I finished KAIKE triathlon third of femal.
824people join/ 48 teams.
4200 Volanters.
I am happy about this result even I just did 2days adventure race and I was training for this even just a month.
I was still not 100% recover from the adventure race,,,I am not young anymore.....
the femal winner was Youko Hori from NZ.
she used to Pro and 6time won here in past
it was the hardest ever I done!
872people start swim same time. Imagin,872people start together!!!!How danger and bad.
Before I cam here, I reminded my last year race report said " people are MEAN!!!! at swim"
I was worry and scared and nervourse about swim start a lots. even the race day, just keep saying myself "after 200M, race will be good."
I was ready people push me.
at 7am, I started maybe untill 50M was great!!none touch me and I thought"I can do today without fihgt!!"
BUT bad dream was come back soon,,,,
it was BAD and I almost drawn. People NOT just pull legs or push or panching. they push down body to sink!!!!!
I never stop swim my race I done before BUT I had to STOP my first time or die.
I grab lope where between bouy to bouy. and start swim again and I stopped again.
I almost wait everyone pass me and swim the last.
after 200M first bouy. there are open space and poele are saparate!! now time to have fun.
I just think, " why people pushing even they are not godd swimmers,,,,,and they drop and slow down after first bouy,"
Seriousely I almost yell " HELP!!!"
After 1500M swim we have to go small island to get time and I knew I am kind of first group!
I didn't see Turtle but I saw many Jelly FISH!!!!!!!!!!! I was just tried to swim behind someone to not get stang.
the bike was 145K include many hills!!many.
it was head wind untill last 10K. so even finish climb but still feels like climb aganst wind.
also I felt my legs were not 100% recovery fromthe adventure race two weeks ago.
I am happy my bike was only 4mins slower then last year even all of this condithion.
I reamamber Regend of Athlete MArk Allen said " Have a fun Nature!!"
I tried to look around. there are nice and beautiful view! Rice fild, Mountains!
the run!!! the hardest !
the weather was hot! 34C!! I started run 1pm.
I couldn't eat anything. I tried to take gel but make me sick. no banana anything....just I didn't want to eat or get sick.
but also I was worry about loose energy due to not eating....
I just stop every aid station and get water from my heard and drink with salt.even there were so many good food, Cream bread, Sweet red beans bread, water mellon,,,,,,,,,
We have to stop every traffic light if it is RED. there are 83 traffic light on the running course!!!!!!83!!!
but sometimes I was happy that I have to stopp the light and be able to walk or rest!
Just HOT and HOT! my hands were NAM! so I just kept taking Salt.
I couldn't talk to Volanteers or my support team Matsumura-san and my parants. If I talked even "HI" I passed out.
I saw the sign said" Last 5K"
All the time on the run I was thinking about BAD dream from LAst year.
i was third of femal untill last 3K of RUn and when I was waiting traffic light 4th female came through the light and passed me.
I was just think " GO GOand go"
I didn't want to get same situation at all. I pushed and pushed never relax untill last 1K.
last 1K it was first time I check back and make sure not people behind me!
I made it.
I just sit and couldn't move few mins at finish line.( even my DAD asked me to take picutres,,,,,,)Just cry for happy to finish doesn't matter my place the time. I done some hardest race and happy to NOT need to run anymore.
I was happy to finish and it was really challenge.
when I was running I was think, this is my last race here. never come back.... but after race like today.
I feel I done something big thing!
Now I go ONSEN and eat nice food here and rest and ready to start training for XTERRA!!!!
swim 3K 45:49(19thof 836)
Bike 145K 4:59:09 (70th)
run 4:11;40 (70th)
Total third of femal/ 43th over all.
1, Youko Hori 9;31:22
2, Yoshie Nakahara 9:53:45
3, Mieko Carey 9:56;38
1 Yoji Fujiwara 8:23:16 ( he won 6times!!)
2 Youichiro Shin 8:29:53
3,Hiroshi Taketomo 8:53:45
Thank-you very much always cheer for me!!!
Mieko Carey