

Essay代写范文-My journey in Seattle continues

2017-08-07 16:04:56 | 日記
本篇Essay代写范文-My journey in Seattle continues讲了沿着这个城市的市中心从西湖公园走到派克宫市场,让我对这个现代历史悠久的城市进行了全面的检查。社会团体和政治家之间的利益冲突充分体现在这里的建筑物中。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

My journey in Seattle continues. Walking along the downtown area of this city from Westlake Park to Pike Palace Market gives me a total different inspection towards this modern and historic city. A confliction of interests among social groups and politicians are fully reflected in the buildings here. However, except for the confliction, there are compromises made by the citizen or the government. This leads to one seemingly conflicted but actually harmonious urban environment. Among those diverse places of interest, Seattle Central Library and Victor Steinbrueck Park impress me the most.
Seattle Central Library is a 11 story glass and steel building located in downtown Seattle. It was opened to the public in May 2004 and covers an area of about 34 thousand square meters, and could hold up to 1.445 million books. The opening of the library won great attention and was extensively covered by the world’s medias, and even the City Hall was overshadowed. The library attracts more than 2 million visitors once, and a large number of which are tourists instead of readers. It is quite rare, because even the mighty New York Public Library only had 2.3 visitors a year. The unusual fame is not a result of luxurious design. On the contrary, with limited budget, the architects have to spend it on structure and space instead of on material and details. The architects’ construction philosophy is to let the library dictate what it should be, rather than impose a rigid structure and make the functions to reconcile it. As a whole, the inner design is inviting to the public and not stuffy. The outside appearance is striking and unique. It has several floating platforms, looks like wrapped in a large steel net around glass skin. It was listed among one of the 150 American’s favorite structures, but undeniably, this special design also arouse many architectural critics. It is a hit for citizens and has its own characteristics despite of the traditional architectural virtues.
Victor Steinbrueck Park is a three thousand square meters park and overlooks Elliott Bay from downtown Seattle. It was built on the site of Washington National Guard Armory that was destroyed by fire in 1962. Since then, the conflict between city officials, developers and urban activists started. For pursuing more profits, officials and developers strongly recommended this place to be built as hotels, luxurious apartments and offices. It met great opponent from such activists like Steinbrueck. He advocated preserve the market and continue the urban renewal projects. It won a success and the Market Park was built here in 1970, and in memory of his contribution, the park was named after him. Such public places like gardens and streets and markets provide urban residents with opportunities for socializing, recreation, and gatherings. It is a great way for them to get away from the dense urban life and a relief of mind and body. However, it is not rare to see that many officials make use of public places to serve their political purposes. It has become kind of private places for special interests. This is contrary to the original intention of public places. The victory of Steinbrueck reflects an improvement of public senses and a respect of public life.


