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新企画です。 New Project

2018-09-17 10:00:00 | キャラクター物語

At Taiyo Koubou using Iron Beads to make many kinds of characters.
Exhibiting at a bazaar, often asked question about characters.
We don't only know a few things about them so at this oppotunity we think
as Character Story we introduce characters as in the series.
First, we would like to introduce about Pokémon.

更に、2016年にリリースされたスマートフォン向けアプリ「Pokémon GO」では自身がポケモントレーナーとなり、原作の様にポケモンを捕まえたり、戦わせたり、交換することが出来る。
今年の11月には「Let’s GO! ピカチュウ」、「Let’s GO! イーブイ」というポケモンゲームの新作も発売を控えている。

Pokémon (Originally called Pocket Monsters in Japan) is a video game released by Nintendo on February 27th in 1996, and a series of Anime started on April 1st in 1997 in Japan. Pokémon is the title of the video game and also the generic name of animal-like characters appeared in the video game and the Anime. First Nintendo announced there are 150 Pokémon in the game but later players found Pokédex #151 mythical Pokémon Mew, so there are 151 Pokémon in total. That surprised other players and given huge responses from them. Back then, it’s rare as a video game that players can collect, trade and battle. The most well known Pokémon must be “Pikachu” that is the partner of the main character Ash in the Anime. If you don’t know much about Pokémon, you may know Pikachu at least. Now, the number of Pokémon increased and there are over 800 Pokémon. That’s amazing, isn’t it? Moreover, a smartphone app “Pokémon GO” which you can experience real Pokémon trainer’s life released in 2016 and that Pokémon’s popularity boosted a lot. With Pokémon GO you became a Pokémon trainer and you can catch Pokémon, battle with Pokémon, and trade Pokémon with others, as like original Pokémon game. Pokémon gave us a massive influence. In this coming November “Let’s GO! Pikachu” and “Let’s GO! Eevee” will be released, so what kind of influence will be waiting.

The first Opening Theme

(ポケモン ゲットだぜーッ!)
(Pokémon Gotta catch 'em all!)

たとえ 火の中 水の中 草の中 森の中
土の中 雲の中 あのコのスカートの中 (キャ~)
Through the fire, the water, the grass, the forest, the ground, the clouds, in that girl's skirt (eek)

なかなか なかなか
なかなか なかなか 大変だけど
Very, very, very, very difficult, but
Surely catch 'em all
Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

マサラタウンに さよならバイバイ
オレはこいつと 旅に出る (ぴかちゅう!)
きたえたワザで 勝ちまくり
仲間をふやして 次の町へ
Say goodbye to Palette Town
I will go on a journey with this buddy (Pikachu!)
With this trained move, earn a victory
I'll catch Pokémon and go to the next city

いつもいつでも うまくゆくなんて
保証はどこにも ないけど (そりゃそうじゃ!)
いつでもいつも ホンキで生きてる
At any situation goes well
There is no gurantee anywhere
Even though any time live the fullest
These guys are with my side

たとえ 火の中 水の中 草の中 森の中
土の中 雲の中 あのコのスカートの中 (しつこ~い!)
Through the fire, the water, the grass, the forest, the ground, the clouds, in that girl's skirt (You're persistant!)

なかなか なかなか
なかなか なかなか 大変だけど
Very, very, very, very difficult but
Surely catch 'em all
Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

たたかいつかれて おやすみグッナイ
まぶたを閉じれば よみがえる (ぴかちゅう??)
ほのおが燃えて かぜが舞い
鳴き声とどろく あのバトルが
Battled hard and sleep tight
If you close your eyes, it reminds me
Of flame is burning, and the wind blows
Roars the crying, that battle

きのうの敵は きょうの友って
古いコトバが あるけれど (古いとはなんじゃ~っ!)
きょうの友は あしたの友だち
そうさ 永遠に
Yesterday's opponent becomes today's friend
There is such an old phrase (Don't say old!)
Today's friend becomes tomorrow's best friend
That's right, forever

ああ あこがれの ポケモンマスターに
なりたいな ならなくちゃ
Ah, ideal Pokémon master
I wanna be, I gotta be
I will be one surely!

ユメは いつか ホントになるって
だれかが歌って いたけど
つぼみがいつか 花ひらくように
ユメは かなうもの
A dream one day comes true
Somebody was singing
As like a bud bloom into a flower
The dream will comes ture

いつもいつでも うまくゆくなんて
保証はどこにも ないけど (そりゃそうじゃ!)
いつでもいつも ホンキで生きてる
At any situation goes well
There is no gurantee anywhere (That's right!)
Even though any time live the fullest
These guys are with my side

ああ あこがれの ポケモンマスターに
なりたいな ならなくちゃ
Ah, ideal Pokémon master
I wanna be, I gotta be
I will be one surely!

ああ あこがれの ポケモンマスターに
なりたいな ならなくちゃ
Ah, ideal Pokémon master
I wanna be, I gotta be
I will be one surely!

Translated by L
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