

英国essay代写-Chapter five called Head

2017-10-30 16:21:26 | 日記
英国essay代写-Chapter five called Head主要讲了文章的第五章,对头,颈,脸的介绍,其中包括外观,探索皮肤和骨骼标志,头部,颈部和脸部肌肉以及其他结构的几个方面。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Hello, everyone! Today I would like to make a summary toward Chapter five called Head, Neck & Face. This chapter is mainly about the introduction of head, neck and face, which has referred to several aspects including topographical view, exploring the skin and fascia, bones and bony landmarks, muscles of the head, neck and face as well as other structures. As for the topographical view, it has given a general idea as for the structure of head, neck and face and every part has been carefully named and pointed out, which can help the audience learn the detailed knowledge via a quick glance. Then as to the exploration of the skin and fascia, it states that it is a must to personally feel it via making contact. Detailed speaking, the moisture, oiliness and temperature of the scalp, the mobility and thickness of different tissues at the scalp, the elasticity and thickness of the tissues in face and forehead, the thickness and density of tissues at the neck should all be sensed and judged. What is a must to mention is that neck can be explored through three parts, which are the lateral neck, the anterior neck and the posterior neck so that tissues at these three parts should all be felt in order to feel the skin and fascia of tissues of the neck.
When it comes to the bones & bony landmarks of the head, neck and face, it has talked about the total number of bones of the skull is twenty-two which can be divided into eight bones in the cranium and fourteen facial bones. And it is stated that some of those bones can be directly accessible while others can not and some of those bones are palpable while others are not. When describing different bones, different pictures have been supplied in order to better show the concrete location of the bones via various views including the anterior view, the posterior view, the lateral view and the inferior view. At the same time, three landmark trails have been clearly explained which are respectively trail 1 “Around the Globe”, trail 2 “Jaw Jaunt” and trail 3 “Horseshoe Trek”. Thus it can be easily understood that these three trails are formed by different bones.
Concerning the fourth part muscles of the head, neck and face, it has firstly provided a photo that has listed all the muscles. Afterwards, it has elaborated on some specific muscles, like the stapedius muscle, the microscopic muscle and so on. As there are various muscles mentioned in this part, it has also proposed that these muscles actually work together for the human body. All the muscles that have been discussed are made up of the following ones: cervical spine, mandible, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, masseter, temporalis, suprahyoids and digastric, infrahyoids, platysma, occipitofrontalis, frontalis fibers, occipitalis fibers, medical and lateral pterygoids, longus capitis and longus colli. What has to be mentioned is that some of these muscles have further been divided into smaller parts in order for better explanation. Just take scalenes as an example, it has been further divided into the anterior scalene, the middle scalene and the posterior scalene, from which we can know that all the muscles have much to be unknown.
At the end of the chapter, it has talked about some other structures of the head, neck and face that are primarily about the accessible arteries, glands and nerves. And it is added that most of these arteries, glands and nerves are delicate and superficial so that they have to be correctly located. Detailed speaking, the accessible arteries, glands and nerves that have been involved in this part primarily include the below ones: common carotid artery, temporal artery, facial artery, facial nerve, vertebral artery, parotid gland and duct, submandibular gland, parotid gland, parotid duct, submandibular gland, thyroid gland, cervical lymph nodes and brachial plexus.


英国essay代写-TransCanada Pipe-line Decision

2017-10-30 16:14:01 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-Trans-Canada Pipe-line Decision讲了TransCanada成立于1951年,是北美地区拥有50年历史的能源公司和天然气输送公司,这是第一家涉及北美独立电力生产的公司。 TransCanada的业务分为天然气运输,能源和天然气销售三部分。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

TransCanada was founded in 1951, is a North American region has a 50-year history of energy companies and gas transmission companies, which is the first company involved with the independent power production in North America. The business of the TransCanada is divided into three parts: natural gas transportation, energy and natural gas sales. TransCanada has about 38,000 km (23,600 miles) pipelines, can connect the West Canada with the main Canadian and the American markets together. TransCanada will transport about 70% of Canada's natural gas products to the market, of which about 60% of the supply to the US market. TransCanada is a leader in North America's natural gas sales market. TransCanada provides a comprehensive suite of energy management services which help customers manage their day-to-day energy needs to improve operational efficiency, and to identify and capitalize on cost-cutting opportunities.
The project of the Keystone XL Pipeline was aimed to become an essential infrastructure project due to the requirement of the energy security in the United States as well as to strengthen the American economy as well. There are not only some advantages but also some disadvantages. On the one hand, some people support this decision, because they think the project can strengthen the power security. On the other hand, other people argue that it may result in some environmental pollution.

Keywords: TransCanada; Pipe-line Project Decision; Natural Gas; Oil; Liquids Energy Pipelines.
1.1Background Information
With more than 65 years' experience, TransCanada tends to be viewed as the leader in the industry of North American energy infrastructure, in which the main business operation includes several aspects such as natural gas, liquids energy pipelines and power generation equipments as well as gas saving facilities. During a long period, TransCanada focuses itself on developing a company that involved all of its partners with certain interests (maybe they are from different posts like customers, suppliers, investors, lenders, regulators or employees), and able to contribute to determine the right selections and do the correct things. That means that, there is a healthy kind of business culture with the TransCanada. Meanwhile, their corporate values focus particularly on the Collaboration, Integrity, Responsibility, and Innovation, which provide the firm with a detailed guide to operate the daily business. Specifically, both their business culture and corporate value could have a wide range of informative implications, which is shown as followings:
•We obey the related legal rulers and applicable corporate guidelines in our daily operations;
• We comply with the principles required by the Code of Business Ethics (COBE);
• We report according to some proper internal channels, some actual or suspected instances non-compliance with legal rules or COBE that we understand;
• We do not revenge anyone for the real reporting of an incident, issue or event;
• We call on others to making the right selections and doing the proper things.
ⅡIdentify issues
The project was put forward with 1,179-mile (about 1,898 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline which started in Alta, and expanding the south of Steele City, Nebby the TransCanada Company. This project was aimed to become an essential infrastructure project due to the requiremnets of energy security in the United States and in order to strengthen the American economy as well. However, there have been controversial attitudes towards this project since it is proposed. Supporters argue that the project can provide thousands of vacancies jobs for Americans. Besides, it can increase tax to improve the country and their communities, and generate a safe, stable energy source to improve the Americans’ life quality. In addition, opponents believe that it is a highly contested issue since it is involved in the ethics and the environmental damages, land ownership and first nation interest harm if the pipeline project is implemented. After a review of seven years, on November 6, 2015, President Obama refuted the required presidential permission for the project. TransCanada refuted the project by claiming it pursuits some legal actions according to the requirement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and as well as started up the Constitutional litigation to disagree against the U.S. Administration On January 6th, 2016. TransCanada persists in commenting its options and details concerning the project. Thus, the challenge is how to balance the economic value and ethical issues, which should be considered carefully and rigorously by both the company and the government.
ⅢTrans-Canada’s Action
Different groups of people have worried about the implicated negative impacts on it. Actually, if its oil spills happened
During the implementation of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project, it will be an emergency.
The Keystone Pipeline has been regarded as the "routine" by the TransCanada, CEO Russ Girling, and the company has been operating alike pipelines in North of the U.S for nearly 500 years and there are 200,000 miles (320,000 km) similar oil pipelines in the United States today. It also claimed that the project will contain many improvements about standard requirements requested by U.S. regulators, changing it to "the safest pipeline project”. Moreover, "This is the most advanced pipeline project than ever put forward before." from Rep. Ed Whitfield, a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce concurred .Although Anthony Swift of the Natural Resources Defence Council affirmed that except some 57 situations just retell the moment related minimum standards, It states that they will be completely responsible for any social problems. By searching their website, they said “It’s our responsibility to become a law – abiding company. If anything occurs on the Pipeline, our rapid response is the window to solve it. That’s reason that the state and federal agencies approve our Emergency Response plans, and why we display and operate them carefully and fluently. We make frequent aid exercises, and collect some aerial surveys every two weeks. We’re competent to respond with a highly-qualified group."In addition, TransCanada claimed that it could create an ISDS claim below NAFTA to refute the damages and calling the rejection of a permission for Keystone XL “random and unsatisfied in early January 2016,.
According to central ethical questions, it is necessary to analyze feasibility of the Keystone XL project according to central ethical questions from three main aspects, which are equity, right and practical respectively.
3.1 Equity
If the project is put into action, it would make some destroys in many ecologically important areas, such as grasslands in Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Meanwhile, the equipment used during construction would affect the air quality and cause harm to many animals living in these areas. This will result in habitat loss that will eventually upset the ecosystem. It is estimated that there are 23 species protected by the Endangered Species Act in the areas of proposed construction and approximately 10 of them will be severely affected. Therefore, it is not equitable for those who live in the along the line of the Keystone XL project including all of those residences ,cities and countries as they may suffer from environmental hazards.
3.2 Right
It is also obvious that the pipeline is hazardous to human health. Based on the plan of construction, the pipeline would run straight through the Ogallala Aquifer, a major source of drinking water as well as the irrigation across the country. If the pipeline leaks something harmful anywhere near the aquifer area, a majority of the native water supply would be polluted. Furthermore, the pipeline for transporting crude-oil contains more amounts of harmful factors for the health of human lungs compared with oil imported from other countries. For example, the overmuch sulfur and present could contribute to lung diseases, asthma, and cancer. Based on the requirements of the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Keystone XL pipeline is more possible to break down than any other pipelines in the world due to the bitumen mixture with extra corrosive. As everyone knows, living is a basic right for our human beings; implementing project which is fulfilled with pollution problems of course is a wrong thing when taking consideration from ethics and law.
3.3 Practical
The idea of spills and leaks should be a major reason for being careful. Although Trans-Canada states that they will be completely responsible for any potential environmental problems and its rapid emergency response plans are practicable regularly because of approve by state and federal agencies, this is not the real case. In 2010, the TransCanada Company’s first line of safety is identical to the technology that unjustified quitting an oil spill in Michigan. Additionally, even though it was improved, 2% daily volume of the pipeline(approximately 8,300 buckets) still would probably leak. It is estimated that the maximum spill volume of the pipeline would be roughly 2.8 million gallons. This would be a concern because spills and leaks through the pipeline will most likely be in areas where there is abundance of wildlife.

Ⅳ Ethical Reflection
From the problem and action plan analysis above, it is clear that the Keystone XL project proposed by the TransCanada Company will harm environment adversely due to potential oil spills and increased carbon emissions, which is obviously not beneficial in ethics. Those problems apparently show the reflection of unfairness from four main aspects.
4.1 Human rights
First of all, it violates the Human rights. It is a plain fact that everyone has the right to live in an environment without life-threatening. In this specific scenario, however, the design of the pipeline would go against the first fundamental requirement of the NSPE code of ethics for engineers, which claims that all Engineers should “keep paramount the safety, health, and benefit of the public.”
Also, it challenges the priority of people. That means that, human being’s feeling should be considered at first. By not speaking up when a discrepancy in the design was found, Trans-Canada is sacrificing the environment, and therefore the local people are being placed at risk.In fact, companies should put human rights and interests in the first consideration when design and develop a new project.
4.2 Virtue
The moral imperative is to act in a manner that is consistent with what is good, right and just. Obviously, pollution itself is not a good and right behavior and wide life. Some environmentalists now consider it the time to “remove talk of animal obligation of the moral aspect as well as focus on less universalistic moral concepts including some qualities such as respect and so on”. Obviously, Trans-Canada pipeline’s plan may violet the principle of "new" environmental virtues if it cannot avoid pollution in the implementation.
4.3 Utility
It could be unintentional aftermaths to the project. As an example, the extra north-south crude oil transport containment carried by Keystone XL is able to increase the price of the gras and oil. There is beneficial to develop the industry in Alberta. In return, according to the real conditon of the Canadian currency the same additional income can build up the Canadian dollar versus the United States dollar. This will finally attain a good influence on production industry. However, we will confront with running out of resources in the long run which is not beneficial to economy growth and the utilities will decrease dramatically. Hence, how to balance short-term and long-term benefits is a big challenge for the project design.
4.4 Law
It is obvious that environment destruction, especially those of life-threatening event like potential oil spills disobeys the law rules to some extent. The actions of pollution prevention concentrated on many aspects such as industry and government, attracted public attention on deadline the pollution by effective changes in the use of production, operation, and raw. In the project of the Pipeline, the main events are the potential risk of oil spills along the pipeline, which would wide highly sensitive terrain, and 17% higher greenhouse gas emissions from the oil sands compared with extraction oil. Hence, nowadays no business can survive if it neglects environment protection in a long run.
Sometimes when faced with a difficult decision, it is helpful to take a look back and consider what other successful companies or people did when faced with a similar decision. For instance, Carried by the ex-Google and PayPal executives, the purpose of the Tesla Motors is to prove that automobile can be economically keenly without sacrificing the blazing the speed and power. A research showed that their website reveals a tantalizing glimpse of what’s ahead from its electric charge. The cost of working this machine? DuPont is another company that has put forward the ire of green advocates for many years. But it seems that they are taking struggles to maintainability operations. Except for the artistically lowering its emissions of airborne carcinogens and greenhouse gases, DuPont has regarded as the ex-Greenpeace head which becomes an adviser to the board. According to its word, the company succeeded in making deadline of the greenhouse gas emissions from the 90’s to 63% – which is a long distance to the standard of the project.
Implementation of the pipeline is in fact profitable for the Nation’s oil industry but should the environment and public well-being be sacrificed? Before making a decision, one must be educated about the circumstances and make a balance between short-term and long-term benefits.
Figure 1: Ethical Framework forTrans-Canada pipe-line Decision

Ⅴ Conclusion
Canada is the second largest country in the world and one of the top five largest energy producers as well. Actually, the transmission pipeline system of Canada expands about 115,000 kilometers! There is no doubt that Canadian operators use a large number of systems and these technologies to ensure them working safely as well as stable. The managers should take the responsibility to meet the energy needs for the most Canadians, including the safe shipment of natural gas and crude oil productions by well-developed pipe projects..
1.Bad Judgment: The Case of Justice Leo A. Landreville, William Kaplan, 1996.
2."History of Pipeline” Archived from the origin on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 7 December 2009.
3.Pipeline rupture report raises questions about TransCanada, CBC, February 4, 2014, Amber Hildebrand. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
4. "Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited". Retrieved 7 December 2009.
5. "Trans-Canada Pipeline: Feat and fury". The Days Before Yesterday. CBC Television. 16 December 1973. Retrieved 2009-04-16.
6."Explosion rocks TransCanada pipeline in Ontario". Calgary herald. Archived from the original on 18 September 2009. Retrieved 7 December 2009.
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8. "Northern Ontario pipeline explodes". CBC News. 20 February 2011.



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