YouTube/The New President of Light
Now is the time to rejoice and celebrate as a political leader who embodies the Light is moved into a position of strength. The darkness that has held your planet in it's grip for so long now visibly moves away from it's place of power and the election of this Lightworker president in the county of America symbolises to so many the true dawning of the new age of Light.
For years the leaders of your planet have kept your freedoms at bay as they have operated from service-to-self energies, were controlled by alternate dimensional energies of service-to-self frequencies and they held contempt for the people of America and the world, seeing them only as opportunities to further their own existence and energetic nourishment.
As your consciousness has raised in frequency along with the planet and the cosmos you simultaneously create your own individual and collective reality. All constructs and systems move upwards in frequency with this collective consciousness creating a new political leader who matches that consciousness frequency.
Your new president of the united states of America operates from a service-to-others perspective and this shall become more and more apparent as you watch him and indeed join with him to move the collective frequency forward in line with Ascending energies.
The core of Light emanating from this symbolic and literal change will inspire and influence other countries within your planet as the hundredth monkey affect once again comes into play.
Many of you have been operating from the paradigm of hatred, anger and complete mistrust towards your governmental leaders and whilst we see that reality from one level to have been justified we see that many of you remain within this paradigm that is now long gone.
Plans for domination and that which you know as a "New World Order" have moved to a timeline no longer in your Earth's future yet there will be a "New World" indeed that "New World" is here now. That New World holds the fifth dimensional frequencies and your consciousness has created this world. Your consciousness has cried out for change, it has desired change and it has manifested change.
The election of the Lightworker president is on one level a large leap forward for the service-to-others Lightworkers of this planet yet on another level it is a small seed of Light just planted and together as a united planet and a united consciousness that seed shall grow into a tree of Light, the fruits it shall bear shall be available for all who allow that tree to grow within their cosmic gardens of hyperspace.
One more step up on the Ascension stairway of Light has been reached with this physical symbol of the election of this Lightworker president, bringing you ever closer to your multidimensional, extra terrestrial family, bringing you closer to "us" and to the merging with your higher selves.
The New President of Light