
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。


2016-01-05 20:50:37 | Ron's Life Story







That is where I was able to be helpful. We had the new renter become a division of Unika, so they didn’t have to establish their own company in China. We provided them the least amount of space, so they could slowly get started with their own manufacturing. Under their direction, we purchased and imported equipment and raw materials using our staff. Once set up, we used our personnel department to start hiring qualified employees as Unika employees but assigned to the renter’s project.

From Tokyo, every month we invoiced the renter for space rented, employee wages, materials purchased and all general services like office sharing, imports and exports and overall overhead. In that case, we both were very successful.

That project lasted for eight years and then the renter gain enough confidence to start its own company in China. I would like to repeat that success again in China and possibly Vietnam in the future for small Japanese companies.

Coming to Unika has allowed me new ways to expand on global interaction activities. I have sales in around twenty countries worldwide, particularly in Europe and the United States. I took Japanese development engineers to several countries in Europe and had them work on project with European engineers. Also, I got an American company working with both Japanese and Chinese production personal to start production in China.

They’ve all been very exciting global activities for me. Please notice the below. I have now been to over 80 countries worldwide. Some were private for traveling, some were for training with Isuzu Motors and others were for sales activities and project working with Unika.

My global interaction is been moving at a high pace over these years.




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2016-01-05 00:07:44 | Ron's Life Story




Factory Rental Project

I mentioned that Unika had to have partners to start production overseas. One of the ways to do that is have several companies share one production complex in China and Vietnam. In China, Unika rented space in their factory that was not being use to some of its customers in Japan that were involved in different projects. In Vietnam, a joint venture chartered in Hong Kong was established.

After learning that concept and finding out that there was excess capacity in the China Factory, I asked if I could promote the rental of that space to my European and American customers which was approved.

In 2005, I successfully found a company that took a whole building from us to start up production in China. The plan started in very small stages to keep the risk as low as possible for the renter coming to China for the first time.

Factory rental in China, starting in 2005

For a company to start manufacturing overseas there are many risks. Many just give up their manufacturing (in the US or Europe) and buy from some inexpensive foreign company. There are advantages of manufacturing by on your own though. First, you control the production and shipments. You can use your existing equipment and not just scrap it. You can control the quality of the raw materials. You can control the quality of all production processes. You can protect your production technology and not expose it to an outside supplier. The problem is doing all this in a low risk and lot investment way.




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