

賞賛の表現 Expressions of Praise

2025-03-12 16:40:53 | 日記
Expressions of Praise

We can worship God anywhere and anytime in many different ways.

詩篇 34:1-3 1 私はいつも主をほめたたえます。主の賛美は私の口に絶えずあります。 2 私の魂は主を誇ります。謙遜な者はそれを聞いて喜びます。 3 私とともに主をほめたたえ、共に主の御名をほめたたえましょう。
Psalm 34:1-3 1 I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2 My soul will make its boast in the LORD; The humble will hear it and rejoice. 3 O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.

詩篇 29:1-2 1 勇士の子らよ、主に帰せよ。栄光と力を主に帰せよ。 2 御名にふさわしい栄光を主に帰せよ。聖なる装いで主を礼拝せよ。
Psalm 29:1-2 1 Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in holy array.

詩篇 145:3 3 主は偉大であり、大いに讃えられるべきであり、その偉大さは測り知れない。
Psalm 145:3 3 Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised, And His greatness is unsearchable.

Glorifying the Lord is not limited to worshipping in church. In fact, praise should permeate every aspect of our life. (See Ps. 34:1.)

主を賛美する明らかな方法の一つは、声を出すことです。私たちは礼拝を言葉で述べたり、歌ったりすることができます。詩篇作者は崇拝を言葉にし、愛を音楽にのせました。真の礼拝は、神の特質に焦点を合わせている信者の口からも流れ出ます。彼らは、神がどのような方であるか、何をなさったか、そして将来何を約束しておられるかゆえに、神を敬いたいと願っています(詩篇 29:1-2、詩篇 145:3)。
One obvious way that we praise the Lord is with our voice. We can either speak or sing our worship. The psalmists put adoration into words and set their love to music. True worship also flows from the mouths of believers who are focused upon God’s attributes. They desire to honor Him because of who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s promised for the future (Psalms 29:1-2; Psalm 145:3).

God is also praised when we serve Him. People are created for the purpose of bringing glory and honor to His name. Therefore, nothing should limit our willingness to work for our King, particularly when we have a chance to share Him with others. Christ is honored when His followers speak boldly about His grace and His work—believers’ testimonies are a powerful form of praise that magnifies God’s name.

Jesus Christ is worth more than any treasure this world offers. Loving Him and understanding what He’s done for us should be all the motivation we need to praise Him with our life. We shouldn’t just sing; we should serve His kingdom and share the gospel. May we add to the worship that rings from God’s throne room.

自分の将来に自信を持つ Be Confident About Your Future

2025-03-12 16:20:57 | 日記
Be Confident About Your Future

あなたにとって、将来はどんなことが待ち受けているでしょうか。未来学者は、将来何が起こるかを予測します。たとえば、今日生まれた赤ちゃんの中には 150 歳まで生きる子もいると予測されています。彼らの予測の中には実現するものもあれば、実現しないものもあります。
What does the future hold in store for you? Futurologists predict what will happen in the future. For example, it has been predicted that some babies born today will live to the age of 150. Some of their predictions may come true. Others may not.

- 1962 年、デッカ レコード カンパニーはビートルズを拒否しました。彼らは「彼らのサウンドは好きではないし、*ギター音楽は廃れつつある*」と言いました。 - 1977 年、デジタル イクイップメント カンパニーの会長ケン オルソンは、「*自宅にコンピューターを置きたいと考える人はいない*」と述べました。未来については、*私たちが知らない*ことや、*知るはずのない*ことが確かにあります。
- In 1962 Decca Recording Company rejected the Beatles. They said, ‘We don’t like their sound, and *guitar music is on the way out*.’ - In 1977 Ken Olson, Chairman of Digital Equipment Co., said, ‘There is *no reason anyone would want a computer in their home*.’ There are certain things about the future that *we don’t know* and that we are not *supposed to know*.

However, there are other things that *you can know* about the future and that makes a real difference to your life now. Today we see three reasons why, if you put your trust in the Lord, *you can be confident about your future*.

詩篇 33:1-11 ESV [1] 義なる者よ、主にあって喜びの声をあげよ。賛美は正しい者にふさわしい。[2] 立琴をもって主に感謝をささげよ。十弦の立琴をもって主に歌を奏せよ。[3] 主に新しい歌を歌え。琴を巧みに弾き、大声で叫べ。[4] 主の言葉は正しく、そのみわざはすべて真実に行われる。[5] 主は正義と公正を愛し、地は主の慈しみに満ちている。[6] 主の言葉によって天が造られ、その万象はその口の息によって造られた。[7] 主は海の水を山のように集め、深淵を倉に蓄えられる。[8] 全地は主を恐れ、世に住む者は皆主を畏れ敬え。[9] 主が語られると、それは起こった。 主は命じられ、それは堅く立った。[10] 主は諸国の計りごとを無に帰し、民の計画を挫かれる。[11] 主の計りごとは永遠に続き、その心の計画は代々続く。
Psalm 33:1-11 ESV [1] Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. [2] Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! [3] Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. [4] For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. [5] He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. [6] By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. [7] He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses. [8] Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! [9] For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. [10] The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. [11] The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.

The plans of the Lord

‘The plans of the Lord stand firm for ever’ (v.11). God has plans. God has a good plan for your life. He has ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11).

詩篇作者の将来に対する自信は、過去を振り返ることから来ています。彼は神が「主の言葉」を通して何をなさったかを思い返しています(詩篇 33:6a)。
The psalmist’s confidence about the future comes from looking back on the past. He reflects on what God has done through ‘the word of the Lord’ (Psalm 33:6a).

As we read this psalm through the lens of the New Testament, we see that it was through Jesus (the Word of God) that the whole world came into being (vv.6–9). He is the one who is the source of all that is ‘right and true’ (v.4a). He is ‘faithful’ (v.4b). He ‘loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love’ (v.5).

It is on this basis that the psalmist can be confident that ‘The plans of the Lord stand firm for ever, the purposes of his heart through all generations’ (v.11). Governments and people make plans. These may fail (v.10). Yet you can be confident in God’s good plans for you and for your life.

The appropriate response to all this is worship – to sing joyfully to the Lord and to praise him with different instruments, to write new songs, to use every musical skill and ability, and even make lots of noise (!) (‘shout for joy’, v.3b).

Lord, thank you that you have good plans for me. Thank you that you are in ultimate control of history, the future and my life.

マルコ 16:1-20 ESV [1] 安息日が過ぎると、マグダラのマリア、ヤコブの母マリア、サロメは香料を買い、イエスに塗るために出かけた。[2] 週の初めの日の早朝、太陽が昇ると、彼女たちは墓に行った。[3] 彼女たちは互いに言った、「だれが墓の入り口から石をどけてくれるだろうか」。[4] 彼女たちが目を上げて見ると、石はわきに転がしてあった。それは非常に大きかった。[5] 彼女たちが墓に入ると、白い衣を着た若者が右側に座っているのが見えたので、彼女たちは驚いた。[6] すると、イエスは彼らに言われた、「驚いてはならない。十字架につけられたナザレ人イエスを捜しているが、イエスは復活して、ここにはおられない。イエスを納めた場所を見なさい。[7] ただ、行って、弟子たちとペテロに、イエスはあなたたちより先にガリラヤへ行かれると告げなさい。 そこで、彼があなたに言ったとおり、彼に会えるであろう。」 [8] すると、二人は墓から逃げ出した。震えと驚きのあまり、彼らは襲われ、だれにも何も言わなかった。彼らは恐れていたからである。[最古の写本には、16:9–20が抜けているものがある。] [9] [[さて、イエスは週の初めの日に朝早く復活し、まず、七つの悪霊を追い出しておいたマグダラのマリアに現れた。 [10] 彼女は、イエスと一緒にいた人たちのところに行って、嘆き泣いているところにそのことを告げた。 [11] しかし、イエスが生きていて、彼女に現れたと聞いても、彼らは信じなかった。 [12] これらのことの後、二人が田舎へ歩いていると、イエスは別の姿で現れた。 [13] そこで、彼らは戻って残りの人々に告げたが、信じなかった。 [14] その後、イエスは十一人が食事の席に着いているところに現れ、彼らの不信仰と心の頑固さを叱責された。それは、イエスが復活されたのを見た人たちを信じなかったからである。 [15] そして彼らに言われた、「全世界に出て行き、すべての造られたものに福音を宣べ伝えなさい。 [16] 信じてバプテスマを受ける者は救われる。しかし、信じない者は罪に定められる。 [17] 信じる人々には次のようなしるしが伴う。すなわち、わたしの名によって悪霊を追い出し、新しいことばを語り、 [18] 蛇を手でつかみ、毒を飲んでも害を受けず、病人に手を置けば病人はいやされる。」 [19] そこで、主イエスは彼らに話してから、天に上げられ、神の右に座された。 [20] そして彼らは出て行って、至る所で宣べ伝えた。主は彼らとともに働き、しるしを伴ってその言葉を確証された。]]
Mark 16:1-20 ESV [1] When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. [2] And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. [3] And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” [4] And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. [5] And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. [6] And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. [7] But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” [8] And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. [Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9–20.] [9] [[Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. [10] She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. [11] But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it. [12] After these things he appeared in another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country. [13] And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them. [14] Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. [15] And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. [16] Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. [17] And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; [18] they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” [19] So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. [20] And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.]]

The power of the resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus did actually happen. When the women arrived at the tomb they saw the huge stone, which had been blocking the entrance, rolled back. Jesus had been raised up. He was no longer there. They saw for themselves that the tomb was empty (vv.6–8).

Jesus repeatedly liberated and affirmed women – treating men and women as equals. Women were the last at the cross and the first at the tomb – the first to be entrusted with the news of the resurrection of Jesus.

すべての福音書に記録されている復活の最初の目撃者が女性であったことは重要です。女性の証言は一般に信頼できないとみなされていました (ほとんどのユダヤ法廷では認められていませんでした)。しかし、イエスは最初に女性に現れて、新しいコミュニティにおける女性の重要性と役割を肯定しました。
It is significant that the first witnesses of the resurrection recorded in all the Gospels were women. Women’s testimonies were widely seen as unreliable (in most Jewish courts it was not even allowed). Yet in appearing first to them, Jesus affirms the importance and role of women in his new community.

This also gives the story the ring of truth of an eyewitness account. The early church would never have invented this feature of the story.

事実、復活は、今日の多くの人々にとってそうであるように、最初の弟子たちにとっても最初は信じ難いものでした。他の弟子たちはイエスの復活を告げられたとき、復活したイエスを自分の目で見るまでは信じませんでした (11,13 節)。しかし、墓で、あるいはその後のイエスの復活の出現の 1 つで、復活を目撃したとき (12,14 節)、彼らの人生は一変しました。彼らは恐れから信仰へ、警戒から行動へ、絶望から希望へと移ったのです。
The fact is that the resurrection was, initially, as unbelievable for the first disciples as it is for many today. When other disciples were told of Jesus’ resurrection, they did not believe (vv.11,13) until they saw the risen Jesus for themselves. Yet when they witnessed his resurrection, either at the tomb or in one of the many subsequent resurrection appearances of Jesus (vv.12,14), their lives were transformed. They moved from fear to faith, from alarm to action and from despair to hope.

As a result of the resurrection you can face the future with confidence:

この人生は終わりではありません。死後の世界があります。イエスが死からよみがえられたように、あなたもキリストによってイエスと共によみがえります(コリント人への第一の手紙 15 章参照)。

ティム・ケラーはこう書いています。「お金や評判、場合によっては命さえも失うとわかっているのに、正しいことをするのはなぜこんなに難しいのでしょうか。自分の死や愛する人の死に直面するのはなぜこんなに難しいのでしょうか。この壊れた世界が私たちが持つ唯一の世界だと思っているから、とても難しいのです... しかし、イエスがよみがえったなら、あなたの未来はそれよりもはるかに美しく、はるかに確実です。」
Confident about your eternal future
This life is not the end. There is life beyond the grave. As Jesus was raised from the dead, so in Christ you will be raised with him (see 1 Corinthians 15).

As Tim Keller writes, ‘Why is it so hard to do the right thing if you know it’s going to cost your money, reputation, maybe even your life? Why is it so hard to face your own death or the death of loved ones? It’s so hard because we think this broken world is the only world we’re ever going to have... But if Jesus is risen, then your future is so much more beautiful, and so much more certain, than that.’



新約聖書にはさまざまなモデルがありますが、それらは常に単純なものです。 癒しは「イエスの名によって」行われます(17節)。最も一般的なモデルは、イエスがここで語っている按手です。「彼らは人々に手を置くでしょう…
Confident about your future life
Jesus is alive. He is with you as you ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation’ (Mark 16:15). You, like the disciples, are commissioned to go out and preach the good news to the whole world. You can be confident that God’s power will be with you. You can expect powerful signs to accompany your message – driving out demons, speaking in tongues and healing the sick. This is what occurred (v.20) and this is what we should expect today.

Healing, for example, is not confined to those who have the special gift of healing but is for all ‘who believe’ (v.17). It is God who heals, but he involves you in his plans: ‘The Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it’ (v.20).

There are a variety of models in the New Testament, but they are always simple. Healing comes ‘in [Jesus’] name’ (v.17). The most common model is the one Jesus speaks of here – the laying on of hands: ‘They will place their hands on people …

Thank you, Lord, for the resurrection of Jesus. Thank you that I can face the future with hope and confidence because you are alive and with me.

レビ記 25:1–26:13
Leviticus 25:1–26:13
レビ記 25:1 新共同訳 [1] 主はシナイ山でモーセに仰せになった。

The promises of God

Although you cannot know the details of the future, you can be assured of God’s blessing on your future. In chapter 26, God promises that if you obey him you will enjoy fruit (v.4), satisfaction, safety (v.5), peace (v.6), no fear (v.6), growth (v.9), the presence of the Lord (v.12) and confidence ‘to walk with heads held high’ (v.13).

God says, ‘If you live by my decrees... you’ll have... a place of peace – you’ll be able to go to sleep at night without fear... I’ll make sure you prosper... grow in numbers... I am God, your personal God... I ripped off the harness of your slavery so that you can move about freely’ (vv.3–13, MSG).

This is God’s long-term plan for your future. You will face trials and difficulties in this life as you seek to obey God, but through Jesus you can enjoy some of these blessings even now.

第 25 章では、神に従うために私たちが行う必要があることがいくつか示されています。もちろん、これらの中には古代イスラエルに特有のものもありますが、すべての時代に当てはまるものもあります。
In chapter 25, we see some of the things we need to do in order to obey God. Some of these, of course, are specific to ancient Israel but some apply for all time.

ジョイス・マイヤーが、すべての負債が免除され、すべての債務者が赦免され、解放されたヨベルの年(レビ記 25 章)について書いた次の言葉が大好きです。「キリストにおいては、毎日がヨベルの年となり得る。悔い改めとイエス・キリストへの信仰を通して、私たちは自分の罪を継続的に赦してもらえる。私たちは継続的なヨベルの年を楽しむことができる。私たちの問題は、主への負債を返済しようとしているか、まだ他人から負債を回収しようとしているかのどちらかである。神が私たちの負債を取り消し、私たちを赦してくださったように、私たちも他人の負債を取り消し、彼らが私たちに負っている負債を赦すことができる。」
I love what Joyce Meyer writes about the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25) in which all debts were forgiven and all debtors were pardoned and set free: ‘In Christ, every day can be a year of Jubilee. We can have our own sins forgiven continually through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We can enjoy a continual year of Jubilee. Our trouble is either that we are trying to pay our debt to the Lord, or that we are still trying to collect debts from others. Just as God cancelled our debt and forgave us so we can cancel the debts of others and forgive them what they owe us.’

The key to this chapter is ‘do not take advantage of each other’ (vv.14,17). It is not enough to be honest – we must also be considerate.

This is radically different from the world’s view. The world admires a person who makes money – however ruthlessly. They may be successful in one sense. But God cares about how we treat others more than how much we own and he cares especially about how we treat the poor (vv.25,35,39).

We are only stewards. The Lord says, ‘The land is mine… you reside… as foreigners and strangers’ (v.23). This is how we should regard property and possessions. They belong to God. They are on loan to you. God was teaching his people that there is no such thing as permanent wealth. You own what you own for a season. It is only God who owns them permanently.

Thank you, Lord, for all your promises of blessing. Thank you that you have a long-term plan for my future. Thank you that, one day, I will be raised with Christ to full and eternal life.

レビ記 26:13b にはこうあります:



Pippa Adds
In Leviticus 26:13b it says:

‘I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with your head held high.’

There are so many things in life that weigh heavily upon us. Here God’s promise is to break the power that has bound us and set us free.

A few years ago, at an Alpha weekend, a young woman came up to me and said that her fear had gone and a weight had been lifted. She looked radiant.

自分の将来に自信を持つ Be Confident About Your Future

2025-03-12 16:20:57 | 日記
Be Confident About Your Future

あなたにとって、将来はどんなことが待ち受けているでしょうか。未来学者は、将来何が起こるかを予測します。たとえば、今日生まれた赤ちゃんの中には 150 歳まで生きる子もいると予測されています。彼らの予測の中には実現するものもあれば、実現しないものもあります。
What does the future hold in store for you? Futurologists predict what will happen in the future. For example, it has been predicted that some babies born today will live to the age of 150. Some of their predictions may come true. Others may not.

- 1962 年、デッカ レコード カンパニーはビートルズを拒否しました。彼らは「彼らのサウンドは好きではないし、*ギター音楽は廃れつつある*」と言いました。 - 1977 年、デジタル イクイップメント カンパニーの会長ケン オルソンは、「*自宅にコンピューターを置きたいと考える人はいない*」と述べました。未来については、*私たちが知らない*ことや、*知るはずのない*ことが確かにあります。
- In 1962 Decca Recording Company rejected the Beatles. They said, ‘We don’t like their sound, and *guitar music is on the way out*.’ - In 1977 Ken Olson, Chairman of Digital Equipment Co., said, ‘There is *no reason anyone would want a computer in their home*.’ There are certain things about the future that *we don’t know* and that we are not *supposed to know*.

However, there are other things that *you can know* about the future and that makes a real difference to your life now. Today we see three reasons why, if you put your trust in the Lord, *you can be confident about your future*.

詩篇 33:1-11 ESV [1] 義なる者よ、主にあって喜びの声をあげよ。賛美は正しい者にふさわしい。[2] 立琴をもって主に感謝をささげよ。十弦の立琴をもって主に歌を奏せよ。[3] 主に新しい歌を歌え。琴を巧みに弾き、大声で叫べ。[4] 主の言葉は正しく、そのみわざはすべて真実に行われる。[5] 主は正義と公正を愛し、地は主の慈しみに満ちている。[6] 主の言葉によって天が造られ、その万象はその口の息によって造られた。[7] 主は海の水を山のように集め、深淵を倉に蓄えられる。[8] 全地は主を恐れ、世に住む者は皆主を畏れ敬え。[9] 主が語られると、それは起こった。 主は命じられ、それは堅く立った。[10] 主は諸国の計りごとを無に帰し、民の計画を挫かれる。[11] 主の計りごとは永遠に続き、その心の計画は代々続く。
Psalm 33:1-11 ESV [1] Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. [2] Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! [3] Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. [4] For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. [5] He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. [6] By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. [7] He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses. [8] Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! [9] For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. [10] The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. [11] The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.

The plans of the Lord

‘The plans of the Lord stand firm for ever’ (v.11). God has plans. God has a good plan for your life. He has ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11).

詩篇作者の将来に対する自信は、過去を振り返ることから来ています。彼は神が「主の言葉」を通して何をなさったかを思い返しています(詩篇 33:6a)。
The psalmist’s confidence about the future comes from looking back on the past. He reflects on what God has done through ‘the word of the Lord’ (Psalm 33:6a).

As we read this psalm through the lens of the New Testament, we see that it was through Jesus (the Word of God) that the whole world came into being (vv.6–9). He is the one who is the source of all that is ‘right and true’ (v.4a). He is ‘faithful’ (v.4b). He ‘loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love’ (v.5).

It is on this basis that the psalmist can be confident that ‘The plans of the Lord stand firm for ever, the purposes of his heart through all generations’ (v.11). Governments and people make plans. These may fail (v.10). Yet you can be confident in God’s good plans for you and for your life.

The appropriate response to all this is worship – to sing joyfully to the Lord and to praise him with different instruments, to write new songs, to use every musical skill and ability, and even make lots of noise (!) (‘shout for joy’, v.3b).

Lord, thank you that you have good plans for me. Thank you that you are in ultimate control of history, the future and my life.

マルコ 16:1-20 ESV [1] 安息日が過ぎると、マグダラのマリア、ヤコブの母マリア、サロメは香料を買い、イエスに塗るために出かけた。[2] 週の初めの日の早朝、太陽が昇ると、彼女たちは墓に行った。[3] 彼女たちは互いに言った、「だれが墓の入り口から石をどけてくれるだろうか」。[4] 彼女たちが目を上げて見ると、石はわきに転がしてあった。それは非常に大きかった。[5] 彼女たちが墓に入ると、白い衣を着た若者が右側に座っているのが見えたので、彼女たちは驚いた。[6] すると、イエスは彼らに言われた、「驚いてはならない。十字架につけられたナザレ人イエスを捜しているが、イエスは復活して、ここにはおられない。イエスを納めた場所を見なさい。[7] ただ、行って、弟子たちとペテロに、イエスはあなたたちより先にガリラヤへ行かれると告げなさい。 そこで、彼があなたに言ったとおり、彼に会えるであろう。」 [8] すると、二人は墓から逃げ出した。震えと驚きのあまり、彼らは襲われ、だれにも何も言わなかった。彼らは恐れていたからである。[最古の写本には、16:9–20が抜けているものがある。] [9] [[さて、イエスは週の初めの日に朝早く復活し、まず、七つの悪霊を追い出しておいたマグダラのマリアに現れた。 [10] 彼女は、イエスと一緒にいた人たちのところに行って、嘆き泣いているところにそのことを告げた。 [11] しかし、イエスが生きていて、彼女に現れたと聞いても、彼らは信じなかった。 [12] これらのことの後、二人が田舎へ歩いていると、イエスは別の姿で現れた。 [13] そこで、彼らは戻って残りの人々に告げたが、信じなかった。 [14] その後、イエスは十一人が食事の席に着いているところに現れ、彼らの不信仰と心の頑固さを叱責された。それは、イエスが復活されたのを見た人たちを信じなかったからである。 [15] そして彼らに言われた、「全世界に出て行き、すべての造られたものに福音を宣べ伝えなさい。 [16] 信じてバプテスマを受ける者は救われる。しかし、信じない者は罪に定められる。 [17] 信じる人々には次のようなしるしが伴う。すなわち、わたしの名によって悪霊を追い出し、新しいことばを語り、 [18] 蛇を手でつかみ、毒を飲んでも害を受けず、病人に手を置けば病人はいやされる。」 [19] そこで、主イエスは彼らに話してから、天に上げられ、神の右に座された。 [20] そして彼らは出て行って、至る所で宣べ伝えた。主は彼らとともに働き、しるしを伴ってその言葉を確証された。]]
Mark 16:1-20 ESV [1] When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. [2] And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. [3] And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” [4] And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. [5] And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. [6] And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. [7] But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” [8] And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. [Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9–20.] [9] [[Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. [10] She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. [11] But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it. [12] After these things he appeared in another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country. [13] And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them. [14] Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. [15] And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. [16] Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. [17] And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; [18] they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” [19] So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. [20] And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.]]

The power of the resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus did actually happen. When the women arrived at the tomb they saw the huge stone, which had been blocking the entrance, rolled back. Jesus had been raised up. He was no longer there. They saw for themselves that the tomb was empty (vv.6–8).

Jesus repeatedly liberated and affirmed women – treating men and women as equals. Women were the last at the cross and the first at the tomb – the first to be entrusted with the news of the resurrection of Jesus.

すべての福音書に記録されている復活の最初の目撃者が女性であったことは重要です。女性の証言は一般に信頼できないとみなされていました (ほとんどのユダヤ法廷では認められていませんでした)。しかし、イエスは最初に女性に現れて、新しいコミュニティにおける女性の重要性と役割を肯定しました。
It is significant that the first witnesses of the resurrection recorded in all the Gospels were women. Women’s testimonies were widely seen as unreliable (in most Jewish courts it was not even allowed). Yet in appearing first to them, Jesus affirms the importance and role of women in his new community.

This also gives the story the ring of truth of an eyewitness account. The early church would never have invented this feature of the story.

事実、復活は、今日の多くの人々にとってそうであるように、最初の弟子たちにとっても最初は信じ難いものでした。他の弟子たちはイエスの復活を告げられたとき、復活したイエスを自分の目で見るまでは信じませんでした (11,13 節)。しかし、墓で、あるいはその後のイエスの復活の出現の 1 つで、復活を目撃したとき (12,14 節)、彼らの人生は一変しました。彼らは恐れから信仰へ、警戒から行動へ、絶望から希望へと移ったのです。
The fact is that the resurrection was, initially, as unbelievable for the first disciples as it is for many today. When other disciples were told of Jesus’ resurrection, they did not believe (vv.11,13) until they saw the risen Jesus for themselves. Yet when they witnessed his resurrection, either at the tomb or in one of the many subsequent resurrection appearances of Jesus (vv.12,14), their lives were transformed. They moved from fear to faith, from alarm to action and from despair to hope.

As a result of the resurrection you can face the future with confidence:

この人生は終わりではありません。死後の世界があります。イエスが死からよみがえられたように、あなたもキリストによってイエスと共によみがえります(コリント人への第一の手紙 15 章参照)。

ティム・ケラーはこう書いています。「お金や評判、場合によっては命さえも失うとわかっているのに、正しいことをするのはなぜこんなに難しいのでしょうか。自分の死や愛する人の死に直面するのはなぜこんなに難しいのでしょうか。この壊れた世界が私たちが持つ唯一の世界だと思っているから、とても難しいのです... しかし、イエスがよみがえったなら、あなたの未来はそれよりもはるかに美しく、はるかに確実です。」
Confident about your eternal future
This life is not the end. There is life beyond the grave. As Jesus was raised from the dead, so in Christ you will be raised with him (see 1 Corinthians 15).

As Tim Keller writes, ‘Why is it so hard to do the right thing if you know it’s going to cost your money, reputation, maybe even your life? Why is it so hard to face your own death or the death of loved ones? It’s so hard because we think this broken world is the only world we’re ever going to have... But if Jesus is risen, then your future is so much more beautiful, and so much more certain, than that.’



新約聖書にはさまざまなモデルがありますが、それらは常に単純なものです。 癒しは「イエスの名によって」行われます(17節)。最も一般的なモデルは、イエスがここで語っている按手です。「彼らは人々に手を置くでしょう…
Confident about your future life
Jesus is alive. He is with you as you ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation’ (Mark 16:15). You, like the disciples, are commissioned to go out and preach the good news to the whole world. You can be confident that God’s power will be with you. You can expect powerful signs to accompany your message – driving out demons, speaking in tongues and healing the sick. This is what occurred (v.20) and this is what we should expect today.

Healing, for example, is not confined to those who have the special gift of healing but is for all ‘who believe’ (v.17). It is God who heals, but he involves you in his plans: ‘The Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it’ (v.20).

There are a variety of models in the New Testament, but they are always simple. Healing comes ‘in [Jesus’] name’ (v.17). The most common model is the one Jesus speaks of here – the laying on of hands: ‘They will place their hands on people …

Thank you, Lord, for the resurrection of Jesus. Thank you that I can face the future with hope and confidence because you are alive and with me.

レビ記 25:1–26:13
Leviticus 25:1–26:13
レビ記 25:1 新共同訳 [1] 主はシナイ山でモーセに仰せになった。

The promises of God

Although you cannot know the details of the future, you can be assured of God’s blessing on your future. In chapter 26, God promises that if you obey him you will enjoy fruit (v.4), satisfaction, safety (v.5), peace (v.6), no fear (v.6), growth (v.9), the presence of the Lord (v.12) and confidence ‘to walk with heads held high’ (v.13).

God says, ‘If you live by my decrees... you’ll have... a place of peace – you’ll be able to go to sleep at night without fear... I’ll make sure you prosper... grow in numbers... I am God, your personal God... I ripped off the harness of your slavery so that you can move about freely’ (vv.3–13, MSG).

This is God’s long-term plan for your future. You will face trials and difficulties in this life as you seek to obey God, but through Jesus you can enjoy some of these blessings even now.

第 25 章では、神に従うために私たちが行う必要があることがいくつか示されています。もちろん、これらの中には古代イスラエルに特有のものもありますが、すべての時代に当てはまるものもあります。
In chapter 25, we see some of the things we need to do in order to obey God. Some of these, of course, are specific to ancient Israel but some apply for all time.

ジョイス・マイヤーが、すべての負債が免除され、すべての債務者が赦免され、解放されたヨベルの年(レビ記 25 章)について書いた次の言葉が大好きです。「キリストにおいては、毎日がヨベルの年となり得る。悔い改めとイエス・キリストへの信仰を通して、私たちは自分の罪を継続的に赦してもらえる。私たちは継続的なヨベルの年を楽しむことができる。私たちの問題は、主への負債を返済しようとしているか、まだ他人から負債を回収しようとしているかのどちらかである。神が私たちの負債を取り消し、私たちを赦してくださったように、私たちも他人の負債を取り消し、彼らが私たちに負っている負債を赦すことができる。」
I love what Joyce Meyer writes about the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25) in which all debts were forgiven and all debtors were pardoned and set free: ‘In Christ, every day can be a year of Jubilee. We can have our own sins forgiven continually through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We can enjoy a continual year of Jubilee. Our trouble is either that we are trying to pay our debt to the Lord, or that we are still trying to collect debts from others. Just as God cancelled our debt and forgave us so we can cancel the debts of others and forgive them what they owe us.’

The key to this chapter is ‘do not take advantage of each other’ (vv.14,17). It is not enough to be honest – we must also be considerate.

This is radically different from the world’s view. The world admires a person who makes money – however ruthlessly. They may be successful in one sense. But God cares about how we treat others more than how much we own and he cares especially about how we treat the poor (vv.25,35,39).

We are only stewards. The Lord says, ‘The land is mine… you reside… as foreigners and strangers’ (v.23). This is how we should regard property and possessions. They belong to God. They are on loan to you. God was teaching his people that there is no such thing as permanent wealth. You own what you own for a season. It is only God who owns them permanently.

Thank you, Lord, for all your promises of blessing. Thank you that you have a long-term plan for my future. Thank you that, one day, I will be raised with Christ to full and eternal life.

レビ記 26:13b にはこうあります:



Pippa Adds
In Leviticus 26:13b it says:

‘I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with your head held high.’

There are so many things in life that weigh heavily upon us. Here God’s promise is to break the power that has bound us and set us free.

A few years ago, at an Alpha weekend, a young woman came up to me and said that her fear had gone and a weight had been lifted. She looked radiant.

あなたは「はい」と言いました⑧You said ”yes”⑧

2025-03-12 06:16:06 | 日記
マタイ 22:37-40 ESV [37] イエスは彼に言われた、「心を尽くし、精神を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。[38] これが最も重要な第一の戒めです。[39] 第二もこれと同様です。『あなたの隣人をあなた自身のように愛しなさい。』[40] この二つの戒めに、律法全体と預言者がかかっています。」
Matthew 22:37-40 ESV [37] And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. [38] This is the great and first commandment. [39] And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. [40] On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

ヨハネの手紙一 1:9 ESV [9] もし私たちが自分の罪を告白するなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、その罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。
1 John 1:9 ESV [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

詩篇 143:10 ESV [10] あなたの御心を行うよう教えてください。あなたは私の神ですから。あなたの善き霊が私を平地へと導いてくださいますように。
Psalm 143:10 ESV [10] Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!

Who Am I Becoming?

3 週間の旅の 2 週目 (または 4 週目、5 週目、あるいは必要な期間) へようこそ! 先週、私たちは、キリスト教徒になるということは、神の赦しの賜物を受け入れるという選択から始まり、その後、イエスに近づくという生涯にわたるプロセスが続くことを知りました。
Welcome to week two of our three-week journey (or week four, or five, or however long it takes you)! Last week, we discovered that being a Christian begins with a choice to accept God’s gift of forgiveness, followed by a lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus.



Now, you might be wondering: What does it actually look like to become more like Jesus?

Is it even possible to become more like Jesus?

After all, Jesus is God, the Creator of everything, who has always existed and who never sinned. How could we possibly become like Him?

How do you become a concert violinist, pro basketball player, or expert chef? First, you start somewhere. You say yes to a new way of life. Saying yes doesn’t make you a master, but it does make you a learner in the process of becoming something more.

As a learner, you gain knowledge, develop relationships, practice skills, and overcome setbacks. Learners also make mistakes, fall short, and keep moving forward. The word Jesus used for a learner is “disciple.”

When we said yes to Jesus, we said yes to a lifelong process of becoming His disciples.

これから 2 週間、私たちはイエスの弟子になる方法を探ります。まず、イエスが大切にし、実践した習慣や考え方、つまり霊的実践について学びます。次に、イエスがどのように愛したか、そして私たちも同じように犠牲的な思いやりを他の人に示すことができるかを探ります。
For the next two weeks, we’re going to explore how to be a disciple of Jesus. First, we’ll learn about some of the habits and mindsets Jesus valued and lived out, also called spiritual practices. Then, we’ll explore how Jesus loved and how we can show the same kinds of sacrificial care to others.

During Jesus’ time on Earth, some people were trying to figure out whether Jesus was really God’s Son. They asked Him, “What’s the greatest command of God?” He responded:

…「『心を尽くし、魂を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛せよ。』これが第一の、そして最も重要な戒めである。第二も同様に重要である。『隣人をあなた自身のように愛せよ。』律法全体と預言者の要求はすべて、この二つの戒めに基づいている。」マタイ22:37-40 NLT
… “‘You must love the Lᴏʀᴅ your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 NLT

Jesus summed up all of God's words to us as: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Becoming the kind of person who loves God and loves your neighbors is a process that will take your whole life.

Every disciple experiences setbacks and failures. If you’re like the rest of us, you may have experienced some of those setbacks already. You might have returned to a bad habit, used hurtful words, or failed in the past week. When we fall short, we don’t need to hide or run from God or others. His forgiving kindness is always available to help you continue becoming more like Jesus.


神様、あなたは私が犯す間違いをご存知です。私を赦し、私がイエス様のようになるよう導いてくださりありがとうございます。聖霊様、今日、あなたと私自身、そして他の人々への愛を深めるために私が踏み出せる一歩を私に示してくださいませんか? イエス様の御名により、アーメン。
Pray with your own words, or try these:

God, You see the mistakes I make. Thank You for forgiving me and guiding me as I become more like Jesus. Holy Spirit, will You help me see one step I can take to grow in love for You, myself, and others today? In Jesus’ name, amen.

ヨナ:神の驚くべき慈悲①Jonah : God's’ scandalous mercy①

2025-03-12 05:46:15 | 日記
詩篇 119:73-80 ESV [73] あなたの御手が私を造り、形づくられました。私に理解を与え、あなたの戒めを学ばせてください。[74] あなたを恐れる者は私を見て喜びます。私はあなたの御言葉に望みを置いているからです。[75] 主よ、あなたの掟は正しく、あなたは真実をもって私を苦しめられたことを私は知っています。[76] あなたのしもべに対するあなたの約束に従って、あなたの慈しみが私を慰めてください。[77] あなたの慈悲が私に臨み、私が生きることができますように。あなたの律法は私の喜びです。[78] 傲慢な者たちが恥をかきますように。彼らは偽りをもって私を不当に扱ったからです。私はあなたの戒めを心に留めます。[79] あなたを恐れる者たちが私に立ち返り、あなたの証言を知るようにしてください。[80] 私の心があなたの掟に潔白であり、私が恥をかかないようにしてください。
Psalm 119:73-80 ESV [73] Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. [74] Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in your word. [75] I know, O Lord, that your rules are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. [76] Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant. [77] Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight. [78] Let the insolent be put to shame, because they have wronged me with falsehood; as for me, I will meditate on your precepts. [79] Let those who fear you turn to me, that they may know your testimonies. [80] May my heart be blameless in your statutes, that I may not be put to shame!

ヨナ 4:11 ESV [11] わたしは、右も左もわからない十二万人以上の人々と、多くの家畜がいるあの大都市ニネベを憐れまないでいられようか。」
Jonah 4:11 ESV [11] And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?”

Prepare Your Heart

Welcome to Jonah: God's Scandalous Mercy. Before you journey through the book of Jonah, watch the short overview video below to learn how the only hope for all people is in God’s offensive and scandalous mercy to the undeserving.

00:00 ありがとうございます。悪が生きるのを見るよりは死んだほうがましという人もいます。神が許すのを見るよりは、神の慈悲のメッセージを墓場に持っていくほうがましです。これがイスラエルの状態であり、それには十分な理由があります。なぜなら、アッシリア人として知られる冷酷な獣のような国家が権力と破壊を蓄積していたからです。 00:43 そして彼らの首都ニネベは、彼らの住民を特徴づける血への渇望と野蛮さを強めていました。そこで神は預言者ヨナを立て、ヤロブアム王に預言させました。邪悪な王は、アッシリアの邪悪な獣のような冷酷さを心配していました。 01:04 神は民に対して慈悲深いだろうかと疑問に思いました。ヨナに主の言葉が届き、神はイスラエルの国境を回復するだろうと告げられました。神は慈悲深いでしょう。神は彼らを生き残らせるでしょう。神は彼らを墓場に送るのではなく、許すでしょう。 01:25 しかし、神が守ってくれる方法は、ヨナや王が考えていた意味とは異なっていました。主の言葉が再びヨナに臨みました。主はヨナに、冷酷な獣の腹の中に入るように命じました。ニネベへ、アッシリアの地へ行け。 01:48 慈悲のメッセージを持って行け。悔い改めのメッセージ。しかし、ヨナはこれに耐えられませんでした。彼らは怪物でした。彼らは、魚でいっぱいの網のように、諸国を引きずり去りました。彼らは敵の皮を剥ぎ、防御の壁を覆いました。 02:13 彼らは、串刺しに最も残酷な拷問と処刑方法を用いました。彼らは野獣でした。冷酷でした。そして、これらの残虐行為にもかかわらず、彼らが許され、彼らの残忍さを考慮して寛大に扱われ、罪を免れたとしたら、これは非常に邪悪なことです。 02:41 もし解き放たれたら、残忍な獣は神の民を飲み込んでしまうでしょう。ヨナはイスラエルを裏切りませんでした。ニネベの預言者になることもありませんでした。神が彼に向かわせたい方向を見て、それとは反対の方向へ進みました。
00:00 Thank you. Some would rather die than to see the evil live. They'd rather take God's message of mercy to the grave than to see Him forgive. This is the state Israel was in, and for good reason. For the ruthless beast of a nation known as the Assyrians were amassing power and devastation. 00:43 And their capital city of Nineveh had brought consolidation to the bloodlust and barbarity that marked their population. So God raised up the prophet Jonah who prophesied to King Jeroboam. An evil king worried about the ruthless beast of Assyria's evil. 01:04 Wondering if God would be merciful toward his people. The word of the Lord came to Jonah saying that God would restore the borders of Israel. He would be merciful. He would let them live. He would not send them to the grave but would forgive. 01:25 Yet how God would protect did not mean what Jonah or the king thought it meant. The word of the Lord came to Jonah again. He called Jonah to go into the belly of the ruthless beast. Go to Nineveh. Go to the Assyrians. 01:48 Go with a message of mercy. A message of repentance. But Jonah could not stomach this. were monstrous. They dragged nations away, like a net full of fish. They flayed their enemy's skin to cover the walls of their defenses. 02:13 They used the cruelest form of torture and execution in their impalements. They were a beast. They were ruthless. And if they were excused, despite these atrocities, if they were given lenience in light of their savagery, if they were let off the hook, this would be exceedingly evil. 02:41 For the ruthless beast, if let loose, would swallow up God's own people. Jonah would not betray Israel. He would not be Nineveh's prophet. He saw the direction God wanted him to go and went in its opposite.


ヨナ書 4:10-11
[10] すると、主はこう言われた。 「お前は、自分で労することも育てることもなく、一夜にして生じ、一夜にして滅びたこの木さえ惜しんでいる。 [11] それならば、どうしてわたしが、この大いなる都ニネベを惜しまずにいられるだろうか。そこには、十二万人以上の右も左もわきまえぬ人間と、無数の家畜がいるのだから。」


私達も、ヨナのように味方しか愛さない偽善者である事を悔い改め、敵に慈悲をかけ、敵を許し、敵を愛するイエスの姿を真似、イエスに付き従うChrist Followになりましょう。※

Next, prepare your heart through prayer. We don't want to just engage with Scripture academically—we want it to change our hearts. As you pray, consider starting with the passages from Psalms assigned for today. Use it like a prayer. Put the psalmist's words into your own words.

Then, pray over the passage from Jonah assigned for today. Ask God to send his Holy Spirit to help you understand Jonah and see Jesus throughout it.


毎日、同じ 3 つのことを目にします:

1. 何が起こっているか?


2. 福音はどこにありますか?


3. 祈りの時間


What's Next?
Each day of this reading plan, you will watch a short video walking you through the book of Jonah and showing you the depths of God's scandalous mercy.

Each day, you will see the same three things:

1. What’s Happening?

This section explains what is going on in the text.

2. Where is the Gospel?

This section shows how this story ultimately points to Jesus and his Gospel.

3. A Time of Prayer

This is a short prayer meant to propel you into Scripture to see the good news of Jesus for yourself.

We hope this journey transforms you. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to see the beauty of Jesus in all of Scripture.