

Cash Dividend - KMI Wire and Cable Tbk PT (Code No. KBLI)

2013年08月28日 | インドネシア株式投資
BOOM証券よりKMI Wire and Cable Tbk PTのCash Dividend(現金配当)の通知が来ました。

Securities: KMI Wire and Cable Tbk PT (Code No. KBLI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 8 per shares
Ex-date: 30-Jul-2013
Your existing holdings: 50,000 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 400,000
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 80,000
Net Amount: IDR 275,000

Cash Dividend_Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT

2013年08月15日 | インドネシア株式投資
BOOM証券より、Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PTに関するCashDividend(現金配当)の連絡が来ました。

Securities: Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT (Code No. INDF) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 185 per shares
Ex-date: 18-Jul-2013
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 462,500
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 92,500
Net Amount: IDR 325,000
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

Cash Dividend -Indosat Tbk PT (Code No. ISAT) - ID Mkt

2013年08月03日 | インドネシア株式投資
BOOM証券より、Indosat Tbk PTのCashDividend(現金配当)の連絡がありました。

Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Indosat Tbk PT (Code No. ISAT) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 34.52 per shares
Ex-date: 11-Jul-2013
Your existing holdings: 1,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 51,780
Less handling fees: IDR 41,424
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 10,356
Net Amount: IDR 0
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

Cash Dividend - Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk PT (Stock Code: TLKM)

2013年07月02日 | インドネシア株式投資

Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk PT (Code No. TLKM) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 436.188 per shares
Ex-date: 30-May-2013
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 1,090,470
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 218,094
Net Amount: IDR 827,376
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

現金配当_XL Axiata Tbk PT@IDR 225,000

2013年05月29日 | インドネシア株式投資
XL Axiata Tbk PTの現金配当の連絡が来ました。

Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: XL Axiata Tbk PT (Code No. EXCL) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 135 per shares
Ex-date: 03-May-2013
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 337,500
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 67,500
Net Amount: IDR 225,000
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

BOOM証券よりCash Dividend(現金配当)の連絡2件あり

2013年05月21日 | インドネシア株式投資
本日、BOOM証券よりCash Dividend(現金配当)の連絡が2件ありました。

「Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk」
「Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk」


<Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk>の配当内容はこちら。
Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT (Code No. BMRI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 199.33799 per shares
Ex-date: 29-Apr-2013
Your existing holdings: 1,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 299,006
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 59,801
Net Amount: IDR 194,205
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

続いて<Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk>

Corporate Action Announcement - Cash Dividend
Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:
Securities: Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT (Code No. BBNI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 113.35 per shares
Ex-date: 29-Apr-2013
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 283,375
Less handling fees: IDR 45,000
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 56,675
Net Amount: IDR 181,700
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.

それぞれ40%~50%前後の含み益 + 為替差益が発生している状況で、全体から見て標準的なパフォーマンスを発揮している銘柄です。


2013年05月11日 | インドネシア株式投資





そんな中、ニッチな銘柄を見つけて上昇期待するには、全銘柄取り扱い可能な海外の証券会社への口座開設がオススメです。私は、香港のBOOM証券に口座開設し、投資しています。現時点では完全に放置状態で、含み益とたまに入る現金配当(cash dividends)を確認するくらいですが。。。


2013年04月30日 | インドネシア株式投資


Please be advised the Corporation Action Announcement as follow:

Securities: Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT (Code No. BBRI) - ID Mkt

Cash Dividend: IDR 225.232 per shares

Ex-date: 27-Mar-2013

Your existing holdings: 1,000 shares

Dividend entitlement: IDR 225,232

Less handling fees: IDR 45,000

Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0

Less other charges: IDR 0

Less withholding tax: IDR 45,046

Net Amount: IDR 135,186

We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.


2013年02月12日 | インドネシア株式投資


為替の動向と含み益というところで、確定しているcash dividends(現金配当)は対したことないですが。。。




2012年10月02日 | インドネシア株式投資

