

世界の警察官に感謝【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-01-30a 】 ウェストウィング読書| 今はトランプの経済だ

2018-01-30 12:07:41 | ホワイトハウスからのメール


世界の警察官に感謝【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-01-30a 】













"アレックス・アザールは月曜日に、健康と人間サービス部門の秘書として誓い、トランプ大統領の内閣の重要な座席を補充した"とワシントン・タイムズが報じた。共和党員はAzar氏がHHSがどのように働いているのかをしっかりと把握しており、医薬品会社のEli Lilly10年間は処方箋薬市場への競争を強化しようとしていることから、 Jr.が書いています。 "氏。トランプ氏は、すぐに処方薬価格を下げて、アザール氏に任命しました。他の国々は、同じ薬のためにアメリカ人のほんの一部を支払うと言っています。








AP通信によると、全米企業経済学会の調査によると、企業は「米国経済が改善し続ける最新の兆候で、労働者に高い給与と給与を支払う」と報じている。調査の回答者の約半数は、過去3ヶ月間に賃金と給与が上昇したと答えた。一方、労働者の給与を削減するとは誰も言いませんでした」とStan Choe氏は書いています。






【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-30a 】

West Wing Reads |


It’s Trump’s economy now

In The New York Times, Stephen Moore writes that “few Presidents can claim to have presided over the kind of economy the United States is enjoying now.” Moore notes that “the economy grew at a rate of about 3 percent in the last three quarters, something that economists said was very unlikely just a year ago.”

Click here to read more.


Alex Azar was sworn Monday as secretary of the Health and Human Services Department, filling a critical seat in President Trump’s cabinet,” The Washington Times reported. “Republicans say Mr. Azar has a firm grasp of how HHS works and that his decade at Eli Lilly, a drug company, will give him an insider’s perspective as the administration tries to inject more competition into the prescription-drug market,” Tom Howell Jr. writes. “Mr. Trump immediately tasked Mr. Azar with driving down prescription drug prices, saying other countries ‘pay a tiny fraction’ of Americans fork out for the same pills.”


National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn writes in CNN that after President Trump’s address in Davos, major business and political leaders “can once again look to the United States as one of the most competitive and lucrative places to invest in the world, because ‘America is open for business.’” Cohn explains that “investment in America does not just benefit the United States -- it benefits the world. When our economy grows, it is good for the world. When the world economy grows, it is good for the United States.”


The Associated Press reports that companies are “paying their workers higher wages and salaries in the latest signs that the U.S. economy continues to improve,” according to a new survey from the National Association for Business Economics. “Nearly half of the surveys’ respondents said that their wages and salaries rose over the past three months. None, meanwhile, said that they cut pay for workers,” Stan Choe writes.




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