初めてのことに生徒さんは、皆 興味津々で、その中のひとりN君、車がとても好きだったといい、アイロンビーズの車を手に取って最後まで離さず、欲しいと先生に訴えてましたが、持って帰れませんと言われ、名残惜しそうに帰って行きました。
The Tour of the Students from the School for the Deaf
On Tuesday, November 2nd, 2 boys and 1 girl who are first grade students of prefectural junior high school for the deaf and their 3 teachers came for an educational trip.
It started with the greetings by the student representative T-kun, we informed them of what they need to be careful of, and we explained the procedure of each work including Eco-Craft, handicraft, Iron Beads, and also making coffee.
At the end, we answered the questions from the students by using actual products.
During the tour, the teachers interpreted for them in sign language.
Since everything was new to them, they were very curious about all the things they saw. One of them named N-kun who loves cars, he asked his teachers for the car that made by Iron Beads until the very end, but the teachers told him “You cannot take it to home.” then he reluctantly left the place.
The time passed so fast, but it was very fun time we could spend together.
Thank you so much for the wonderful time.