09:02 from web
Good morning !
It's sunny and hot !!
On such morning like this , you want backetful of watermelon. (haha)
09:03 from web
Oh, my housekeeper has come.
I like her smile. Nice person.
22:07 from web
My children did water play in a small pool in the garden.
My housekeeper was busy with taking care of them.
Of course they were happy.
22:15 from web
While they were palying in the pool, I went to the bank ,Hankyu department store, an elctrical appliance store and a petrol station ! Busy !
22:18 from web
Oh, my hubby has come back.
Ice cold beer has been waiting for you !
I want to drink it with him.
22:21 from web
You know he hasn't eat dinner yet !
23:50 from web
It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.(Brigitte Bardot)
I don't want to get old any more if possible !
But I want to become mature.
23:55 from web
Anyone who keeps the ability
to see beauty never grows old.(Frantz Kafka)
I want to see beautiful things at anywhere ,on anytime .
23:58 from web
I need a good rest.
I've been sick of sweltering nights !
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter
Good morning !
It's sunny and hot !!
On such morning like this , you want backetful of watermelon. (haha)
09:03 from web
Oh, my housekeeper has come.
I like her smile. Nice person.
22:07 from web
My children did water play in a small pool in the garden.
My housekeeper was busy with taking care of them.
Of course they were happy.
22:15 from web
While they were palying in the pool, I went to the bank ,Hankyu department store, an elctrical appliance store and a petrol station ! Busy !
22:18 from web
Oh, my hubby has come back.
Ice cold beer has been waiting for you !
I want to drink it with him.
22:21 from web
You know he hasn't eat dinner yet !
23:50 from web
It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.(Brigitte Bardot)
I don't want to get old any more if possible !
But I want to become mature.
23:55 from web
Anyone who keeps the ability
to see beauty never grows old.(Frantz Kafka)
I want to see beautiful things at anywhere ,on anytime .
23:58 from web
I need a good rest.
I've been sick of sweltering nights !
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter