

Essay代写:Design of enterprise network security firewall

2019-07-17 17:23:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Design of enterprise network security firewall,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业网络安全的防火墙设计。防火墙,即是防止网络外部的一些不安全因素的入侵和干扰,防火墙工作于终端用户与互联网之间,是服务器的中转站。企业网络外部的用户终端对企业内部主机的非授权登入和对主机资源的非授权使用称之为入侵,入侵对于企业内部数据信息安全存在着十分大的隐患,也会给企业的网络造成很大的安全漏洞。因此在防火墙的设计和部署过程中,必须重视入侵检测系统的配置,能够有效地抵挡入侵脚本、自动命令等的入侵攻击,及时并高效的检测到各类入侵行为,抵挡各类恶意的活动,对可能发生的安全隐患做好防护应对措施。

With the continuous popularization of information, each large and medium-sized enterprises have their own network architecture, enterprises also pay more and more attention to the security of the network, in the process of network maintenance, the firewall bearing the responsibility to ensure the security of the whole network. Firewall is the first line of defense for enterprise internal network information security, so according to the actual situation of the enterprise to set up the most appropriate network architecture, configure the optimal information screening strategy, can make enterprise network security effectively guaranteed.

As the storage of enterprise information resource is more and more big, the network data security is becoming more and more enterprises will be taken seriously, the configuration of the firewall to the enterprise internal network data security set up the first line of defense, the following through the analysis of the principle of a firewall design and detailed design and implementation, overall analysis to implement in the enterprise network firewall.

In the deployment of an enterprise network security firewall, should follow some fixed principles, on the basis of ensuring network security, so as to avoid unnecessary maintenance. Comprehensive principle: that is, the enterprise network security design should consider the overall comprehensive situation of the enterprise, from the actual point of view, taking into account all kinds of circumstances, weighing the network security problems may occur, so as to develop effective protection measures to ensure enterprise network security. The principle of simplicity and flexibility: the design of network security should not be too complex, also need to have a certain flexibility, on the basis of ensuring the function, try to make it easy to operate, easy to maintain and upgrade in the future. High efficiency and scalability principle: the enterprise network security must be efficient, namely firewall Settings must be conform to the enterprise network security requirements and high efficient operation and ensure the security of network, at the same time, the enterprise's network can't be fixed, therefore in the design of enterprise network security firewall must can be expanded, in the network structure is changed, or if you need to upgrade to the corresponding expansion of operations.

As its name implies, the firewall is to prevent the intrusion and interference of some unsafe factors outside the network, the firewall works between the end user and the Internet, is the transfer station of the server. On the one hand, it receives the data request from the client and responds to the connection in time; on the other hand, the signal sent to the server is transmitted to the client, so as to realize the data transmission between the client and the server.

The user terminal outside the enterprise network to the enterprise internal host unauthorized login and unauthorized use of host resources is called intrusion, intrusion on the enterprise internal data and information security has a very big hidden danger, but also to the enterprise network caused a big security hole. Therefore, in the design and deployment of the firewall, we must pay attention to the configuration of intrusion detection system, can effectively withstand the intrusion of scripts, automatic commands and other attacks, timely and efficient detection of all kinds of intrusion behavior, to resist all kinds of malicious activities, the potential security risks to do a good job to protect and deal with measures.

Firewall encryption technology mainly has two kinds, one is data encryption, the other is hardware and software encryption. Data encryption is mainly carried out by means of asymmetric secret key and symmetric secret key. Some confidential data are encrypted and transmitted to ensure the security of internal data. Hardware and software encryption, as the name implies, is the firewall and other hardware encryption processing, prevent external system login, relatively high security coefficient, software encryption and hardware encryption cost is lower, at the same time simplicity and flexibility is also relatively high, in the enterprise network architecture is widely used.

Firewall can be through certain rules to authenticate and identify user identity information, ensure the legitimacy of users, prevent illegal users to log in, in order to protect the host network security. Authentication is mainly aimed at the identification of the authorized person, binding the content of evidence with the identity of the entity user to ensure the identity of the entity is consistent with the system evidence, so that the user, program, host, process and other entities get safe information maintenance.

Any data entering or leaving the enterprise network is transmitted in the form of packets, while the firewall strictly filters the packets, reads the corresponding packets for detailed information data analysis, and detects the security of the packets. If the packet cannot be filtered and detected, the packets cannot enter the network. Packet filtering data detection is a design with low cost and high utilization rate. It can be said that the screening of information data is watertight. The drawback is that this detection cannot restrict the entry of programs, emails and other virus types into the network.

Firewall state detection is mainly for external access behavior, belongs to a kind of control technology, the purpose is to stop the illegal access to access network resources, the access control technology, generally divided into two types, one type is the access control system, the other is a network access control, network access control is used to limit the external terminal and internal host and terminal access to each other, based on specific user access control is a special permission to give, to the host for some special operation.

Firewall in the application process of enterprise network security, must require enterprises to strengthen network security management, and network security needs for a detailed analysis, formulate the specific implementation strategy of network security. Enterprise network management personnel for the actual existence of enterprise network security problems to summarize and plan, in the weak link to take the corresponding security measures, the security risk vulnerability prediction analysis and make security strategy. Fact is, the security of the network behavior is a process has been change, enterprises need to real-time demand for network analysis, dynamic analysis of network security status, so as to timely protective security measures of the system for testing and updates, regular maintenance of hardware and software system of security problems, summarize to develop a suitable for enterprise development the improvement of the network security protection measures.

In the context of the information age, network security is of vital importance to enterprises. Only when the data of information resources are secured can enterprises run smoothly and participate in enterprise competition. Enterprise network needs to strengthen the construction of firewall security system, build a stable and secure network environment, maintain enterprise information and data security, improve the market competitiveness of enterprises.



