BUMIの現金配当(Cash Dividend)の連絡があったのですが、手数料と源泉徴収税を引かれて、結局0円(0インドネシアルピア)の連絡でした。源泉徴収税は手数料を差し引いた金額に対してかけて欲しいのですが。。。。
Securities: Bumi Resources Tbk PT (Code No. BUMI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 14.31 per shares
Ex-date: 20-Jun-2012
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 35,775
Less handling fees: IDR 28,620
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 7,155
Net Amount: IDR 0
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.
Securities: Bumi Resources Tbk PT (Code No. BUMI) - ID Mkt
Cash Dividend: IDR 14.31 per shares
Ex-date: 20-Jun-2012
Your existing holdings: 2,500 shares
Dividend entitlement: IDR 35,775
Less handling fees: IDR 28,620
Less CCASS registration and transfer fee: IDR 0
Less other charges: IDR 0
Less withholding tax: IDR 7,155
Net Amount: IDR 0
We have credited the cash dividend into your Boom account.