Doing Hard Things the Right Way
Doing hard things requires us to be lion-like – bold, steely and courageous. Doing things the right way means being like a lamb – gentle, meek and submissive. We are supposed to be a godly mixture of the qualities of both the lion and the lamb. But how can one person be both ‘the Lion’ and ‘the Lamb’?
C.S. ルイスのナルニア物語では、ライオンのアスランはイエスを表しています。これらの本の中で最も有名な *ライオンと魔女* では、アスランは殺害されます。「「縛れ、と!」白い魔女は繰り返しました...「まず、ひげを剃りましょう」...ひげを剃られたアスランの顔は...これまで以上に勇敢で、美しく、忍耐強く見えました。「口枷をつけて!」魔女は言いました...生き物の群れ全体が彼を蹴り、殴り、唾をかけ、嘲笑しました...彼らは縛られ口枷をされた *ライオン* を石のテーブルまで引きずり始めました。」
In C.S. Lewis’s Narnia books, the lion, Aslan, represents Jesus. In the most famous of these books, *The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe*, Aslan is slain: ‘“Bind him, I say!” repeated the White Witch... “Let him first be shaved” … the shorn face of Aslan looked… braver, and more beautiful, and more patient than ever. “Muzzle him!” said the Witch… the whole crowd of creatures kicking him, hitting him, spitting on him, jeering at him… They began to drag the bound and muzzled *Lion* to the Stone Table.’
Later, ‘they heard from behind them a loud noise – a great cracking, deafening noise… The Stone Table was broken into two pieces by a great crack that ran down it from end to end… There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.’ Aslan tells them that ‘when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards.’
黙示録では、イエスが天の玉座の中央に立っておられるのが見られます。イエスはライオンであり、子羊です。イエスは勝利を収め(「勝利を得た」、5:5)、また殺されました(「あなたは殺された」、9節)。C.S. ルイスは想像力豊かで力強い方法で、イエスが「ユダ族のライオン」(黙示録 5:5)であり、「殺された子羊」(6節)でもあることを示しています。
In the book of Revelation, we see Jesus is standing at the centre of the throne of heaven. He is the Lion and the Lamb. He is both triumphant (‘has triumphed’, 5:5) and slain (‘you were slain’, v.9). In an imaginative and powerful way, C.S. Lewis shows how Jesus can be both ‘the *Lion* of the tribe of Judah’ (Revelation 5:5) and ‘a *Lamb \[that\] had been slain*’ (v.6).
箴言 30:11-23 NIV
[11] 「父を呪い、母を祝福しない者、 [12] 自分の目には清いと思っていても、汚れを清めない者、 [13] 目は高慢で、視線は軽蔑の眼差し、 [14] 歯は剣、あごにはナイフが備え付けられ、地上の貧しい者、人類の中の困窮者を食い尽くそうとする者。 [15] 「ヒルには二人の娘がいる。『与えよ、与えよ』と叫ぶ者もいる。 「満たされることが決してない三つのもの、決して『もう十分だ』と言わないものが四つある。[16] 墓、不妊の胎、水で満たされることのない土地、決して『もう十分だ』と言わない火。[17] 父を嘲り、年老いた母を侮辱する目は、谷の烏に突き出され、禿鷹に食べられる。[18] わたしには不思議すぎる三つのもの、わたしが理解できない四つのものがある。[19] 天の鷲の道、岩の上の蛇の道、外洋の船の道、そして若い女に対する男の道。 [20] 「姦淫する女の道はこれである。彼女は食事をして口をぬぐい、「私は何も悪いことはしていない」と言う。[21] 「三つのことで地は震え、四つのことで地は耐えられない。[22] 奴隷が王となり、神を恐れない愚か者が食べ物に事欠くこと、[23] 卑しい女が結婚し、奴隷が女主人を追放すること。
Proverbs 30:11-23 NIV
[11] “There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers; [12] those who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not cleansed of their filth; [13] those whose eyes are ever so haughty, whose glances are so disdainful; [14] those whose teeth are swords and whose jaws are set with knives to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from among mankind. [15] “The leech has two daughters. ‘Give! Give!’ they cry. “There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, ‘Enough!’: [16] the grave, the barren womb, land, which is never satisfied with water, and fire, which never says, ‘Enough!’ [17] “The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures. [18] “There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: [19] the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman. [20] “This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ [21] “Under three things the earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up: [22] a servant who becomes king, a godless fool who gets plenty to eat, [23] a contemptible woman who gets married, and a servant who displaces her mistress.
Be cleansed by the Lamb who was slain
We need to be cleansed from our sin – our ‘filth’, as the writer of Proverbs describes it (v.12). This ‘filth’ of sin comes in many guises and disguises:
Failure to give sufficient blessing and obedience to our parents (vv.11–12,17)
Pride, which can come in the form of ‘haughty’ eyes and ‘disdainful’ looks (v.13). ‘Don’t be stuck-up and think you’re better than everyone else’ (v.13, MSG)
Failure to look after ‘the poor’ and ‘the needy’ (v.14)
Sexual sin, which justifies itself by saying, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’ (v.20)
The worst state to be in is not to recognise the need to be cleansed (v.12). It is a wonderful thing to be cleansed of our sins.
今日の新約聖書の箇所では、すべての被造物が屠られた子羊を崇拝しているのが分かります。なぜなら、「あなたは、自分の血によって、あらゆる部族、言葉、民族、国民を神のために買い取った」からです(黙示録 5:9)。「私たちをすべての罪から清める」のはイエスの血です(ヨハネの手紙一 1:7)。
In the New Testament passage for today we see the whole of creation worshipping the Lamb that had been slain, because ‘with your blood you “purchased for God” members of every tribe and language and people and nation’ (Revelation 5:9). It is the blood of Jesus that ‘purifies us from all sin’ (1 John 1:7).
主よ、私がただ「自分の目」で「清い」のではなくなってください(箴言 30:12)。神のために私を買い取った子羊の血によって私を清めてください。
Lord, may I not just be ‘pure’ in my ‘own eyes’ (Proverbs 30:12). Please cleanse me by the blood of the Lamb, who purchased me for God.
黙示録 5:1-14 NIV
[1] わたしはまた、御座に座っておられる方の右の手に、巻物があるのを見た。その両面には文字があり、七つの封印で封印されていた。[2] また、わたしは、ひとりの力強い御使いが大声でこう言うのを見た。「封印を解いて、巻物を開くのにふさわしい者はだれか。」[3] しかし、天にも、地にもまた、地の下にも、巻物を開くこと、見ることのできる者はひとりもいなかった。[4] 巻物を開くこと、見ることにふさわしい者がひとりも見つからなかったので、わたしは泣き続けた。[5] すると、長老のひとりがわたしに言った。「泣くことはない。見よ、ユダ族の獅子、ダビデの若枝が勝利を得た。彼は、巻物と七つの封印とを開くことができる。」[6] わたしはまた、ほふられたように見える小羊が、四つの生き物と長老たちに囲まれて、御座の中央に立っているのを見た。 小羊には七つの角と七つの目があった。これらは、全世界に遣わされた神の七つの霊である。[7] 小羊は行って、玉座に座っておられる方の右の手から巻物を受け取った。[8] 彼がそれを受け取ると、四つの生き物と二十四人の長老たちは小羊の前にひれ伏した。彼らはそれぞれ立琴を持ち、香の満ちた金の鉢を手にしていた。香は神の民の祈りである。[9] 彼らは新しい歌を歌って言った。「あなたは、この巻物を受け取って封印を解く資格があります。あなたは屠られ、その血によって、あらゆる部族、言葉、民族、国民の中から人々を神のために買い取られたからです。[10] あなたは彼らを王国とし、祭司として、わたしたちの神に仕えさせ、彼らは地上で支配するでしょう。」[11] わたしはまた見ていると、多くの御使いたちの声を聞いた。その数は千倍、一万倍にも及んだ。 彼らは御座と生き物と長老たちを取り囲んだ。[12] 彼らは大声で言った。「ほふられた小羊こそ、力と富と知恵と強さと誉れと栄光と賛美を受けるにふさわしい。」[13] すると私は、天と地と地の下と海の上のすべての生き物と、その中にいるすべてのものがこう言うのを聞いた。「御座に座しておられる方と小羊に、賛美と誉れと栄光と力が世々限りなくありますように。」[14] 四つの生き物は「アーメン」と言い、長老たちはひれ伏して礼拝した。
Revelation 5:1-14 NIV
[1] Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. [2] And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” [3] But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. [4] I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. [5] Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” [6] Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. [7] He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. [8] And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. [9] And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. [10] You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” [11] Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. [12] In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” [13] Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” [14] The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.
Worship the Lamb who is also a Lion
Sometimes I find myself acting like a lamb when I should be a lion. I act meekly when I should be bold, steely and courageous. At other times, I act like a lion when I should be more lamb-like. I am too fierce when I should be gentle, meek and submissive.
Jesus took on powerful opponents with lion-like courage: for example, throwing out the money-changers from the temple. On the other hand, with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1–11), he could have been steely, but instead he was gracious and gentle as a lamb. The challenge for us is to follow the example of the one we worship.
What is going on in heaven right now? John tells us that when he glimpses into heaven he sees millions worshipping Jesus: ‘the Lion’ who is also ‘a Lamb’. Jesus is the key to understanding history and salvation.
地上では、何が起こっているのか理解するのはとても難しいです。歴史と救いに対する神の計画と目的は何でしょうか。あなたの人生と私の人生に対する神の計画と目的は何でしょうか。「七つの封印で封印された」巻物(黙示録 5:1)は、おそらく神の計画と目的を表しています。
On earth, we find it so hard to understand what is going on. What are God’s plans and purposes for history and salvation? What are his plans and purposes for your life and my life? The scroll ‘sealed with seven seals’ (Revelation 5:1) probably represents God’s plans and purposes.
No one in heaven or on earth, or under the earth, is found worthy to open the scroll or even to look inside it, except for Jesus: ‘The Lion of the tribe of Judah’ who ‘has triumphed’ (vv.2–5).
Here stands Jesus in all his majesty and kingship. Only Jesus can open the secrets of history, God’s plan of salvation and his purpose for each of our lives.
The Lion is also a Lamb: ‘A Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall… He came to the One Seated on the Throne and took the scroll from his right hand. The moment he took the scroll, the Four Animals and Twenty-four Elders fell down and worshiped the Lamb (vv.6–7, MSG).
The Lamb is worshipped by the whole created order and the entire church falls down before him.
Here is an amazing fact: your prayers on earth affect the worship of heaven: ‘Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a gold bowl filled with incense, the prayers of God’s holy people’ (v.8, MSG). Your prayers fill the golden bowls of heaven. Your prayers really do make a difference.
‘They sang a new song... “with your blood you purchased for God members of every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth”’ (vv.9–10).
‘Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand’ (v.11a). There are more than a hundred million angels worshipping Jesus:
| 「屠られた子羊はふさわしい!
|| 力、富、知恵、強さを手に入れよ!
|| 名誉、栄光、祝福を手に入れよ!」(12節、MSG)
| ‘“The slain Lamb is worthy!
|| Take the power, the wealth, the wisdom, the strength!
|| Take the honour, the glory, the blessing!”’ (v.12, MSG)
There is something extraordinarily powerful about large crowds worshipping Jesus together.
これが、私がリーダーシップ カンファレンスとアルファ グローバル ウィークを愛する理由の 1 つです。このカンファレンスでは、100 を超える国々、さまざまな言語、さまざまな民族、部族の人々が一緒にイエスを崇拝します。これは天国を味わう前触れです。
This is one of the reasons I love the Leadership Conference and Alpha Global Week, when people from over a hundred nations and numerous languages – peoples and tribes all together – worship Jesus. This is a foretaste of heaven.
Here we see that the activity of heaven is the worship of Jesus. You will sing songs of redemption. The whole of heaven bursts with praise (v.13). There is a great orchestra and a magnificent choir and all types of music in harmony. You were created for the worship of God’s glory, which was revealed in Jesus Christ – the Lion who is also the Lamb.
Lord, I worship you as *the* *Lion* of the tribe of Judah who has triumphed, and *the* *Lamb* that was slain. Lord, I want to become more like Jesus and know when to be bold and courageous like a lion, and when to be meek and gentle as a lamb.
エステル記 9:1–10:3
Esther 9:1–10:3
エステル記 9:1 新共同訳
[1] 第十二の月、すなわちアダルの月の十三日に、この王の命令と定めが実行されることとなった。それは敵がユダヤ人を征伐しようとしていた日であったが、事態は逆転し、ユダヤ人がその仇敵を征伐する日となった。
Celebrate the triumph of the Lion of the tribe of Judah
Jesus is the Lion who turns the tables on your spiritual enemies. He is the one against whom no one can stand. He is the cause of feasting and joy and celebration. Ultimately, he is the reason we give presents on Christmas day, to celebrate his coming and his triumph.
Esther is a ‘type’ of Christ – that is to say, her life prefigured and foreshadowed Jesus. Humanly speaking, if it were not for her intervention, the Jewish nation would have been destroyed. Her action brought defeat to the evil one – Haman – and brought freedom, joy and triumph to the people of God, and the ‘tables were turned and… No one could stand against them’ (9:1–2).
Trust God that, in the end, whatever evil is planned against you will come to nothing. God has promised, in Jesus, to give you the ultimate victory.
In the meantime, have the lion-like courage of Esther and Mordecai, and their lamb-like willingness to sacrifice their lives in obedience to God’s purpose.
This led to God’s people ‘freeing themselves from oppression’. They ‘celebrated with much food and laughter... laughing and feasting... their day for parties and the exchange of gifts’ (vv.17–19, MSG).
これらの出来事は、イエスの生と死と復活を通して起こる『ユダ族の獅子、ダビデの若枝』(黙示録 5:5)の勝利という偉大な出来事を予兆するものでした。
These events foreshadowed the great event of the triumph of the ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David’ (Revelation 5:5) – through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
He brought about: ‘sorrow turned to joy, mourning somersaulted into a holiday for parties and fun and laughter, the sending and receiving of presents and of giving gifts to the poor’ (Esther 9:22, MSG). This too should be part of our celebration.
主よ、殺された子羊でもあるライオンの究極の勝利に感謝します。「玉座に座しておられる方と子羊に、賛美と誉れと栄光と力が世々限りなくありますように。」(黙示録 5:13)
Lord, thank you for the ultimate triumph of the Lion, who is also the Lamb who was slain. ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!’ (Revelation 5:13).
黙示録 5:8
Pippa Adds
Revelation 5:8
‘Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.’
I love the fact that the bowls are made of gold. It shows that our prayers are precious. And, all our prayers – even mine – go in the bowls.