What's in Your Heart?
The Nobel Prize winner and most important Russian literary artist of the second half of the twentieth century, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008), who was imprisoned for eight years for criticising Stalin, wrote, ‘The line separating good and evil passes, not through states, nor through classes, nor through political parties... but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts.’
We are all created in the image of God. Human beings are capable of acts of great love, courage and heroism. Yet, not one of us (apart from Jesus) is without sin. Do you know what’s in your heart?
箴言 6:30-35 ESV
[30] 飢えているときに自分の欲望を満たすために盗みを働いても、人々は彼を軽蔑しない。[31] だが、捕まったら、彼は七倍の償いをし、家の財産を全部与える。[32] 姦淫をする者は分別がなく、それをする者は自らを滅ぼす。[33] 彼は傷と恥辱を受け、その恥辱はぬぐい去られない。[34] 嫉妬は人を激怒させ、復讐するときには惜しまない。[35] 彼は償いを受け取らず、贈り物を増やしても拒む。
Proverbs 6:30-35 ESV
[30] People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry, [31] but if he is caught, he will pay sevenfold; he will give all the goods of his house. [32] He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. [33] He will get wounds and dishonor, and his disgrace will not be wiped away. [34] For jealousy makes a man furious, and he will not spare when he takes revenge. [35] He will accept no compensation; he will refuse though you multiply gifts.
Your heart and its weakness
All sin breaks God’s law and is therefore serious. But there are gradations of sin. Some sins are far worse than others.
The writer of Proverbs makes this point by using the example of a person who steals because he is starving. Yes, even this is wrong and there is a price to pay (vv.30–31).
But the writer says the consequences of adultery are far more serious. It leads to ‘shame’ (v.33b), ‘jealousy’ (v.34a), ‘revenge’ (v.34b) and to the destruction of lives, particularly the adulterers themselves: ‘Soul-destroying, self-destructive... a reputation ruined for good’ (vv.32–33, MSG).
The writer says, ‘jealousy arouses a husband’s fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge’ (v.34). Human nature has not changed in thousands of years.
There is nothing wrong with sex or money. But there are many temptations that surround them both. Several of the laws in the Old Testament passage for today were developed to put boundaries around them, safeguarding their proper use.
Lord, thank you for the gifts you give us and the boundaries that you have provided for their proper use. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil.
マルコ 14:43-72 ESV
[43] イエスがまだ話しておられるうちに、十二人の一人のユダがやって来た。祭司長、律法学者、長老たちから遣わされた群衆も剣や棒を持って彼といっしょにいた。[44] 裏切り者は、彼らに合図をして、「わたしが接吻するのは、その人だ。彼を捕えて、監視のもとに引いて行きなさい」と言っていた。[45] すると、彼はやって来て、すぐに近寄って、「ラビ」と言って、彼に接吻した。[46] そして、彼らは彼をつかまえて捕らえた。[47] ところが、そばに立っていた者のひとりが剣を抜き、大祭司の僕に切りかかり、その片耳を切り落とした。[48] すると、イエスは彼らに言われた、「あなたがたは、剣や棒を持って、強盗に襲いかかるように、わたしを捕らえに来たのか。[49] わたしは毎日、あなたがたと一緒に神殿で教えていたのに、あなたがたはわたしを捕らえなかった。 しかし、聖書が成就するように。」[50] すると、皆はイエスを捨てて逃げ去った。[51] すると、一人の若者が亜麻布を身にまとったままイエスの後を追った。彼らは彼を捕らえたが、[52] 彼は亜麻布を残して裸で逃げ去った。[53] そして、彼らはイエスを大祭司のところに連れて行った。祭司長、長老、律法学者たちは皆集まった。[54] ペテロは遠くからイエスを追って大祭司の庭に入り、下役たちと一緒に座って火にあたった。[55] さて、祭司長たちと全議会は、イエスを死刑にするために、イエスに不利な証言を求めたが、何も見つからなかった。[56] 多くの者がイエスに不利な偽証を立てたが、その証言は一致していなかった。 [57] すると、ある者たちが立ち上がり、イエスに偽証して言った。[58] 「あの人が、『わたしは、手で造ったこの神殿を打ち壊し、三日のうちに、手で造らない別の神殿を建てる』と言っているのを私たちは聞きました。」[59] しかし、このことについても、彼らの証言は一致しなかった。[60] そこで、大祭司が真ん中に立って、イエスに尋ねた。「何も答えないのか。この人たちがあなたに不利な証言をしているが、それはどういうことなのか。」[61] しかし、イエスは黙ったまま、何も答えなかった。大祭司は、もう一度イエスに尋ねた。「あなたは、聖なる方の子、キリストなのか。」[62] イエスは言われた。「そうです。人の子が力ある方の右に座り、天の雲に乗って来るのを、あなたは見るでしょう。」[63] そこで、大祭司は衣を引き裂いて言った。「これ以上、どんな証人が要るだろうか。[64] あなたがたは、彼の冒涜の言葉を聞いた。どう判断するのか。」そして、彼らはみな、イエスを死刑に処すべきだと断定した。 [65] すると、ある者たちが彼につばきをかけ、顔を覆い、たたいて、「預言しなさい」と言い始めた。番兵たちは彼を殴りつけた。 [66] ペテロが下の庭にいたとき、大祭司の女中がひとり来て、[67] ペテロが暖まっているのを見て、彼を見つめて言った、「あなたもナザレ人イエスと一緒でした」。 [68] しかし彼はそれを打ち消して言った、「あなたの言っていることは、私にはわかりませんし、分かりません」。それから彼は門の方に出て行った。すると鶏が鳴いた。 [69] 女中は彼を見て、またそこにいる人々に、「この人は彼らの一人です」と言い始めた。 [70] しかし彼はまたそれを打ち消した。しばらくして、そこにいた人々はまたペテロに言った、「確かにあなたは彼らの一人だ。あなたはガリラヤ人だ」。 [71] しかし彼は、「あなたの言っているその人は知らない」と自分に呪いをかけ、誓い始めた。 [72] するとすぐに、鶏は二度鳴いた。ペテロは、イエスが彼に言われた、「鶏が二度鳴く前に、あなたは三度私を知らないと言うだろう」という言葉を思い出し、泣き崩れた。
Mark 14:43-72 ESV
[43] And immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. [44] Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man. Seize him and lead him away under guard.” [45] And when he came, he went up to him at once and said, “Rabbi!” And he kissed him. [46] And they laid hands on him and seized him. [47] But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear. [48] And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? [49] Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” [50] And they all left him and fled. [51] And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, [52] but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked. [53] And they led Jesus to the high priest. And all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes came together. [54] And Peter had followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the guards and warming himself at the fire. [55] Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they found none. [56] For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree. [57] And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying, [58] “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’” [59] Yet even about this their testimony did not agree. [60] And the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you?” [61] But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” [62] And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” [63] And the high priest tore his garments and said, “What further witnesses do we need? [64] You have heard his blasphemy. What is your decision?” And they all condemned him as deserving death. [65] And some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to strike him, saying to him, “Prophesy!” And the guards received him with blows. [66] And as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came, [67] and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” [68] But he denied it, saying, “I neither know nor understand what you mean.” And he went out into the gateway and the rooster crowed. [69] And the servant girl saw him and began again to say to the bystanders, “This man is one of them.” [70] But again he denied it. And after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter, “Certainly you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.” [71] But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak.” [72] And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept.
Your heart and its results
Sinful human nature led to the death of Jesus. The challenge is to live differently:
Be authentic
Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. He said, ‘The one I kiss is the man’ (v.44a). He went up to Jesus and ‘kissed him’ (v.45).
In the Greek, the word for hypocrisy is the same word as the word for mask (masks were used in Ancient Greece for acting). On the outside, Judas was wearing a mask of love for Jesus. In reality, he was betraying him to be crucified. The kiss was the ultimate act of hypocrisy.
Joyce Meyer writes about what she calls the ‘Judas kiss test’ – the test of being betrayed by friends we have loved, respected and trusted. Most people in positions of leadership for any length of time are likely to experience this. You need to ‘forgive the offender and not allow him or her to cause you to fail or delay in doing what God has called you to do’.
Speak the truth
Because there was no evidence against Jesus they had to rely on false testimony. Yet it appears that many were prepared to testify against him (v.56). Having worked as a barrister I have observed first hand that some are still prepared to give ‘false testimony’ in a court of law.
Fight corruption
Corrupt judges are still a feature of the world today. They knew, or ought to have known, that Jesus was entirely innocent yet ‘they all condemned him as worthy of death’ (v.64b). It must be terrible to live in a society without the rule of law, where judges cannot be trusted.
Identify with Jesus
I can sympathise totally with Peter’s denial of Jesus. He was really determined not to do it, yet he failed. I know how weak my own human nature is.
The account of Peter’s denial can only have come from Peter himself – who with extraordinary openness and vulnerability reveals his own weakness and failure.
When Jesus was in serious trouble, ‘Everyone deserted him and fled’ (v.50).
However, Peter is brave and committed enough to make his way ‘right into the courtyard of the High Priest’ (v.54), albeit following at a distance, in sight of Jesus and the trial. I suspect that by this point I would have been with the rest of the disciples – halfway to Galilee!
Yet, there are haunting words about the self-indulgence of the great apostle Peter. While Jesus, his friend and leader, was taken to trial, Peter ‘sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire’ (vv.54,67).
As Peter saw what was happening to Jesus and what he was going to have to suffer, Peter increasingly distanced himself from Jesus (v.54a). Having started in that direction the next step was to deny him. Having set out on a course that involved lying, he ended up saying, ‘I don’t know this man you’re talking about’ (v.71b).
I am sure Peter didn’t intend to go so far when keeping his distance from Jesus, but as it is for all of us, one sin can easily lead to another and, before we realise it, we end up doing things that we deeply regret. When Peter realised what he had done ‘he broke down and wept’ (v.72c).
Lord, thank you for the encouragement that although even the great apostle Peter failed and messed up, you forgave him, restored him, and used him so powerfully. Thank you for your amazing grace.
レビ記 19:1–20:27
Leviticus 19:1–20:27
レビ記 19:1 新共同訳
[1] 主はモーセに仰せになった。
Your heart and God’s law
God wants us to live lives that are pure and clean. We are to reflect who he is and, thereby, point people towards him. This part of Leviticus has been called ‘the holiness code’ – ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy’ (19:2).
Because human nature has a wayward side there is a need for law. As in any society there are civil and criminal laws. Some of these laws are specific and directed at the problems of Ancient Israel. Others are broad and generally applicable to most societies.
The ceremonial laws are now obsolete, the dietary laws having been superseded by Jesus and the sacrifices fulfilled in his death. The civil laws are not necessarily appropriate to other nations. Some were humane, and others severe. They seem to have been necessary for the earlier stages of Israel’s history, but they are not all of permanent or universal validity.
The moral law, as expanded and deepened by Jesus, and as illustrated in the apostolic letters – especially in their positive parallels to the law’s prohibitions – is still in force as a revelation of God’s will for his people.
The moral law is summed up by Jesus as ‘Love the Lord your God… and… love your neighbour as yourself’ (Luke 10:27). This goes back to our passage for today, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:18b). The moral law was that God’s people should be holy (v.2b). The rest of the law instructs us how to love our neighbour as ourselves and how to be holy.
The moral laws applicable to us now would include the laws to protect the poor (v.10), the laws against racial discrimination (for example vv.33–34), as well as the more obvious ones about theft (v.11), fraud and robbery (v.13a) and so on.
There are often important principles that have very real applications today. For example, ‘do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight’ (v.13b) is a challenge to us to pay all our bills on time. There is an increasing tendency to delay the payment of bills until the final reminder. God’s people are called to be different. This is but one tiny example of what it means to be a holy people.
To keep your heart pure, you need to turn away from the things that spoil your life. Among the more obvious sins listed here (vv.3–31) is one about being a ‘dispenser of gossip’ (v.16, AMP) and ‘holding grudges’ (v.18, AMP). Keep confidences and try not to hold anything against anyone. Holding a grudge is like allowing someone else to live rent free in your head.
There are also warnings about the dangers of ‘witchcraft’ (v.26b). Avoid reading horoscopes, consulting psychics, fortune-telling, palm reading, tarot cards and every other kind of occult activity (vv.31). If you have meddled in any of these things, you can be forgiven. Repent and get rid of the things associated with that activity such as books, charms, DVDs and magazines (Acts 19:19).
Another aspect of the law is that it brings sin to light and leads to repentance and reliance on the grace of God. As I read all these laws I see how hard they are to live up to, how far short I fall of God’s standards and how much I need his forgiveness and the help of his Holy Spirit.
Lord, thank you that you died to set us free from the law. Thank you that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Fill me with your Holy Spirit today and help me to live a holy life.
レビ記 19:10 には、「ぶどう畑をもう一度見回ったり、落ちたぶどうを摘んだりしてはならない。それを貧しい人や寄留者のために残しておけ」とあります。
Pippa Adds
In Leviticus 19:10 it says, ‘Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien.’
When I was young we lived beside a large apple orchard. We walked through it regularly. At harvest time there would be one major pick of all the apples. After that, any fruit that had fallen or not ripened in time would be collected into large rotting piles.
Letting the poor take the food may not make economic sense, but the biblical principle is that the poor should be provided for and that food should not be wasted.