
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。


2016-01-12 00:03:15 | Ron's Life Story




2.Selling skills and the selling process
Since I spent all those years training sales people successful and now confirmed that the material could be used for any product that required a presentation and getting to know the customer personally, I decided to prepare it in Japanese for selling globally. I have given that seminar several times now to Japanese people interest in sales and building their own business. I made several versions, but the longest presentation had 55 slides.

3.SPEED, as a competitive advantage
One of the key things I learned teaching sales training is that there are three things being sold when a product is sold. One is the product itself. Usually the customer decides this is the best product for them considering the features, performance price, design, etc. Also, the company is sold. There are cases that the after-sales service and support is far more important than the product itself. Speed and quality of service repairs and maintenance, product training and a wide range of support fall into this category. Then, finally is the sales person himself. Does he still maintain contact with the customer to make sure all is going well? Does he care about the performance of the product sold? Does he confirm that all he said before the sales was true? I have learned that all three of these things can develop customer loyalty. Just selling the product does not. One of the most powerful methods a person or company can use to build this loyalty is using speed as a competitive advantage. With today’s communication technology, I have found this a powerful advantage globally. If you answer the customer’s question in three minutes as opposed to three weeks, there is a big difference. Therefore, I prepared a 24 slide presentation on this.

4.Companies with creative environment
How is a company successfully motivated to be more creative and come up with new ideas in their study of going global business? Is it through incentives or fear? Or, is there a better way? I discuss this concern in a 25 slide presentation based on years of research on how the mind works.

5.Creating company change
Studies have showed that most companies will reject change (particularly global strategies) even when they are forced to make adjustments in their business plan. In some studies, over 80% of the people will fight the change. How can you use the other 20% to introduce change and make improvements? I discuss this in a 13 slide presentation.




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