北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年08月17日 | 日記
00:00 from web
Ok, it's time to say good night !
Bye !!
06:43 from web
 Good morning !
I've just taken a shower.
Feel fresh !!
14:46 from web
It is scorching hot !!
I wish we could skip summer.
22:32 from web
Tonight my hubby has night duty at hospital though he seemed to have stomach trouble. I'm worried about it.
Physician, heal thyself !
22:36 from web
I think he is too busy.
I'm wondering what's like the doctors in other countries.
22:44 from web
He never complains about his job.
Easy to say, hrad to do !
He has strong willpower.
23:15 from web
I've finished taking a bath.
I was sitting in a hot tub on such a hot day !
23:21 from web
To warm your body is good for your health.
It'll increase your basal metabolism.
At the same time , you can detox your self.
Sounds great?
23:22 from web
OK, I need beauty-sleep.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter