
Zazen 法話のページ

Zen became the International relationship

2019-07-22 | zen lecture



It is becoming decrease Buddhist followers in Japan. Of course Buddhist monks also became decrease too. This matter is huge worry problem for Japanese Buddhist.

However, one of my German friend said that I hope to participate Zen Sessin in Bairinji Sodo;Zen monastery in Kurume City.

One of Sri Lankan friend monk said I wish to learn Japanese Zen. This is the histrical transformation. Because it is the reazon why they have another religion or another Buddhist sect. One of Bangladeshi monk said that I hope to learn Buddhist missionary working and giving lecture to followers. I have to take off my hat to their effort.

The taxi company running in Paris City named Zen. The reason means what running with calm. One of the restaurant in New York City named Zen. It probably means the same reason.

Zen is the teaching that have followed since primitive Buddhism. We have to have responsibility to convey it to others.




●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺 

初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350



学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。出張も致します


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