ご報告が遅れてすみません! 4月21日(土)はJSDCクラブメンバー講習会だったよ。 たくさんのクラブメンバーの皆様にご参加頂きありがとうございます 今回は3種のダンスを学んだ後、そのまま渋谷のJSDC新スタジオに移動、親睦会としてミニパーティを開催 今後も更にクラブメンバーの皆様が楽しめるイベントを企画します!
JSDC had a quarterly workshop for JSDC club members on Saturday, April 21st Sorry for the late report! Thank you very much to every single clubmember who joined the event The members practiced three kinds of dancing this time, and went straight to JSDC's new studio in Shibuya for a mini party We'll plan more fun events for JSDC club members in the future
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog!
JSDC had a quarterly workshop for JSDC club members on Saturday, April 21st Sorry for the late report! Thank you very much to every single clubmember who joined the event The members practiced three kinds of dancing this time, and went straight to JSDC's new studio in Shibuya for a mini party We'll plan more fun events for JSDC club members in the future
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog!