

デイビッド・ウイルコック5/2:公式ディスクロージャーの開始 1

2011-05-06 13:26:57 | ファーストコンタクト
In the last week of March, insiders from two different groups -- the European Rothschild faction and others affiliated with the Obama administration -- independently told me that major new developments towards a formal, official "government" Disclosure were imminent.
I was not told exactly what these developments would be -- only that it would be a significant step forward.
Of course, if an official announcement does finally happen, it will be the most significant event in recorded human history. This obviously makes it a fantastic opportunity to explore -- both as a journalist as well as a spiritual seeker.
No one can be sure of the scope or the magnitude of changes Disclosure will create, but it is undoubtedly vast -- and ultimately very positive, paving the way for the "Golden Age" predicted in almost every religious and spiritual tradition in recorded history.
Every source I work with must prove their bona-fides on an ongoing basis. If I catch them lying, trying to use me to pass disinformation, or working a hidden agenda, I break off the contact. I only work with people who really want the best for humanity -- and are willing to pass along material that will help.
Both groups gave me the same approximate time window for when we would see these "major new developments." Administration sources said "two weeks" and the European sources said "within a month" -- all in the last week of March.
I was strongly advised not to say anything -- and I stayed quiet, knowing that I could ruin the whole process if I leaked any of the details.
The FBI released stunning new UFO documents almost exactly two weeks later. The NSA released nearly twice as many UFO documents a mere ten days after that. All of this happened "within a month" of when I had these conversations -- just as I had been told.
Both sources later confirmed these document releases did indeed represent the first stage of what they were talking about -- a formal, open, official 'government' Disclosure, approved at the very highest levels of the insider world.

Official Government Disclosure Has Begun by David Wilcock


特報! NSA(アメリカ国家安全保障局)がET/UFO情報を公開!!!


2011-05-06 08:54:28 | ファーストコンタクト
Breaking News: Leaked footage of Alien from Zeta Reticula. UFO crash survivor?
Old footage showing a “grey” type alien who might have been a survivor of the Roswell UFO crash that occurred over sixty years ago in New Mexico has been released onto the Internet. The black and white clip is allegedly part of a much larger collection of footage that was filmed by government agents working on top secret UFO and alien matters between the years 1942 and 1969. Only a fraction of the much longer 180 minute archive of footage has been released thus so far.

The people or person who leaked the footage alleges to have done so anonymously as a precaution to ensure their safety. The alien seen in the video is clearly humanoid and is said to originate from the nearby Zeta Reticuli star system. As can be seen he is wearing the tight fitting space suit so commonly described by those who have experienced close encounters with aliens

It is this publication's believe that this footage is genuine and this is yet another deliberate leak attesting to government knowledge on the UFO issue on the road to to an official announcement of knowledge of alien visitors to Earth.
Alien footage leaked of Roswell UFO crash survivor