仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

居宅介護支援事業  トータルサポート太陽
障がい者就労継続支援事業A型B型 太陽工房
有料老人ホーム 太陽


はじめまして! 当事業所は、「障害を持つ方々や高齢の方の生活をトータルサポート(日常支援)します。を企業理念とし、長崎県大村市を中心に地域と密着した事業を展開していきます。 事業を通じて障害を持つ方々、高齢の方々が主体性を持って生活を続けられるよう最大限の努力をいたします。 また、利用される方々と当事業所は対等な関係であり続けるため、利用される方々の提案を積極的に取り入れていきたいと思います。 地域に親しみ、愛される事業所として頑張っていきたいと思います。皆様のご指導ご協力のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。                                                                             代表取締役 林田 真吾

ポケモン~リザードン~  Pokémon-Charizard-

2018-09-18 11:47:37 | キャラクター物語


特にA さんの選ぶ作品は、私達が見ると売れそうにないなと思ってしまう物、子ども達に人気がありよく売れてビックリです。

Today, I would like to introduce one of our products that inspired by Pokémon Games and Anime again. It’s called “Charizard,” is a fire and flying type Pokémon and is the final evolution of Charmander which is one of three Pokémon that you can receive from Professor Oak when you start a game Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Moreover, it’s the package Pokémon on Pokémon Red. So, it’s very popular. It has like a dragon-like wings and two horns, and it’s neck and tail got longer through the evolution. It has high fighting spirits, and with its flying ability fly to the stronger opponent. At the same time it has very high pride don’t blow a flame to a weaker one. The wings on its back are very strong and flying ability’s also high, it can fly about 1,400m above the ground. If it got really mad the flame on its top of the tail burns blue and white.

By the way, this 3D Iron Beads product’s parts are made by Ms. A who has Intellectual disability and assembled by Mr. B who has mental disability. Both of them love Pokémon, so the talk about Pokémon never stops.
Especially, the products which Ms. A chooses, from our view we think it won’t sell well, but once it’s on sale it’s popular for kids and sell very well, we are surprised.
The world of Pokémon spreads.
At a small office in Omura, a small drama is born through the products.
Then, contain our feelings that unseen, we hope we could deliver you all our products and feelings.
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