One afternoon, a baby sparrow fell from its nest.
The baby sparrow could not fly yet, so it just stayed there, trying to move its wings. The mother sparrow came to feed the baby. However, the baby eventually stopped moving on the cold ground. In the end, the mother gave up. This was the cruel reality of the sparrow’s world, much like ours.
On another occasion, a sparrow on the roof let its fellow sparrows know something dangerous might be happening, he cried “Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep”. A snake or a cat may have been preying on the birds. A couple of young sparrows, trembling in fear, flew away as soon as they heard the news.
Sparrows seem to be able to learn from experience in order to avoid danger. A sparrow's lifespan is said to be less than two years. According to records, sparrows that lived there lived for more than 2 years. For sparrows, winter is the most difficult season to survive as there is very little food.
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