一昨年だったか ベランダの鉢で大葉育ててたのに、なぜだか?
まか ふ・し・ぎ...
もちろん、そのまま愛情込めて こんなに成長!
おかげさまでその夏は、身近な 朝の顔となりました..
けさは ちょうどこの蝉の声で思い出して、綺麗なお写真あるのでUPします。
Cicadas are crying.
Remembering that
It's a year ago, I grew macrophyll in a pot on a balcony... but I don't know why?
When I left a hospital, it turned into morning glory!
It's mysterious...
I guess macrophyll died by dehydration, and crows around there dropped mornig glory's seeds..lol
Of course, pouring my love toward it and grew this much!
Thanks to that, that summer became familier moring face..
Today's morning I just remembered it by the voice of the cicadas, so I upload beautiful photos.
一昨年だったか ベランダの鉢で大葉育ててたのに、なぜだか?
まか ふ・し・ぎ...
もちろん、そのまま愛情込めて こんなに成長!
おかげさまでその夏は、身近な 朝の顔となりました..
けさは ちょうどこの蝉の声で思い出して、綺麗なお写真あるのでUPします。
Cicadas are crying.
Remembering that
It's a year ago, I grew macrophyll in a pot on a balcony... but I don't know why?
When I left a hospital, it turned into morning glory!
It's mysterious...
I guess macrophyll died by dehydration, and crows around there dropped mornig glory's seeds..lol
Of course, pouring my love toward it and grew this much!
Thanks to that, that summer became familier moring face..
Today's morning I just remembered it by the voice of the cicadas, so I upload beautiful photos.