

Saint Germain On Donald Trump,The Election, America And It’s Role In The New Earth

2016-11-10 15:14:54 | 天国からのメッセージ


My intention of writing this blog is to hopefully give the lightworkers some piece about what is occuring  in our country the day after the eklection. About two yers ago, I received a message from the Angels that Hillary Clinton was  not have the light it kind of disturbed me and I didn't really understand it at the time.

The angels typically do not say anything that is cobsidered negative towards anyone or anything. This was a first I remember calling my friend in Ireland and telling her of this revelation I  was totally shocked as  time unfolded and more was revealed on Wikileaks about the Clinton Foundation and other subjects. I started to understand what the bigger picture was and let's be clear I am NOT writing writing this post to be political. I have never really been involved in politics and it has never interested me. I have actually always been a  a feminist and a huge supporter of women's rights in the scond grade I was the first girl in my school to play on the boys soccer team I entered in a technology field where I was definitely the minority I  wanted so badly to be able to vote for Hillary I mean imagine if a woman could be our president however that was not the message that not just me but many fellow channelers in the galatic federation of light were  were also receiving the mesage was clear Hillary was a part of the dark cabal on the the planet in order for the planet to shift we must look to new leaderhip people that represented the anti-establishment. it was part of our divine plan on earth from the company of heaven a few weeks ago I  was also told in a message from St.Germain that Donald Trump was an aspect of him now I have to admit that many of the things  that came out of Donald's mouth also  dosturbed me and I was confused but I also know that even if an ascended master or an angel comes down into human form they are now subject to ego no  one is perfect as we discussed in our internet show last week we all have shadow sides we were all working our shadow energy so  I tried not get political until just recently many of my spiritual friends who did not know I knew this information about Hillary were confued by my behavior on facebook. I  reeived a lot of messages late last night for mother very educational professional woman who didn't undertand how I could support a man like drama.Well,  now you know when I went to bed last night I was preparing myself for perhaps a different timeline where we went down a very dark path before the new earth became my reality I  knew we needed a miracle then last night at one-thirty am  it was like a lightning bolt pulsed  throgh my body and I literally jumped out of bed. I turned on the TV and watched one of the biggest political upset in history. I knew it was meant to be Trump won against lots Saint Geramain.

Saint Germain: Donald Trump is part of the Divine Plan for the New Earth. He is here because the company of Heaven put him here to usher in change. He was chosen because he does not have energetic ties to the Dark Cabals on the Planet. Now as Lightworkers you must continue to pray and support Donald along with the rest of the people in the Government in America. This is not about winners and losers, this is about Unity. We ask all of you to continue to send the Violet Fire to the United States Government. The Divine Feminine is going to now express itself in ways that you cannot even imagine. Keep shining your light brightly Dear Ones. This is a glorious time on Planet Earth. You are witnessing a beautiful New Age of love and light where you will embody the Divine Human.

We Love You,
Saint Germain

2016/11/09 に公開

Saint Germain
The Election, America and it's Role in The New Earth
November 9, 2016 by Jennifer Snell



