虹の彼方に ~ over the rainbow ~

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映画 『 Pay it Forward 』 について

2012-04-08 02:58:46 | EU,US films / dramas

“ Pay it Forward ” とは …  「 ( 善意を ) 次の人に 渡そう 」 ということ。



昔、観たときは、 「 なんて、いいお話なんだろう! 」 って、思ったきりでした。


「 こんなことが、現実に起きたら、なんて、素晴らしいことだろう! 」

「 もしかしたら、自分も、できるかもしれない…  何が、できるかは、わからないけれど … 」



でも、この映画に出てくる “ Pay it Forward ” のアイデアは、




それぞれ、 「 見知らぬ3人のひとに、良いことをしなければならない 」



すべては、このことのために …

     Think of an idea to change our world ―

     and put it into ACTION!

     ( 世界を、変える方法を、考え、それを、実行してみよう! )




Pay it Forward Movie Trailer

Calling all Angels

Jane Siberry が歌う、この映画の主題歌です。

          Calling all Angels

Santa Maria, Santa Teresa, Santa Anna, Santa Susannah

Santa Cecilia, Santa Copelia, Santa Dominica,Mary Angelica

Frater Achad, Frater Pietro, Julianus, Petronella

Santa, Santos, Miroslaw, Vladimir
and all the rest

       A man is placed upon the steps, a baby cries

     high above you can hill the church bells start to ring

     and the heaviness, the heaviness oh settles in

     somewhere you can hear a mother sing

     then it's one foot then the other as you step out the road, out, step out to the road

     how much weight? how much weight?

     then it's how long? and how far?

     and how many times oh before it's too late?

     calling all angels calling all angels

     walk me through this one don't leave me alone

     calling all angels calling all angels

     we're trying and we're hoping and we're not sure ah..

     oh and every day you gaze upon, upon the sunset

     with such love and intensity

     why... it's almost as if

     if you could only crack the code

     then you'd finally understand what this all it means

     but if you could...do you think you would

     trade in all the pain and suffering?

     ah, but then you'd miss

     the beauty of the light upon this earth

     ah the sweetness of the leaving

     calling all angels calling all angels

     walk me through this one don't leave me alone

     calling all angels calling all angels

     we're trying we're hoping but we're not sure

     calling all angels calling all angels

     walk me through this one don't leave me alone

     calling all angels calling all angels

     we're trying we're hoping

     we're hurting we're loving

     we're crying we're calling

     'cause we're not sure how this goes.

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