

Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ Current Energies, Comet Blessings Full of Downloads Galactic

2017-04-22 19:45:03 | 天国からのメッセージ

Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ Current Energies, Comet Blessings Full of Downloads


Greetings Dear Ones, I have come to provide an update on the current energies. The energies of April have been in full effect since March. Many have felt these intense energies bringing all that doesn’t resonate with our Soul… with Love. These blessings allow the opportunity to transform these dense energies into the light, to allow the anchoring of higher consciousness, your full integration of the Soul… the Higher Self. Many of you are also seeing how these energies are affecting your surroundings, people and societies. We now have a comet shooting across the celestial bodies, filled with downloads for the next stage of the planet’s and humanity’s evolution. Let us delve deeper into these energies and provide clarity how this affects the human collective. As always Dear Ones, awareness transforms into consciousness.

The Disease on The Planet

The mind… the ego, are conditionings of lower frequencies which cannot excel beyond the 4th dimension. This was created intentionally by the “old controllers”, so that you can never connect with the Divine, Source, Prime Creator, Mother of All Creation, the Holy Spirit. The mission of the light workers is to transform all the denser energies, dissolving the ego, anchoring higher consciousness, to bring forth Heaven on Earth. Those not resonating with the energies of the celestial bodies are simply in the mind. You can feel this within yourselves and can see this clearly within your societies.

Many have asked: “Why such intense reactions within people and our societies?” This Ascension Process is about evolution. We are moving from the mind to the Heart… All Heart, connecting to the Unified Heart, The Cosmic Heart… Unity Consciousness. What you are seeing and witnessing is karmic energies being played out. Also, the mind reacting to the energies of the celestial bodies, Heaven energies… Unity Consciousness.

The mind does not know Unity, nor Love. It is about the Self… which revolves around;


and many other lower frequency conditionings. The societies that have thrived, are the ones that have always connected with Mother Earth, and collaborated with Nature, such as your indigenous ancestors. They have always been in higher vibrations and were able to connect with the Divine, and access higher consciousness knowledge. These tribes passed their knowledge throughout the eons to conserve and protect the planet from the disease of the Ego. Hence why indigenous were slaughtered throughout the ages, specifically by those with the White Programming. The indigenous ones based their Living and Knowledge around Spirituality, which is consciousness. Those with the white programming, function around left brain linear thinking, which is logic, science, and are host to a grand variety of lower consciousness conditionings and frequencies, based on;

and much more. This is what many are seeing and witnessing throughout your and other societies. The white programming also transcends culture, as it is a mental conditioning, which has seeped into many societies and cultures. To put in blatant terms; the ego is the disease… the white programming is cancer for humanity and the planet.


The False Lightworkers


Even in these intense energies, we are observing many fascinating effects within the Lightworker Community. We have noticed much information of higher consciousness is being stifled by many lightworkers or channelers, as these Beings are holding on to old belief systems. They actively, whether unconsciously or consciously, prevent light information from being shared, due to their limited belief constructs. These belief systems are based on control, ownership and self-importance, which is connected to the white programming. Such as the concept of ‘copyrights’. We in the higher realms find this concept interesting and funny. How does One Own or Control Higher Consciousness information from the Divine? Does this mean One can Own the Archangels, the Elohim, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactics, Elementals, Your Soul or Source as well? Do you see how funny these concepts of the mind are?


Humanity is created by the eternally Loving Heart of our Beloved Mother, the Holy Spirit, Prime Creator. Your very essence is Love. No one owns Love, nor does Love owe any Being Nothing. Love is who YOU ARE. The Divine, Source, Our Mother belongs, is shared and is connected to ALL.


These lightworkers are holding on to the false light, manipulated by the mind and Higher Mind. Many of these lightworkers change the content of these channeled messages because their minds think they know better than Source… than Love. The Heart does not function in such ways. The Heart is about;

and connected to the Cosmic Heart. The mind is intellect. The Heart is Brilliance. Which do you choose?


Message from Mother Earth, Mother Gaia, Prime Creator, Directly to Her Children… Humanity



Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ Current Energies, Comet Blessings Full of Downloads Galactic






