High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information will bring the following changes in 2008:
The Bush-Cheney-Clinton political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast during November 2008.
The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionist political bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed. The use these bosses have made of human clones in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed.
Joseph Ratzinger, the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be revealed.
All around the world, national leaders and regimes which have political, corporate and legal connections with the American governing establishment will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Argentina, Burma, Congo, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Pakistan and The United Kingdom.
2008 Agenda for Disclosure
High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information will bring the following changes in 2008:
The Bush-Cheney-Clinton political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast during November 2008.
The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionist political bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed. The use these bosses have made of human clones in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed.
Joseph Ratzinger, the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be revealed.
All around the world, national leaders and regimes which have political, corporate and legal connections with the American governing establishment will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Argentina, Burma, Congo, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Pakistan and The United Kingdom.
2008 Agenda for Disclosure
![]() NESARA |
YouTube/President-Elect Barack Obama Holds First Press Conference
Obama: Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you very much.
This morning, we woke up to more sobering news about the state of our economy. The 240,000 jobs lost in October marks the 10th consecutive month that our economy has shed jobs. In total, we've lost nearly 1.2 million jobs this year, and more than 10 million Americans are now unemployed.
Tens of millions of families are struggling to figure out how to pay the bills and stay in their homes. Their stories are an urgent reminder that we are facing the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime, and we're going to have to act swiftly to resolve it.
Now, the United States has only one government and one president at a time. And until January 20th of next year, that government is the current administration.
I've spoken to President Bush. I appreciate his commitment to ensuring that his economic policy team keeps us fully informed as developments unfold. And I'm also thankful for his invitation to the White House.
Immediately after I become president, I'm going to confront this economic crisis head on by taking all necessary steps to ease the credit crisis, help hardworking families, and restore growth and prosperity.
Transcript: 'I'm going to confront this economic crisis,' Obama says(抜粋)
Obama: Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you very much.
This morning, we woke up to more sobering news about the state of our economy. The 240,000 jobs lost in October marks the 10th consecutive month that our economy has shed jobs. In total, we've lost nearly 1.2 million jobs this year, and more than 10 million Americans are now unemployed.
Tens of millions of families are struggling to figure out how to pay the bills and stay in their homes. Their stories are an urgent reminder that we are facing the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime, and we're going to have to act swiftly to resolve it.
Now, the United States has only one government and one president at a time. And until January 20th of next year, that government is the current administration.
I've spoken to President Bush. I appreciate his commitment to ensuring that his economic policy team keeps us fully informed as developments unfold. And I'm also thankful for his invitation to the White House.
Immediately after I become president, I'm going to confront this economic crisis head on by taking all necessary steps to ease the credit crisis, help hardworking families, and restore growth and prosperity.
Transcript: 'I'm going to confront this economic crisis,' Obama says(抜粋)
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