世界の警察官に感謝【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-01-26 】
Craig Menearのホームデポ最高経営責任者(CEO)は、「当社の関連会社に対するこの増分投資は、新しい税制改革法案によって可能になった。 "我々は、我々の同僚にこの追加の報酬を提供することができることを喜んでいる。
Andy Biggs(R-AZ)議員はワシントン審査官に、「税制改革により、すでに経済が好景気に陥っていて、将来的にはさらに大きな成長を遂げる軌道をつくることができた」と述べています。税制改革の効果は長期的なものになるだろう。急速な刺激ではない。 「企業、中小企業、消費者は、法案が大統領の机に届くずっと前から、税金パッケージの可能性が高い条項のほとんどを知っていた。彼らは彼らが見たものが好きで、将来のものを正確に予測して投資や支出を決定しました」とBiggs氏は説明します。
Betsy McCaugheyはニューヨークポスト紙に「先週の木曜日、トランプ政権が、病院の雇用主に、彼らの信仰に反して中絶をするよう圧力をかけていると非難している生命の看護師や医師の救助に来た」と述べている。 「医師と看護師」の第1条改正権。 。 。彼らの良心に従って医療を練習することができます」とMcCaugheyは説明します。

【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-01-26 】
West Wing Reads |
Home Depot hourly employees to receive up to $1,000 bonus due to tax reform
“Home Depot is awarding its hourly employees in the U.S. a one-time cash bonus of as much as $1,000 following the passage of new tax legislation,” Lauren Thomas of CNBC reports.
“This incremental investment in our associates was made possible by the new tax reform bill,” Home Depot Chief Executive Officer Craig Menear said. "We are pleased to be able to provide this additional reward to our associates."
Click here to read more.
Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in Washington Examiner that “tax reform has placed us on the right course to keep our already booming economy humming at a good clip and sets the trajectory for even more significant growth in the future.” Furthermore, tax reform’s effects will be long-term, not a quick-hit stimulus. “Corporations, small businesses, and consumers knew most of the likely provisions of the tax package long before the bill reached the President’s desk. They liked what they saw, and they made investment and spending decisions based on their accurate prediction of what the future would bring,” Rep. Biggs explains.
Betsy McCaughey writes in the New York Post that “last Thursday the Trump administration came to the rescue of pro-life nurses and doctors who accuse hospital employers of pressuring them to perform abortions, in violation of their faith.” President Trump’s new policy protects the First Amendment right of “doctors and nurses . . . to practice medicine according to their conscience,” McCaughey explains.
“Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions was confirmed to head the Department of Justice (DOJ) nearly one year ago, he has been making an impact,” Carrie Severino writes in National Review. Under his leadership, “this DOJ has shown that its dedication to the rule of law extends to the direct protection of individual rights.”
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