The Show Must Go On !

This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Nov. 4th__2nd Day of 3 Day Holidays -Meat-

2023-11-05 07:33:47 | Friend

I met one of my best friends, Yossy after a long time since this past May.

We went to a steak restaurant "MONSTER GRILL"  in a mall in Matsudo.

In fact I knew the restaurant by visiting some webblog before and

I've wanted to go there someday. Fortunately we love eating steak so

he agreeded with a quick answer. It was really thick meat called "Gold Steak"

and tasted delitious! 

After that we went to a Karaoke shop in Inage and sang for 4 hours.

I have sore throat this morning..

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