本日、BOOM証券よりCash Dividend(現金配当)の連絡が2件ありました。
「Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk」
「Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk」
<Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk>の配当内容はこちら。
Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT (Code No. BMRI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 199.33799 per shares
Ex-date: 29-Apr-2013
Your existing holdings: 1,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 299,006
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 59,801
Net Amount: IDR 194,205
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.
続いて<Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk>
Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT (Code No. BBNI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 113.35 per shares
Ex-date: 29-Apr-2013
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 283,375
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 56,675
Net Amount: IDR 181,700
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.
それぞれ40%~50%前後の含み益 + 為替差益が発生している状況で、全体から見て標準的なパフォーマンスを発揮している銘柄です。