コーチのMr.Col This is my Coach Mr COL!!
They are top korean athlates. they are training to go London olympics!!Fiting!!
そして、日本人3度オリンピックに行き、4度目のロンドンを目指す 清美さん。
She is Ms Triathlate!!Kiyomi-san She went to 3times olympics and shw trys to go Londodn too.
2週間後の13日 Xterraサイパンが今年は初のレース。ここ1ヶ月で学んだことを出せればいい。順位よりも自分のベストを尽くすことが目標(これもここで学んだこと!!)
Finished!. today was my last trianing day then I am leaving here early morning tomorrow.
It was gret experience to trian with top athlates. and I learned many many things.
I wrote I don't want t write again but just onething, I learned not only trianing, but also mental and how to be strong!.
Also I was so lucky person to train with peopel who train for Oylmpics!!
They are awsome. I just fifnished a month then just happy to make it. They are doing how long??!!They are Though!
I will miss this beatiful place and nice people. but IA have to see Kevin and m friends too.
this is just start for this year.
I will keep train and I wil make my 2010.
It will be coming my first race in 2weeks in saipan.
I will try my best.
onething I mean I leaned many but one thing I have to remember, never put someone before me before race I do my race with my best.
My gold this year for race, I will say great job without any regret after race.
and get drink!!!!
Thanks everyone to cheer me and look forard to tell you my Xterra saipan race report!!
Ps. I found how long beach is the 42K you can run full marathon on the beach!!
コーチのMr.Col This is my Coach Mr COL!!
They are top korean athlates. they are training to go London olympics!!Fiting!!
そして、日本人3度オリンピックに行き、4度目のロンドンを目指す 清美さん。
She is Ms Triathlate!!Kiyomi-san She went to 3times olympics and shw trys to go Londodn too.
2週間後の13日 Xterraサイパンが今年は初のレース。ここ1ヶ月で学んだことを出せればいい。順位よりも自分のベストを尽くすことが目標(これもここで学んだこと!!)
Finished!. today was my last trianing day then I am leaving here early morning tomorrow.
It was gret experience to trian with top athlates. and I learned many many things.
I wrote I don't want t write again but just onething, I learned not only trianing, but also mental and how to be strong!.
Also I was so lucky person to train with peopel who train for Oylmpics!!
They are awsome. I just fifnished a month then just happy to make it. They are doing how long??!!They are Though!
I will miss this beatiful place and nice people. but IA have to see Kevin and m friends too.
this is just start for this year.
I will keep train and I wil make my 2010.
It will be coming my first race in 2weeks in saipan.
I will try my best.
onething I mean I leaned many but one thing I have to remember, never put someone before me before race I do my race with my best.
My gold this year for race, I will say great job without any regret after race.
and get drink!!!!
Thanks everyone to cheer me and look forard to tell you my Xterra saipan race report!!
Ps. I found how long beach is the 42K you can run full marathon on the beach!!