
ルカによる福音書 1:26-38 NIV
[26] エリサベツが妊娠して六か月目に、神は天使ガブリエルをガリラヤの町ナザレに遣わし、[27] ダビデの子孫ヨセフという男と婚約している処女のところに遣わしました。その処女の名はマリアでした。[28] 天使は彼女のところに行って言いました。「恵まれた方よ、おめでとう。主があなたと共におられます。」[29] マリアはその言葉に非常に動揺し、これはいったい何の挨拶なのだろうと思いました。[30] しかし天使は彼女に言いました。「マリアよ、恐れることはありません。あなたは神の恵みをお受けになりました。[31] あなたはみごもって男の子を産みます。その子をイエスと名付けなさい。[32] その子は偉大な人となり、いと高き方の子と呼ばれます。主なる神は彼に父ダビデの王座をお与えになります。[33] 彼はヤコブの子孫をとこしえに治めます。 彼の王国は永遠に続くでしょう。」 [34] 「どうしてそんなことが起こるのでしょう」とマリアは天使に尋ねました。「私は処女なのに?」 [35] 天使は答えました。「聖霊があなたに臨み、いと高き方の力があなたを包むでしょう。それで生まれる聖なる者は神の子と呼ばれます。 [36] あなたの親戚のエリサベツも年老いてから子供を産みます。妊娠できないと言われていた彼女は、もう妊娠六か月です。 [37] 神の言葉は決して失われることはありません。」 [38] 「私は主のはしためです」とマリアは答えました。「私に言われた言葉が成就しますように。」それから天使は彼女から去りました。
Luke 1:26-38 NIV
[26] In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, [27] to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. [28] The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” [29] Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. [30] But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. [31] You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. [32] He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, [33] and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” [34] “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” [35] The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. [36] Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. [37] For no word from God will ever fail.” [38] “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
エレミヤ 29:11 NIV
[11] わたしはあなたがたのために立てている計画を知っている」と主は言われる、「それはあなたがたを平安に導く計画であり、あなたがたに災いをもたらす計画ではない。それはあなたがたに将来と希望を与える計画である。」
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
[11] For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
3日目: 意外な場所での信仰
Day 3: Faith In Unlikely Places
Faith is a tricky thing. We want to have faith in all things, and yet, it is so difficult to truly put our trust in the plans that the Lord has for us. He promises to be near to us in a heart-break, but we doubt it when we can’t feel Him. He promises that He’s a Father that gives good gifts, but we have trouble seeing His goodness.
イエスが生まれた当時、世界は暗黒でした。主の備えを見るのは困難でした。実際、神の言葉を語る大預言者が現れないまま 400 年が経過していました。しかし、そんな中、神は私たちの救世主の母親として、マリアという名の少女を選ばれたのです。
At the time of Jesus’s birth - the world was dark. It was hard to see the Lord’s provision. In fact, 400 years had gone by without a major prophet rising up to speak God’s words. But, it’s in the midst of this that God chooses an unlikely mother for our Savior: a young girl named Mary.
During this time and culture, purity was of the utmost importance. Mary knew that by giving birth to Jesus, she was going to be facing questions from everyone about the legitimacy of His birth and who was His “real” Father. She would have also feared that Joseph would no longer want to marry her. And worse - culture would have considered her soiled and dirty - thus leading to being possibly cast out from her father’s house, left for dead.
And yet, Mary responds in faith. She says, “I am the Lord’s servant,” (Luke 1:38) - thus surrendering to God’s plan. It would have seemed impossible. It would have felt ridiculous. Can you imagine the conversations she may have had with herself - “Mary, people are never going to believe that an ANGEL came to visit you”, “Mary - there is no way that you would be chosen for this”. Despite all of the possible doubt, attacks of the Enemy, and confusion - she walks in faithfulness.
And we can aspire to have this same faith, boldly going to the throne of God and asking Him to strengthen us in that same way.
Take a moment to think about where you are experiencing doubt in God’s promises or a lack of belief in His goodness. Then, pray with us.
Would you show us your heart today? Would you strengthen each of us to have the faith that Mary did. You can do abundantly more than we can think, ask or imagine. Let us walk in the faith of that. In the truth of that statement. In the goodness of that promise. You are so so good, Father. We love you and we celebrate you. Thank you for all that you are and the faith that you continue to instill in us. Amen, amen, amen.