

A series of violent crimes committed by refugees in Germany; far-right party to

2025-03-06 05:17:46 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-03-06: Weekday edition,
"Special Zones" are a great "business model" that allows "developed countries" to "prosper" without war. I have proposed the "Algerian Special Zone", "Mexican Bor-der Special Zone", and "Philippine Special Zone" as major special zones to the world.

I argue that "refugees and illegal immigrants" should not be accepted in the "home countries" of "developed countries". This is "what everyone is saying". I believe they should be accepted in "overseas special zones".

In Europe, "countries that do not accept immigrants" should "jointly" build an "Alge-rian Special Zone". "Illegal immigrants and refugees" aiming for "Europe" should be accepted in the "special zone" as "temporary immigrants" and employed as "low-wage workers".

Have the "far-right" parties made a breakthrough? A big breakthrough! In Germany, amid growing concerns about the worsening security situation, political parties have put forward strict refugee and immigration policies ahead of the February 23 general election for the Bundestag (lower house), and far-right parties are expected to make a breakthrough. (February 17)

This incident is the responsibility of the "German government that accepted immi-grants." On February 13, a car crashed into a labor union demonstration in Munich, southern Germany, killing a mother and child and injuring about 40 people. Local police arrested the Afghan man (24) who was driving.

The German people should refuse to accept "immigrants and refugees." Political parties in Germany that accept "immigrants and refugees" should be dissolved. Ac-cording to the German news agency DPA, the man's refugee application was reject-ed, but his deportation was postponed due to his young age, etc.

"European" governments say they cannot employ "low-wage workers" unless they accept "refugees and illegal immigrants." The government does not accept the people's "anti-immigration" sentiment. The government "does not listen to my pro-posals." Such parties should be dissolved.

In the "home countries" such as Germany and France, "high value-added parts and materials are produced. Assembly and other processes are carried out by tempo-rary immigrants in the "Algerian Special Zone". In other words, division of labor is necessary.

In the "Algerian Special Zone", "low-wage" workers are employed with "latest equipment", so production can be cheaper than Chinese products. Ultimately, a system will be established that can beat Chinese products at the product level.

Products are exported from the "Algerian Special Zone" to "China, Japan, the United States, etc." In "China and the United States," "products cheaper than Chinese products" become popular.

If product exports from the "Algerian Special Zone" increase, "parts and materials from Europe" exported to the "Algerian Special Zone" through the supply chain will increase. Europe will prosper.

"Europeans" do not coexist with "temporary immigrants". "However", European countries indirectly "employ" "illegal immigrants and refugees". Isn't that wonder-ful?

European citizens should appeal to their governments to create an "Algerian special zone." Companies should also appeal to create an "Algerian special zone." Compa-nies will finally be able to "make a profit."

"Illegal immigrants and refugees" have "low wages." "Food, clothing, shelter, medi-cal care, and education" are free. This is because the "cooperative" that runs the special zone covers these costs. For details, see "Past Posts and Articles."

Part 1 Citations and References
A series of violent crimes committed by refugees in Germany. Will the "far right" make a breakthrough in the general election?

I will write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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ドイツで難民による凶悪事件相次ぐ 総選挙では「極右」が躍進か この事件は「移民を受け入れたドイツ政府」の責任だ。

2025-03-06 04:57:37 | 世界の皆さんへメール

世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 


2025-03-06: 平日版、



「極右」政党は躍進したか?大躍進だ! ドイツでは、治安悪化の懸念が高まる中、2月23日の連邦議会(下院)総選挙を前に各政党が厳しい難民・移民政策を打ち出しており、極右政党の躍進が期待されている。(2月17日)











第1部 引用・参考文献
ドイツで難民による凶悪事件相次ぐ 総選挙では「極右」が躍進か



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。














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I think President Trump's "Riviera Plan" is premised on the US taking possession of Gaza.

2025-03-05 04:43:56 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-03-05: Weekday edition,
The "Philippine Special Zone" will be the "front line" for Western companies to ex-port to the Chinese market. Western governments should support "my plan" to re-locate "Palestinians in Gaza" to the Philippines.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu praised President Trump's Gaza relocation plan. "This is not ethnic cleansing" and "the only viable plan." I think so, but the destina-tion is "NG."

Prime Minister Netanyahu praised President Trump's plan as a "bold new plan" and said, "If the people (of Gaza) want to relocate voluntarily, they should be given the option." I think they should relocate voluntarily.

I think President Trump's "Riviera Plan" is based on the premise that the United States will take possession of Gaza. This is impossible. Gaza is a "Palestinian-controlled area." Trump's Riviera Plan should be "withdrawn."

President Trump's proposal is a "forced relocation proposal." If the relocation is voluntary, Trump should also make a "correction" to clear up the "misunderstand-ing." Trump should relocate "Palestinian hopefuls" to areas far from Palestine.

I propose the "Mindanao Island" in the Philippines. More than 20% of the island's residents are Muslim. The "Bangsamoro Autonomous Government" will be officially launched in May this year.

I am considering making the areas of Mindanao outside the "Bangsamoro Autono-mous Government" into a "Philippine Special Zone."

There is another reason why I am promoting the "Philippine Special Zone." That is because the integration of Taiwan into China is inevitable. I think the Trump admin-istration is aiming to peacefully integrate Taiwan into China and build a peaceful re-lationship with China.

After Taiwan is integrated into China, I think the "pro-American region" that will re-place Taiwan is the Philippines. I think the United States should involve the UK and use the Philippines as a "nearshoring" for the Chinese market.

China is moving its production bases to Mexico, which is closer to the American market. The Philippines should be a back door to China for Western companies. The US and UK should take advantage of it. That is the "Philippine Special Zone".

The US plans to accept "illegal immigrants" from Latin America heading to the US as "temporary immigrants" in the "special zone on the Mexican border" and employ them as "low-wage workers".

"The US and UK" plan to accept "Palestinians" from the "Gaza Strip" as "temporary immigrants" in the "Philippine Special Zone" and employ them as "low-wage work-ers".

The US and European countries are losing out in the "Chinese market", but con-versely Chinese products are flooding the Western market. The Trump administra-tion will fight back with "tariffs", but essentially they should fight Chinese products with "quality and price".

Part 1 Citations and References
Accept Gaza residents in Japan? Pros and cons of Prime Minister Ishiba's remarks and President Trump's "ownership of Gaza", what exactly are "refugees"?
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: "This is not ethnic cleansing," "It's the only feasi-ble plan"... Trump

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.
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2025-03-05 04:41:04 | 世界の皆さんへメール
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2025-03-05: 平日版、













第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。















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It seems that it has been revealed that Japan is planning to have Chinese troops

2025-03-04 05:20:49 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-03-04: Weekday edition,
President Trump's "Zelensky is a dictator" remarks are "shocking" European coun-tries. Trump has no intention of going along with Europe, which has been brain-washed by Biden. The world seems to be divided into "left" and "right".

In other words, it was the "left" that forced Russia to invade Ukraine. The left is characterized by a group of "revolutionaries" who want to reset the economy with "war".

President Trump clearly "understands" the cause of the "Ukraine War". This war was started by Biden from his "own desires" when he was "Vice President".

Biden is a "war businessman". In order to succeed in business, it was necessary to "incite" and realize the "threat of war". That's why he forced Russia to invade Ukraine.

Biden's "war business" blossomed in the Ukraine war. Weapons and bombs were used up in a "short period". Weapons and weapons were not enough. The defense industry was busy screaming.

Biden has gone too far. He "stirred up the crisis" in Japan too. The Japanese "left" stirred up the "threats" of "Russia, North Korea, and China." Under the Biden ad-ministration, Japan will have to raise taxes to expand its military power.

Gabbard, who was appointed Director of Military National Intelligence in the Trump administration, said, "Looking at the history between Japan and China, there is a possibility of escalation as Japan moves from a 'self-defense posture' to an 'offen-sive posture.'"

"She" has questioned Japan's "strengthening of defense power" in the past, and expressed her opinion on this day as well. Japan is "confronting" "China" over the Senkaku Islands. Her analytical skills are excellent.

The Biden administration's policy was to provoke "Russia and China" like the "Ukraine War" and have them "invade" Japan. This story was also covered by ma-jor media.

It seems that it has been revealed that Japan is trying to start a war with China by having the Chinese military invade the Senkaku Islands like the Ukraine War, under the pretext that "China has invaded."

A Biden administration would say, "Well done, Japan!" Japan would start a war with China under the "Japan-US Security Treaty." The scenario is that the US would support Japan with military aid.

Gabbard is worried about this. She is worried about the security of the US if Japan were to switch from a self-defense posture to an offensive posture. "I" am worried that Japan will go to war with China.

The Japanese Diet is crazy for giving a standing ovation to Zelensky for provoking Russia and starting a war. Gabbard's worries will become reality.

Trump is a "pacifist." He is busy "cleaning up" the mess of the Biden administration. He "should first achieve peace with Russia." Good luck, President Trump.

Part 1 Citations and References
Europe panics after shocking "dictator" remarks, calling for immediate security re-view
US Director of National Intelligence candidate: "If Japan takes an aggressive stance, there is a possibility of escalation"...opinion expressed at Senate hearing

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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2025-03-04 05:14:41 | 世界の皆さんへメール
世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 



2025-03-04: 平日版、










バイデン政権ならこう言うだろう。 「よくやった、日本!」日本は「日米安全保障条約」の下で中国と戦争を始めるだろう。米国は日本を軍事支援で支援するというシナリオだ。




第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。















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2025-03-04 05:14:41 | 世界の皆さんへメール
拝啓 政治家の皆さま


2025-03-04: 平日版、










バイデン政権ならこう言うだろう。 「よくやった、日本!」日本は「日米安全保障条約」の下で中国と戦争を始めるだろう。米国は日本を軍事支援で支援するというシナリオだ。




第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。















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The Biden administration was called the "war business" president.

2025-03-03 04:55:19 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-003-03: Weekday edition,
President Trump said, "Well said!" "Zelensky is a dictator." The media still reports that "Russia invaded Ukraine," but the truth is that the West forced Russia to invade Ukraine."

President Trump called President Zelensky an "unelected dictator." Europe will "rebel," but Europe should "protect" the rules of democracy. Zelensky's term "ended" on May 20, 2024.

According to the "HP" of the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, in the absence of the president, "the prime minister serves as acting president" (Article 112 of the Constitution). It is "impossible" to make Zelensky president.

Ukraine declared martial law immediately after the "invasion began" in February 2022, and has repeatedly extended it. The "presidential election in March" was "postponed" due to "martial law." Europe has its own interpretation.

President Trump said that Ukrainian President Zelensky refuses to hold elections. In ac-tual polls in Ukraine, President Trump's approval rating is low.

Trump said, "How can you have such a high approval rating when all your cities are be-ing destroyed?" "Trump" and "we" are "fed up" with the "false reports" of "Ukrainian and Western media".

On February 18, President Trump also "suggested" that a presidential election should be held in Ukraine. "Trump" also said that "President Zelensky" has a "low" approval rating of "4%"

Ukraine and European countries should recognize that Trump is the president of the United States. President Trump himself is a victim of the "false reports" of the Biden ad-ministration. That is why Trump is appealing for democracy.

The Biden administration has been called the "war business" president. He used his "power as the president of the United States" to get the media to "report falsely" and de-velop the "war business". The Ukraine war is a prime example of this.

Biden forced a meeting with Putin and even said, "Even if Russia invades Ukraine, the United States will not send troops," forcing Russia to invade Ukraine.

And when he saw Russia "deploying" its troops on the "Belarusian border," Biden "count-ed down" in front of the "television" every day that "Russia will invade Ukraine within two or three days."

This is even more despicable than Democratic President Johnson, who "fabricated" the "Gulf of Tonkin incident" and started the "Vietnam War." "Biden and Johnson" also "with-drew midway" in the next presidential election. .

Ukraine's "pro-Western government" attacked eastern Ukraine, where its "nationals" of "Russian descent" live, with "weapons" in order to force Russia to invade. The Ukrainian government killed its "nationals" of Russian descent with weapons.

China also deployed tanks of the People's Army during the Tiananmen Square incident. However, when "the people stood in front of the tanks," the tanks stopped advancing. Europe criticized the Chinese government, but Western countries were more complicit in the "barbaric act" than China.

The Biden administration forced Russia to invade Ukraine, incited the "Russian threat," and urged Western countries to "build up their military power." The Trump administra-tion should take this into account and "apologize" for its "disrespect" towards Russia. Good luck!

Part 1 Citations and References
President Trump calls President Zelensky a "dictator," Europe reacts https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20250220/k10014727561000.html

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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2025-03-03 04:49:21 | 世界の皆さんへメール
世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 


2025-003-03: 平日版、















第1部 引用・参考文献
トランプ大統領、ゼレンスキー大統領を「独裁者」と呼び、欧州が反発 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20250220/k10014727561000.html



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。













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This scandal began when US President Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr

2025-03-02 05:01:39 | 世界の皆さんへメール
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

Sunday Edition March 2, 2025
The Trump administration is proposing a "deal" to Ukraine. In exchange for continuing military assistance, they are asking for the provision of "rare earths" that are rumored to be buried in Ukraine. Experts are skeptical of the feasibility of this. Trump, don't forget the "Ukrainegate" incident! Don't do that!

Traditionally, rare earth production was monopolized by China. However, according to Harada, Australia and the United States have also started production recently, and China's monopoly on the global market is gradually being dissolved.

So what about Ukraine? Regarding the message from "President Trump and the US administration," Harada said, "This is the first time I've heard that rare earths can be mined in Ukraine." However, rare earths are scattered all over the world.

Trump is "positive" that "Ukraine has very valuable rare earths," but it cannot be denied that his expectations are ahead of reality.

"Ukraine War and Biden, son Hunter, President Trump." They seem to like "scandals" set in Ukraine. For details, see the Wikipedia article in Part 1.

The scandal began when US President Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son.

The political scandal was triggered by revelations that US President Donald Trump tried to force Ukraine to investigate his political rival Biden in order to damage Biden's campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

On September 24, 2019, the House of Representatives opened a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump. On October 31, 2019, the House approved impeachment. President Trump was impeached on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but was acquitted by the Senate.

"Ukraine and the Bidens"In 2014, the Obama administration was trying to provide diplomatic support to the Yatsenyuk government after the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, and Joe Biden, who was then Vice President, was on the "front line" of the effort.

Biden's son Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings on April 18, 2014.

Hunter was hired to provide Burisma with best practices in corporate governance, and Burisma also hired a consulting firm in which Hunter is a partner.

Joe Biden visited the Ukrainian capital of Kiev on April 21, 2014, and called on the Ukrainian government to "reduce its dependence on Russia for natural gas supplies."

In summary, Biden's son Hunter learned of large reserves of "natural gas (shale gas)" in eastern Ukraine.

Vice President Hunter determined that Ukraine could extract natural gas if it was given special permission to use U.S. shale gas extraction technology.

However, after an investigation, it was found that natural gas (shale gas) in eastern Ukraine could not be extracted with U.S. technology, and major companies withdrew from development, making the project a pipe dream.

There are always stories like this in Ukraine. These stories always lead to war. This time it was a war with Ukraine.

President Trump is working hard to end the war started by Biden. This time, it seems that Trump has been "possessed by the devil" over rare metals. Ukraine is a dangerous country. Don't do it!

Part 1 Citations and References
Trump Ukraine Scandal
Is it really true... The reality of Trump's "deal" with Ukrainian rare earths
The energy situation behind the Ukrainian conflict. Ukraine and Russia's feud over
natural gas

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2: Immigration Law Violation Cases, Sunday Edition

Chapter 7: When I was released from prison after completing my sentence, I read the newspaper and found out that a similar incident had occurred at the Philippine Embassy.

Philippine diplomats, embassy staff, and Filipino drivers have suffered the same damage as me.

I have also filed a criminal accusation against this case.

I and the Chinese in the 2010 immigration law violation case, and the Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats in 2013, were punished for the same reason.

I have submitted my complaint and the complaints of the Chinese and Filipinos to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, and the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.

However, all of them were rejected. If the prosecutor accepts and rejects the case, I can request the Prosecutor's Review Board to prosecute, but I have no way to oppose the rejection.

I also appealed to political parties and Diet members. But they were all ignored.

A city council member accompanied me to the Democratic Party's legal advisor. However, the advisor's answer was that if the "principal offense" is found guilty, then the "crime of aiding and abetting" is established. Is he really a lawyer?

The Democratic Party's legal advisor says that all those who graduated from the Legal Training and Research Institute have the same answer. This is proof that Japan is not "governed under the law".

I asked the Japan Bar Association for support. They said that the JFBA does not have the "power" to solve the problem. Japan's "judicial system" is crazy.

I have "emailed" "political parties and Diet members", as well as "the Prime Minister's Office and the Human Rights Bureau" on "Facebook and (X)", but they are still ignoring me.

This case is an arbitrary misapplication of the law by police officers, prosecutors, and judges. (It is an illegal act).

The charges are "Abuse of the authority of a special public official" and "Crimes of False Complaints".

In my "personal opinion," the prosecutors "concealed" the "criminal complaint" and "criminal accusation" by their "authority." Therefore, the "statute of limitations" has been suspended.

"Chapter 8." This case is "legally" an "error in the application of law."
"Errors in the application of law" are not subject to "requests for retrial" under the "Criminal Procedure Law."

However, if the "crime of the inspectors and police officers involved in the case" is "proven," a request for retrial can be made.

1. The charge against the "special public officials" in this case is "abuse of the authority of special public officials."
They "arrested" us even though there was "no suspicion of a crime." And they even "detained" us. (There is a precedent for grand jury decisions.)
2. And it is "the crime of false accusation." It is a fact that they "indicted" us and even found us guilty in a "trial" in order to make us criminals.

Requests for retrial can be made by us or by the prosecutors.
I believe that the prosecution should admit guilt and make a request for a retrial.

I will not give up. It has been 15 years since the incident.

The only country that can resolve this case is the United States.
When Trump was the former president, he promised me.

He replied with a signed letter saying, "I will resolve this in a way that satisfies you."

I hope that this time he will keep his promise.

President Trump, let's work together to "revive the Rust Belt" and create a "special zone on the Mexican border."

And let's cross the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean in two hours with the "American Linear Canal Railway," a freight train dedicated to containers that will replenish the Panama Canal.

People around the world, please support us.

Part 3. Construction of a special zone. It's a new business model.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. "US-Russia-China" three-nation military alliance and war show
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 5. Ukraine War
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 6. Japan's infamous judicial system and human rights violations
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Development of virus detectors for coronavirus and other viruses

Part 8. North Korea's abduction and missile issues

Part 9. One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicle Promotion

Part 10. Nagano Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant: CO2 Free & SDGs

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

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