are you trying to get Him to intervene according to your plans and desires?

When do I pray? Do you call on the Lord only during emergencies or when you need something?

If you discovered any selfishness in your answers, you’re not alone. Most of us struggle to enter God’s presence with our eyes focused solely on Him. Your prayer life can become energizing and potent if you approach the Lord with a clean heart (Psalm 66:18), align your requests with His will (John 14:13), and believe He will do what He says (Numbers 23:19). We won’t be able to do these things perfectly, but the more we try, the more confident we’ll be in our prayers to God.”

1 John This is Love

2024-10-15 16:20:50 | 日記
重要な聖句: ヨハネ第一 2:1-2

愛する子供たちよ、私があなたたちにこれを書いているのは、あなたたちが罪を犯さないようにするためです。しかし、もし誰かが罪を犯したとしても、私たちには父のもとで弁護してくれる方がいます。それは、義なる方、イエス・キリストです。2 彼は私たちの罪を償う犠牲であり、私たちだけでなく、全世界の罪を償う犠牲です。



あなたは、自分が犯した罪、自分にされた罪、またはあなたの周りの罪を恥じて生きる必要はありません。 それらはあなたの人生のレッテルや人生の制限要因になる必要はありません。



いいえ!イエスが十字架上であなたのためにしてくださったことのせいで、罪があなたを定義する必要はなく、むしろ罪があなたを神から引き離します。イエスはあなたの弁護者です。あなたの罪の中で、罪のない救世主であり、十字架上で私たちのすべての罪を償ったイエスは、父なる神の前に立ち、あなたの保証人となります。彼の殺された血は確かにあなたを神に近づけます。イエスはあなたの弁護者です。あなたの罪の中で、イエスは罪のない救世主であり、十字架上で私たちのすべての罪を償ったイエスは、父なる神の前に立ち、あなたの保証人となります。彼の殺された血はあなたを覆います。さて、罪にはイエスが決定権を持っていません。 自分の罪を隠したり、自分の罪を正当化したり、罪のせいで恐怖に怯えながら生きる必要はありません。その代わりに、神に頼って自分の罪を告白することができます。神の慈悲を受け、聖霊の力に頼って他の信者からの愛と支えを経験し、イエスの教えに従うことができます。

Key Verse: 1 John 2:1-2

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father— Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.


I am so grateful that God doesn't call us to pursue holiness and then when we fall short, respond in judgment: "Well, I guess you don't make the cut. I guess you don't have what it takes. I guess you aren't deserving of another chance." No, God knew we were going to struggle with sin. He knew we would falter and fail. In His perfect love, He provided a way we could overcome the power of sin.

You don't have to live in shame about the sin you have committed, the sin done to you, or the sin around you. They don't have to become the label on your life and the limiting factor in your life.

Addicted. Loser. Failure.

Confused. Broken. Damaged. Impure. Bully. Hothead.

No! Because of what Jesus did for you on the cross, sin doesn't have to define you, and it certainly does have to separate you from God. Jesus is your Advocate. In your sin, Jesus, who is the sinless Savior, the one who atoned for all our sins on the cross, stands before God the Father and vouches for you. His blood that was slain certainly does have to separate you from God. Jesus is your Advocate. In your sin,Jesus, who is the sinless Savior, the one who atoned for all our sins on the cross, stands before God the Father and vouches for you. His blood that was slain covers you. Now, sin doesn't have the final say Jesus does. You don't have to hide your sin, justify your sin, or live in fear because of your sin. Instead, you can turn to God and confess your sin. You can receive His mercy, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to experience love and support from other believers, and obey Jesus' teachings.

思っているより近いCloser Than You Think

2024-10-15 15:59:16 | 日記
詩篇 34:18 NIV [18] 主は心の打ち砕かれた者たちに近づき、霊の打ちひしがれた者たちを救われる。
Psalms 34:18 NIV [18] The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.






詩篇 34:18 NLT

詩篇 34 の著者であるダビデは、自分の生き方を説きました。彼は激しい高揚と激しい落ち込みを経験しましたが、自分の状況の中で神の存在を認識しました。彼は神が近くにいること、そして神がどんな状況も一瞬で変えることができることを知っていました。

あなたの心は傷ついていますか? 精神は打ちひしがれていますか?

神はあなたがいるところに会います。 神はあなたを忘れてはいません。






Closer Than You Think

In one unsuspecting moment, everything can change.

A relationship can shatter, a dream can suddenly end. Your heart can break for a million different reasons: grief, rejection, loneliness, uncertainty, tragedy, betrayal.

When something terrible happens and the world makes zero sense…

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
Psalm 34:18 NLT

David, the writer of Psalm 34, preached what he lived. He experienced some intense highs and fierce lows, but he recognized God’s presence in the midst of his circumstances. He knew that God was near, and God could change any situation in an instant.

Is your heart broken? Is your spirit crushed?

God is near.
He hasn’t left you to fight for yourself.
He sees you in your heartbreak.
He meets you where you are.
He has not forgotten you.
He has not abandoned you.

This doesn’t mean you won’t face hard things. But even when your mind races and your heart doubts, God offers a peace and an intimacy that cannot be fully explained.

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we now have constant access to God’s presence through His Holy Spirit. There are many places in the Bible where the Holy Spirit is described as the Comforter—ready to soothe, guide, counsel, and encourage.

The comfort we receive from God is a gift from His Spirit who is always with us. So if your heart is breaking and your spirit is crushed, know that you are in good hands. God is near, and He will not abandon you.

Today, take a few moments to name anything that has crushed your spirit. Then, give yourself permission to just sit in God’s presence for a few moments. When you’re ready, consider memorizing today’s verse and meditate on it throughout your day.

Draw Close to Me

Father God, You are always near, but today I am inviting You to come close to me. Show me how near You are. Here are my burdens—please take them. I am tired of pretending that I can carry them. Remove my fears and replace any heaviness in my life with Your relentless love. Come close to me as I come close to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

リーダーの人生 The Life of a Leader

2024-10-15 13:38:34 | 日記
The Life of a Leader

優れたリーダーシップは、いつでも、どこでも、人生のあらゆる分野で不可欠です。しかし、優れたリーダーシップとは何でしょうか? 「リーダーシップは、戦略と人格の強力な組み合わせです。しかし、リーダーシップがなければ、戦略も持たないことになります。」これは、1991 年の湾岸戦争で連合軍の司令官を務めたノーマン シュワルツコフ将軍の言葉です。
Good leadership is vital at all times, in all places and in all areas of life. But what *is* good leadership? ‘Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.’ These are the words of General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the coalition forces in the Gulf War of 1991.

Character is what really matters. It is the only thing that counts in the end. We make a distinction in our church between those in positions of leadership and those ‘on their way in’. We welcome everyone regardless of their lifestyle. We have a big front door. Everyone is welcome. The church is not a museum displaying perfect people. It is a hospital in the traditional sense of the word – a place of hospitality and restoration. It is a place where the wounded, hurt, broken and injured find healing. It is a community of sinners.

On the other hand, we do not put people in positions of leadership if their lifestyle is in direct contrast to the New Testament. Leadership is not only functional, but also involves a responsibility to live *as an example* to others. Leaders are models for the rest of the congregation.

Of course, no one is perfect. You do not have to be perfect to be an example. However, we try to ensure that the lifestyle and character of our leaders is in line with the New Testament.

詩篇 119:57-64 NIV [57] 主よ、あなたは私の分です。私はあなたの御言葉に従うと約束しました。[58] 私は心を尽くしてあなたの御顔を求めました。あなたの約束に従って私に恵みをお与えください。[59] 私は自分の道を熟慮し、あなたの掟に従って歩みました。[60] 私はあなたの戒めに従うために急いで、遅れません。[61] 悪人が私を縄で縛っても、私はあなたの律法を忘れません。[62] 真夜中に起きて、あなたの正しい律法に感謝します。[63] 私はあなたを恐れるすべての人、あなたの戒めに従うすべての人の友です。[64] 主よ、あなたの愛は地に満ちています。あなたの掟を教えてください。
Psalms 119:57-64 NIV [57] You are my portion, Lord; I have promised to obey your words. [58] I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise. [59] I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. [60] I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands. [61] Though the wicked bind me with ropes, I will not forget your law. [62] At midnight I rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws. [63] I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts. [64] The earth is filled with your love, Lord; teach me your decrees.

Worship leaders

‘The real test, in these days’, as John Wimber put it, ‘will not be the writing and producing of new and great worship music. The real test will be the godliness and character of those who deliver it.’

The psalmist was a worship leader who walked in a close relationship with the Lord: ‘Because you have satisfied me, God, I promise to do everything you say’ (v.57, MSG).

The worship leader who has sought the face of the Lord with all their heart (v.58) is in a position to lead the congregation in praise of God. The psalmist is really careful to keep to God’s ways, ‘I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes’ (v.59).

Even in real difficulties, do not forget God’s law: ‘Though the wicked bind me with ropes, I will not forget your law’ (v.61).

Inspiration sometimes comes in the middle of the night: ‘I get up in the middle of the night to thank you; your decisions are so right, so true – I can’t wait till morning!’ (v.62, MSG). It is vital to be part of a worshipping community: ‘I’m a friend and companion to all who fear you, of those committed to living by your rules’ (v.63, MSG).

Here is a worship leader who has a deep appreciation of God’s love: ‘The earth is filled with your love, O Lord’ (v.64). God’s love for you should be right at the heart of your worship.

Lord, I seek your face today with all my heart. Be gracious to me just as you have promised (v.58).

1テモテ3:1-16 NIV [1] ここに信頼できる言葉があります。監督になろうとする者は、立派な仕事を願っています。[2] 監督は非難されるところがなく、妻に忠実で、節度を保ち、慎み深く、礼儀正しく、客をもてなし、教える力があり、[3] 酒を飲まず、暴力を振るわず、温和で、争いを好まず、金銭を愛さず、[4] 自分の家族をよく治め、子供たちが自分に従順であるようにしなければなりません。また、尊敬に値する方法でそうしなければなりません。[5] 自分の家族を治めることも知らない人が、どうして神の教会の世話をすることができるでしょうか。[6] 改宗したばかりの人であってはいけません。そうでないと、うぬぼれて悪魔と同じ裁きを受けることになります。[7] また、外部の人々から良い評判を得ている人でなければなりません。そうしないと、恥辱に陥ったり、悪魔の罠にかかったりすることになります。 [8] 同じように、執事たちも、敬われるべき者、誠実な者、大酒を飲まない者、不正な利益を追い求めない者、 [9] きよい良心をもって信仰の深い真理を保っていなければならない。 [10] 彼らはまず吟味され、それから、何も責められるところがなければ、執事の職に就くべきである。 [11] 同じように、婦人たちも敬われるべき者、悪口を言う者ではなく、節度を保ち、すべてのことにおいて誠実な者でなければならない。 [12] 執事は妻に忠実であり、子どもと家庭をよく管理しなければならない。 [13] よく仕えた人は、立派な評判と、キリスト・イエスに対する信仰の大きな確信とを得る。 [14] 私は、すぐにでもあなたのところへ行きたいと願っていますが、これらの指示をあなたに書き送るのは、[15] もし私が遅れたとしても、生ける神の教会である神の家で、人々がどのようにふるまうべきかを、あなたがたが知るためです。教会は、真理の柱であり土台です。 [16] 真の敬虔さの源となる神秘は、疑いようもなく偉大です。キリストは肉体で現れ、聖霊によって義とされ、天使たちに見られ、諸国民に宣べ伝えられ、世界で信じられ、栄光のうちに上げられました。
1 Timothy 3:1-16 NIV [1] Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. [2] Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, [3] not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. [4] He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. [5] (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) [6] He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. [7] He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap. [8] In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. [9] They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. [10] They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. [11] In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. [12] A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. [13] Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. [14] Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, [15] if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. [16] Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

Church leaders

In one sense of the word, every Christian is a leader. If leadership is about influence, all of us have influence at school, in the workplace, at home and in community. But this passage is specifically about leadership in the church.

The church should be like a home. It is ‘God’s household’ (v.15). Leading a church is like leading a big family. Paul asks how anyone can lead a church if they can’t lead their own family (v.5).

Good leaders should be capable of running their own households (vv.4,12) (the same Greek word is used as for God’s household – the church). They should be capable of guiding and nurturing their own family with wisdom, love and faithfulness.

It is interesting that almost all of the qualities needed to be an overseer are just the same as those encouraged in terms of godliness for all Christians. The Scottish minister, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, once said, ‘My people’s greatest need is my own personal holiness.’

The list of characteristics is extensive (v.2). Leaders should be ‘well thought of’. They should live in such a way that no one can find good grounds to accuse them of wrongdoing.

If they are married they need to be faithful to their marriage partners. Faithfulness, loyalty, trustworthiness is key to leadership and it starts with faithfulness in marriage.

They need to be ‘sensible’ (v.2, AMP). Being a Christian does not mean abandoning common sense. Quite the opposite. Much day-to-day decision-making simply involves godly, spirit-filled leaders prayerfully using their common sense.

The word for ‘overseer’ is sometimes translated ‘bishop’. It is not wrong to desire to be a bishop, ‘Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task’ (v.1).

司教と執事の違いの 1 つとして、司教は「最近改宗した者であってはならない」 (6 節) というのが興味深いと思います。これは執事には当てはまりません。信仰に目覚めたばかりの人を、アルファの小グループのリーダーなど、リーダーの地位に就かせることを批判する人が時々います。私はいつも、司教になることを求めているのではなく、アルファの小グループのホストとして奉仕することを求めているだけだと答えています。
I find it interesting that one of the differences between a bishop and a deacon is that the bishop ‘must not be a recent convert’ (v.6). This does not apply to deacons. Sometimes people criticise putting those who are new to faith into positions of leadership – such as leading small groups on Alpha. My reply, always, is that we are not asking them to be bishops, only to serve as hosts in an Alpha small group!

The reason Paul gives for why an overseer must not be a recent convert, is that they ‘may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil’ (vv.4–6). The devil fell through pride. There is a danger for all Christian leaders of falling into spiritual pride.

執事の試験は監督の試験と非常に似ています。執事は文字通り「召使」を意味します。もともと、執事は食卓で奉仕するために選ばれた人々でした(使徒行伝 6:1–7)。イエスは奉仕型リーダーシップのモデルを示しました(マルコ 10:35–45)。アルバート アインシュタインはかつて、「他人に奉仕して生きる人生だけが生きる価値がある」と言いました。奉仕があなたにとって下等なことなら、リーダーシップはあなたには無理です。
The test for deacons is very similar to overseers. A deacon literally means ‘a servant’. Originally, they were people set aside to serve at tables (Acts 6:1–7). Jesus provided the model for servant leadership (Mark 10:35–45). Albert Einstein once said, ‘Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.’ If service is beneath you, then leadership is beyond you.

これらの奉仕の指導者とその結婚相手(テモテへの第一の手紙 3:11)は、強い、実績のある性格の持ち主でなければなりません。結婚した教会の指導者を選ぶ際には、必ず両方のパートナーが参加するべきです。彼らは尊敬に値し、誠実で、酒に溺れず、正直で、信仰に満ち、信頼でき、結婚生活において忠実でなければなりません(8~12節)。
These servant leaders and their marriage partners (1 Timothy 3:11) need to be people of strong and proven character. This is why any good selection process for married church leaders should involve both partners. They should be worthy of respect, sincere, not prone to drunkenness, honest, full of faith, trustworthy, and faithful in marriage (vv.8–12).

Above all, leaders are to be people of godly character. In fact, the sole quality in the list that is not directly linked to our character is being ‘able to teach’ (v.2). Church leaders are to be Christians of good character who are able to teach.

Mark Twain quipped, ‘To do what is right is wonderful. To teach what is right is even more wonderful – and much easier.’ The task of Christian leadership is to align our life and character with our teaching. That is a challenge for all of us and will be a lifelong process of becoming like Jesus who is the model of ‘godliness’ (v.16).

Of course, before anyone (bishop or deacon) is put in a major position of leadership they need to be ‘tried and investigated and proved’ (v.10, AMP). A faith that has not been tested cannot be trusted. We are tested by difficulties, disappointments and desert times. Hopefully these mature us, developing our character and make us ready for leadership.

Lord, help me by your Spirit to live up to your high standards and be above reproach.

エレミヤ書 38:1-40:6
Jeremiah 38:1-40:6
エレミヤ書 38:1 新共同訳 [1] マタンの子シェファトヤ、パシュフルの子ゲダルヤ、シェレムヤの子ユカル、マルキヤの子パシュフルは、エレミヤがすべての民に次のように語っているのを聞いた。

Prophetic leaders

Faithfulness to God and good character do not guarantee prosperity and a pain-free life. In fact, for Jeremiah, the opposite was the case.

Jeremiah was a prophet whose life and character is a fine example for us. He remained faithful to God. He continued to hear God’s word and to speak it out. This was in spite of the fact that he suffered a great deal for his pains.

Over and over again, he was threatened, beaten, locked up, put in an underground dungeon and then thrown into a muddy cistern to be left to starve to death. Yet he continued to listen to God’s message and spoke it out courageously.

On the whole, the people were unresponsive. He was completely misunderstood (38:4). He was condemned for destroying morale and actually causing harm to the people he was trying to save. You should not be surprised if you receive the same treatment.

Once rescued from the cistern, Jeremiah was brought before King Zedekiah for the fourth time. Zedekiah was a man with a wishbone rather than a backbone. It was out of cowardice that Zedekiah disobeyed the law (v.19). He was afraid of the people – rather like Pontius Pilate who condemned Jesus.

Four times God had spoken to Zedekiah to try and save him from the consequences of his actions. Each time he had weakly refused to obey. In chapter 39, we read of the consequences. Jeremiah is finally vindicated (40:1–6).

Lord, please bless and strengthen the leaders of our churches today. May their lifestyles and characters inspire us all to lead good and fruitful lives.

テモテへの第一の手紙 3:11 にはこうあります:


Pippa Adds
1 Timothy 3:11 says:

‘In the same way, wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.’

Now there’s a challenge!

新しいアイデンティティ A New Identity

2024-10-15 12:51:44 | 日記
マタイ4:18-19 NIV [18] イエスはガリラヤ湖のほとりを歩いておられたとき、二人の兄弟、ペテロと呼ばれるシモンとその兄弟アンデレをごらんになった。彼らは湖に網を打っていた。彼らは漁師であった。[19] 「わたしについて来なさい」とイエスは言われた。「わたしは、あなたがたを遣わして、人間をとる漁師にしよう。」
Matthew 4:18-19 NIV [18] As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. [19] “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

マタイ 28:18-20 NIV [18] するとイエスは彼らのところに来て言われた、「わたしは天と地のすべての権威を授けられた。 [19] だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての国の人々を弟子としなさい。父と子と聖霊の名によって彼らに洗礼を授け、 [20] わたしがあなたがたに命じておいたすべてのことを守るように教えなさい。確かにわたしは世の終わりまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいる。」
Matthew 28:18-20 NIV [18] Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

A New Identity

あなたは自分を弟子を作る人だと思いますか? 弟子を作ることは、自分の手の届かない超精神的なレベルのキリスト教だと思っているため、イエスと答えるのをためらっているかもしれません。 しかし、イエスは弟子を作ることを、すべての追随者にとって基本的な役割だと話しました。 イエスが最初にシモンとアンデレを弟子として召されたとき、イエスは彼らがもはや網に魚を集めるのではなく、人々を神の国に集めることになるだろうと明言しました(マタイ 4:18–20)。 そして、イエスが友人たちに最後に言った言葉は、すべての国の人々を弟子にするという呼びかけでした(マタイ 28:18–20)。 地上での宣教活動を通じて、イエスは弟子になるということは、世界中で他の人々を弟子にすることを意味すると明言しました。 その使命は、今日も私たち追随者に当てはまります。 神は、私たちがイエスに似た者になることで神を喜び、讃えることを望んでいるだけではありません。 より多くの国々のより多くの人々がイエスに似た者になることで神を喜び、讃えることを望んでいるのです。 ですから、私たちの弟子であることには、神を喜ぶことだけでなく、積極的に弟子を作ること、そしてその弟子たちが今度は神を賛美することが含まれます…
Would you describe yourself as a disciple-maker? Maybe you’re hesitant to say yes, because you think of making disciples as a super-spiritual level of Christianity beyond your reach. But Jesus talked about disciple-making as a foundational role for all his followers. When Jesus first called Simon and Andrew to be his disciples, he made it clear they’d no longer be gathering fish into nets but people into God’s Kingdom (Matthew 4:18–20). And Jesus’ last words to his friends were a call to make disciples of every nation (Matthew 28:18–20). Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus made it clear that to be his disciple meant making disciples of others, worldwide. That commission still stands for us, his followers today. God doesn’t just want us to enjoy and exalt him by becoming more like Jesus; he wants more people in more nations to enjoy and exalt him by becoming more like Jesus. So, our discipleship involves not only delighting in God but actively making disciples who, in turn, glorify …

Despite this clear biblical mandate, many Christians seem to think disciple-making is optional. Sadly, many lifelong believers have attended church and engaged in some church-related activities, but have never led anyone to faith in Jesus, or mentored any new Christians, and so have missed out on their disciple-making calling. Imagine how the world might change if we broke free from this kind of culturally acceptable way of practicing Christianity. God has not saved you to sit you on the sidelines of his grand purpose in the world. God has invited you to play a significant part in his plan to reach all the nations of the world with the greatest news in the world.

There are four fundamental components to disciple-making, as outlined in Matthew 28: (1) sharing the Word, (2) showing the Word, (3) teaching the Word, and (4) serving the world. We get to tell those who don’t know Jesus the good news of his love for them. We get a picture of the Word’s transformative power in baptism. And we get to teach God’s Word, a task extending to all believers and not something restricted to pastors only. Disciple-makers are called to serve the world by actively engaging in these practices among all nations.

Take some time to think about your sphere of influence: your family, friends, classmates, co-workers, and neighbors. What would it look like for you, this week, to share, show, and teach God’s Word more strategically or intentionally with the people around you—and perhaps even those far away? May you begin to embrace, more and more, the identity of a disciple-maker. May the Holy Spirit continue to empower you to move outside of your comfort zone and love others enough to point them to Jesus.