ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン:すべてのホワイトハウスのための5/19/2017。 |
8:30 AM:ペンス副大統領がコロンビアのフアン・マヌエル・サントス大統領と朝食会を開催
11:00 AM:トランプ大統領とペンス副大統領が、ミック・ムルバニー(Mulvaney)予算管理局長と会う
12:15 PM:Pence副社長は、ビジネス会議の年次総会で発言を行います
1:20 PM:パンス副大統領は、国家政策会議の2017年会議で、
1:50 PM:トランプ大統領がホワイトハウスを出発して海外旅行を開始し、サウジアラビアのリヤドで初めての滞在
昨日、Pence副社長は米国商工会議所のInvest in Americaで発言を行いました!サミットでは、今日、私は自信をもって、ドナルド・トランプ大統領のリーダーシップと一緒に、今日ここに代表される企業、あなたの革新と業界との継続的な助けを借りて、世界中の彼女の友達はまだ来ていない」
「アメリカは新しく母親や父親に一日の給料が支払われることを保証しない唯一の先進国であり、トランプの提案はそれを変えるだろう...」 - ワシントンポスト
"フォード・モーター・コーポレーション(F.N)は、同社が燃料効率の良いパワートレインのラインナップを拡充しているため、ミシガン州にあるLivoniaトランスミッションプラントをアップグレードするために3億5,000万ドルを投資すると述べた。 - ロイター
"エジプトの新聞3人の編集長との会合で、シシ氏は、"私は彼と彼の紛争を解決する能力を信じている "と言って、トランプに自信を表明しました..."トランプは何にも満足していない成功、そして彼の能力と約束に自信を持っている」 - エルサレムポスト
Everything White House for 5/19/2017. |
Watch President Donald J. Trump's Weekly Address:
Today's Events
8:30 AM: Vice President Pence hosts a breakfast meeting with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia
11:00 AM: President Trump and Vice President Pence meet with Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney
12:15 PM: Vice President Pence delivers remarks at the Business Council’s Annual Meeting
1:20 PM: Vice President Pence delivers remarks at the Council for National Policy’s 2017 Meeting
1:50 PM: President Trump departs the White House to begin his trip abroad, making his first stop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
President Trump begins his trip abroad this afternoon, where he will make five stops. The President will be departing the White House at 1:50 PM. The President will seek to reaffirm America's global leadership, continue building key relationships with world leaders, and deliver a message of unity to America's friends and allies. He will be making stops in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, and Belgium, and will be attending both the NATO and G7 summits. First Lady Melania Trump will join the President for the eight-day trip overseas. Stay up to date with the President's trip at WH.gov/POTUSAbroad and on Twitter #POTUSAbroad.
First Lady Melania Trump announced yesterday some of the stops on her first foreign trip as First Lady of the United States of America.
Yesterday, President Trump held a joint press conference with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia.
President Donald Trump and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos participate in a joint press conference in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, May 18, 2017, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks).
President Trump announced his intent to nominate G. Keith Bryant to the Department of Homeland Security and Elizabeth Erin Walsh to the Department of Commerce.
Yesterday, Vice President Pence delivered remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Invest in America! Summit, and said, "today I say with confidence that with your continued help, with your innovation and with your industry, the companies that are represented here today, along with the leadership of President Donald Trump, I know the best days for America and all of her friends across the world are yet to come."
The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced that it has adopted the American Cancer Society (ACS) breast cancer screening guidelines that give women a choice to begin screening at age 40.
What We Are Reading
"The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers or fathers a single day of paid time off. Trump’s proposals would change that..." - The Washington Post
"Ford Motor Co (F.N) said it would invest $350 million to upgrade its Livonia transmission plant in Michigan as the company expands its lineup of fuel-efficient powertrains." - Reuters
"Speaking at a meeting with the chief editors of three Egyptian newspapers, Sisi expressed his confidence in Trump, saying 'I believe in him and his abilities to resolve conflict' ... 'Trump is a great man who is not satisfied with anything but success, and we have confidence in his abilities and his promises'" - The Jerusalem Post