
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。


2016-01-13 05:53:51 | Ron's Life Story




6.Team building, personality types
I mentioned this seminar in an earlier chapter. In international business, there are many different types of people. How do you get them all working together? In this presentation, I show the concept of personality types and explore how these types can work together using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. My presentation is 35 slides long.

7.High personal and company energy
How do you generate energy in a company and in yourself particularly in an international environment when jet-lag is a real problem? I look at the things that energize us and the things that draw energy out of us. If you want to get a lot out of each day and if you want your company to be high in energy on a global scale, this presentation might be interesting. It is 67 slides long.

8.Single owner company growth strategy
Most companies are started by someone who has an idea and is good at something. So, he starts doing it. Then, he learns more and more people want what he is doing. Finally, he doesn’t have enough time to help everyone with what he is doing, so he hires people, but employees will only do so much and then relax. How do you grow from there? This is the point when franchises start. I explain this procedure in a 26 slide presentation. It shows how this could be done globally as well.

9.Company stakeholder strategy
What is a company stakeholder? This term has been used a lot. I explain this term and how a company can communicate with each stakeholder (including global stakeholders) in a 21 slide presentation.

10.Sales management
This seminar I talked about in earlier chapters. If a company wants to expand international in sales it has to develop an active sales network. I have used this material in determining my own distributors in Europe and the United States. Are they fully covering the market? That is my key question and this seminar covers all the main points. It has 87 slides in it and is very detailed, as I have found over the years that sales management is the leak link in most sales organizations today.




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