[TV] #BTS #V will be on the <IN THE SOOP : Friendcation> on JTBC on July 22 at 9:00PM KST BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[放送]今日(7/22)9:00PM JTBC <インダーフォレスト:友情旅行>に#防弾少年団#Vが出演します。
[TV] #BTS #V will be on the <IN THE SOOP: Friendcation> on JTBC on July 22 at 9:00PM KST
Blue Side, Chicken Noodle Soup, Hope World Official Release
#jhope #제이홉 #BlueSide #ChickenNoodleSoup #CNS #HopeWorld
[기사] 美·英매체, #제이홉 ‘Jack In The Box’ 릴레이 찬사
https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=144&aid=0000826742 BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[記事] アメリカ・イギリスメディア、#Jホープ「Jack In The Box」リレー賞賛 https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=144&aid=0000826742
BTS JAPAN OFFICIALさんがリツイート ロッテチューインガム【公式】@gum__lotte
大注目👀の #ガムハート ポーズをチェック📷
[기사] #제이홉, 솔로 앨범 오리콘 주간 디지털 앨범 1위…글로벌 흥행 들썩
https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=609&aid=0000604952 BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[記事] #Jホープ、ソロアルバムオリコン週間デジタルアルバム1位… グローバル興行ブレ https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=609&aid=0000604952
benny blanco@ItsBennyBlanco
it’s all happening… @bts_bighit@SnoopDogg
잠시 후 j-hope의 @Stationhead
Listening Party가 시작됩니다! 모두 아래의 주소로 입장해주세요! j-hope 'Jack In The Box' Listening Party starts now! What would be the surprise?👀
👉 http://stationhead.com/btsofficial
*Stationhead log-in & Connect to Spotify or Apple Music account required BTS_official@bts_bighit
リスニングパーティーが始まります! みんな下の住所でご入場ください! j-hope 'Jack In The Box' Listening Party starts now! What would be the surprise?👀
👉 http://stationhead.com/btsofficial
*Stationhead log-in & Connect to Spotify or Apple Music account required
잠시 후 j-hope의 @Stationhead Listening Party가 시작됩니다! 모두 아래의 주소로 입장해주세요! j-hope 'Jack In The Box' Listening Party starts now! What would be the surprise?👀 👉 https://t.co/vE1gPLEZb0*Stationhead log-in & Connect to Spotify or Apple Music account required
benny: 나도 BTS에 껴줘!🥺
BTS: 응?🤷♂️
benny: 나도 잘할 수 있을 것 같은데!🥺
BTS: 음...안돼😅 대신 우리가 엄청난 곡을 같이 만들어볼 수는 있을 것 같은데?🤩
BTS_officialさんがリツイート Geffen Records@GeffenRecords
j-hope's critically acclaimed solo album 'Jack In The Box' along with main tracks 'MORE' and 'Arson' are now available for digital download at his official store https://store.bts-jhope.us
#jhope #JackInTheBox #jhope_MORE #jhope_Arson
[기사] #방탄소년단, ‘작은 것들을 위한 시’ 아미 버전, 1억뷰…韓 최다
https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=396&aid=0000619355 BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[記事] #防弾少年団、「Boy With Luv」アミ版、1億ビュー… 韓国最多 https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=396&aid=0000619355
[기사] #방탄소년단 ‘Proof’, 美 빌보드 메인 차트 4주 연속 상위권
https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/018/0005272250 BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[記事] #防弾少年団「Proof」、アメリカビルボードメインチャート4週連続上位圏 https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/018/0005272250
BTS JAPAN OFFICIALさんがリツイート umusicjapan@umusicjapan
ソロアルバム「Jack In The Box」配信開始記念🎉キャンペーン実施決定!
①LINE MUSIC 再生キャンペーン
抽選でサイン入りアルバム🎁→ https://universal-music.co.jp/bts/news/2022-07-15/
Join the j-hope 'Jack In The Box' Listening Party on @Stationhead! Don't miss the surprise!😉
📆 July 20, 5am PT | 8am ET | 9pm KST
👉 http://stationhead.com/btsofficial
*Stationhead log-in & Connect to Spotify or Apple Music account required
Join the j-hope 'Jack In The Box' Listening Party on @Stationhead! Don't miss the surprise!😉 📆 July 20, 5am PT | 8am ET | 9pm KST👉 https://t.co/vE1gPLWAzA*Stationhead log-in & Connect to Spotify or Apple Music account required pic.twitter.com/DJ9RqZMJR3
[기사] '뜨거운 글로벌 인기' #제이홉, 솔로 앨범 ‘Jack In The Box’ 美 스포티파이에 전곡 차트인
https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/215/0001043182 BIGHIT MUSIC@BIGHIT_MUSIC
[記事] '熱いグローバル人気' #ジェホップ、ソロアルバム「Jack In The Box」アメリカスポーティファイに全曲チャートイン https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/215/0001043182
Thank you so much to @youtubemusic
for the support! Listen j-hope's new solo album "Jack In The Box" now on #YouTubeMusic
🎧 http://yt.be/music/JITB