How to Enjoy a Lifetime of Favour
When I was at university I was taken to hear a talk entitled, ‘Where will you be in ten years’ time?’ It was intended to be an encouragement to us to persevere in our faith in spite of all the challenges that life would hold after university. All that I can remember is thinking *at the time*, ‘Ten years! That is a lifetime away.’ I could not even begin to imagine that far ahead.
*Now*, by contrast, I look back at my life and ten years ago seems like yesterday. Life has flown past. It seems to be accelerating at an alarming rate. I now understand the wisdom of those who encouraged us early on to take a long view.
We live in a society of instant gratification. Instant meals. Instant messaging. Instant cash. Instant loans. Instant fake tans. Instant fortunes won. There is a great danger of short-termism.
今日の聖句は、神が「永遠の神」である(イザヤ書 40:28)ことを私たちに思い出させます。神は物事を広い視野で見ています。神は長い目で見ており、あなたが神の恵みを一生享受することを望んでいます(詩篇 30:5)。
The passages for today remind us that God is the ‘everlasting God’ (Isaiah 40:28). God views things through a wide-angled lens: he takes a long view and he wants you to enjoy a lifetime of his favour (Psalm 30:5).
詩篇 30:1-7 ESV
[1] 主よ、私はあなたをほめたたえます。あなたは私を引き上げ、私の敵が私のことで喜ぶことを許されませんでした。[2] 主よ、私の神よ、私はあなたに助けを叫び求めました。あなたは私を癒してくださいました。[3] 主よ、あなたは私の魂を陰府から引き上げ、穴に下る者の中から私を生き返らせてくださいました。[4] 主の聖徒たちよ、主をほめたたえ、その聖なる御名に感謝せよ。[5] 主の怒りはつかの間、主の恵みは一生続くからです。夜は泣きながら過ごしても、朝とともに喜びがやって来ます。[6] わたしは繁栄の中で、「私は決して動かされない」と言いました。[7] 主よ、あなたの恵みによって、あなたは私の山を堅固に立たせ、あなたは御顔を隠されました。私は恐れおののきました。
Psalm 30:1-7 ESV
[1] I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me. [2] O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. [3] O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit. [4] Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. [5] For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. [6] As for me, I said in my prosperity, “I shall never be moved.” [7] By your favor, O Lord, you made my mountain stand strong; you hid your face; I was dismayed.
The long view of life
あなたは困難な時期を過ごしていますか? それが永遠に続くのではないかと心配していますか?
Are you going through a difficult time? Do you wonder whether it will last for ever?
God’s ‘favour lasts a lifetime’ (v.5). As David looked back on his life, he was filled with thankfulness and ‘praise’ (v.4). Yes, he had been through some very difficult times. But God ‘lifted [him] out of the depths and did not let [his] enemies gloat over [him]’ (v.1). When he called to God for help, God ‘healed’ him (v.2).
‘God, my God, I yelled for help
and you put me together.
God, you pulled me out of the grave,
gave me another chance at life
when I was down-and-out’ (vv.2–3, MSG).
David had times when God was angry with him (v.5) and where God hid his face from him (v.7b). (After all, David did commit adultery and murder.) Yet, as he looked back on his life he was able to see that the moments of trial and testing were in the context of a lifetime of God’s favour.
Father, thank you that your anger lasts only a moment but your favour lasts a lifetime. Thank you that you are the same yesterday, today and for ever and I can trust you.
マルコ12:13-27 ESV
[13] そこで、彼らはパリサイ人とヘロデ党員のうち何人かをイエスのもとにつかわし、イエスを言葉で罠にかけようとした。[14] 彼らは来て、イエスに言った。「先生、私たちはあなたが真実な方で、人の意見にとらわれないことを承知しています。あなたはうわべに惑わされず、真実に神の道を教えています。皇帝に税金を納めることは、律法にかなっておられるでしょうか、いけないことでしょうか。納めるべきか、納めるべきでないでしょうか。」[15] しかし、イエスは彼らの偽善を見抜いて言われた。「なぜ私を試そうとするのか。デナリオン銀貨を持ってきて見せなさい。」[16] すると、彼らはそれを持ってきた。イエスは言われた。「これはだれの肖像、だれの銘ですか。」彼らはイエスに言った。「皇帝のです。」[17] イエスは言われた。「皇帝のものは皇帝に、神のものは神に返しなさい。」彼らはイエスに驚いた。 [18] すると、復活はないと言うサドカイ人たちがイエスのもとにやって来て、質問して言った。[19] 「先生、モーセはわたしたちのためにこう書いてあります。『ある人の兄弟が妻を残して死に、子供が残らない場合、その人はその未亡人をめとって、兄弟のために子孫を残さなければならない。[20] 七人の兄弟がいた。長男が妻をめとったが、死んだとき、子孫を残さなかった。[21] 次男も彼女をめとったが、子孫を残さずに死んだ。三男も同様であった。[22] そして七人は子孫を残さず、最後に女も死んだ。[23] 復活のとき、彼らがよみがえるとき、彼女はだれの妻となるのか。七人とも彼女を妻にしていたのである。』[24] イエスは彼らに言われた。「あなたがたが間違っているのは、聖書も神の力も知らないからではないか。 [25] 死人の中からよみがえった者は、めとることも嫁ぐこともなく、天の御使いのようになるからです。[26] 死人がよみがえることについては、モーセの書の柴の箇所で、神がモーセにこう言われたのを読んだことがないのですか。「わたしはアブラハムの神、イサクの神、ヤコブの神である。」[27] 神は死者の神ではなく、生きている者の神です。あなたはまったく間違っています。"
Mark 12:13-27 ESV
[13] And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. [14] And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” [15] But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” [16] And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.” [17] Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. [18] And Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection. And they asked him a question, saying, [19] “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife, but leaves no child, the man must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. [20] There were seven brothers; the first took a wife, and when he died left no offspring. [21] And the second took her, and died, leaving no offspring. And the third likewise. [22] And the seven left no offspring. Last of all the woman also died. [23] In the resurrection, when they rise again, whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife.” [24] Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God? [25] For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. [26] And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? [27] He is not God of the dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong.”
The long view of eternity
人は死ぬとどうなるのでしょうか? 死は本当に終わりなのでしょうか? 家族や親しい友人を亡くし、また会えるかどうか疑問に思うことがあるかもしれません。その人は今どこにいるのでしょうか? 永遠にいなくなってしまったのでしょうか? ただ眠っているだけなのでしょうか? それとも、何らかの形で生きているのでしょうか?
What happens to people when they die? Is death really the end? You may have lost a family member or close friend and you wonder whether you will ever see them again. Where are they now? Are they gone for ever? Are they just asleep? Or are they, in some way, alive?
Jesus’ opponents were constantly trying to catch him out with their questions (v.13).
まず、彼らはお金でイエスを罠にかけようとしました。しかし、彼らでさえイエスが「誠実な人」であることを認めていました。イエスが人気があるかどうかに関わらず真実を語っていることを彼らは知っていました(14節)。イエスはその罠を回避し、驚くべき答えを返しました(15~17節)。(BiOY 34日目参照)
First, they tried to trap him over money. However, even they recognised that Jesus was ‘a man of integrity’. They knew that Jesus spoke the truth whether or not it was popular (v.14). Jesus avoided the trap and gave an amazing answer (vv.15–17). (See BiOY Day 34.)
Next, they asked Jesus a hypothetical question to test him. This one was about life after death. There was an internal debate in Judaism between the Pharisees and the Sadducees about whether or not there was life after death. [The way I remember the distinction is that it was the Pharisees (‘far I see’) who did believe in the resurrection, whereas the Sadducees (‘sad you see’) did not.]
Jesus pointed out that the Sadducees were wrong for two reasons: First, they did ‘not know the Scriptures’, and second, they did not know ‘the power of God’ (v.24).
イエスは死者の復活が絶対確実であると断言しています。サドカイ派はモーセ五書(聖書の最初の 5 冊)の権威だけを本当に信じていたため、イエスは彼らに基づいて議論し、出エジプト記 3:6 を引用しています。「死者の復活についてですが、モーセの書の燃える柴の記述で、神がモーセにこう言われたのを読んだことはありませんか。『わたしはアブラハムの神、イサクの神、ヤコブの神である』。神は死者の神ではなく、生きている者の神です」(マルコ 12:26–27)。言い換えれば、アブラハム、イサク、ヤコブは今も生きているのです。
The Scriptures
Jesus affirms the absolute certainty of the resurrection of the dead. Since the Sadducees only really believed in the authority of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) Jesus bases his argument on them and quotes from Exodus 3:6: ‘Now about the dead rising – have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living’ (Mark 12:26–27). In other words, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are still living now!
コリント人への第一の手紙 15 章には、新約聖書の中で死者の復活について最も長く、かつ深く論じられている箇所があります。パウロは、サドカイ派が否定した神の力について繰り返し強調しています。パウロは、体は「弱いまま」蒔かれるが、死後「力あるまま」に復活の体としてよみがえると書いています (コリント人への第一の手紙 15:43)。神は「私たちの主イエス・キリストによって私たちに勝利を与えてくださいます」 (56-57 節)。
The Power of God
In 1 Corinthians 15, there is the most sustained and in-depth argument of the New Testament on the subject of the resurrection of the dead. Paul emphasises again and again the power of God, which the Sadducees denied. He writes that the body is sown ‘in weakness’, yet it is raised as a resurrection body after death, ‘in power’ (1 Corinthians 15:43). God ‘gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (vv.56–57).
The wonderful truth is that the same power that was at work in raising Christ from the dead is at work in you now, bringing you more into the likeness of Christ (see Ephesians 1:19–20), and also in the future, in bringing your body to be a resurrection body in the new creation.
Therefore, everyone who has died in Christ is still living now. You will see them again. Even though the separation is so hard, all the struggles of this life have to be seen in terms of eternity. God takes the long view.
Thank you so much, Lord, that this life is not the end. Thank you that the dead will rise. Help me to see all the struggles of this life in the light of eternity.
レビ記 11:1–12:8
Leviticus 11:1–12:8
レビ記 11:1 新共同訳
[1] 主はモーセとアロンにこう仰せになった。
The long view of history
レビ記にあるすべての規則の目的は一体何なのでしょうか? なぜ聖書に載っているのでしょうか?
What on earth is the point of all the regulations in Leviticus? Why are they in the Bible?
As always, we understand the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament and, in particular, through the lens of Jesus. God had a long-term plan. He was preparing the world for the coming of Christ.
新約聖書は、これらの一見奇妙な規則はすべて「来るべきものの影に過ぎず、その実体はキリストにある」と教えています(コロサイ 2:17)。規則の目的は、神聖さについて教えることでした。「わたしはあなたたちの神、主である。わたしは聖なる者だから、あなたたちも聖別し、聖なる者となれ」(レビ記 11:44)。
The New Testament tells us that all these seemingly strange regulations are only ‘a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ’ (Colossians 2:17). The purpose of the regulations was to teach about holiness – ‘I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy’ (Leviticus 11:44).
ペテロは、初期のキリスト教徒に聖なる生活を奨励する際に、第一の手紙の中でこの聖句を引用しています。彼はこう書いています。「従順な子供として、無知なときに抱いていた悪い欲望に従ってはなりません。あなたがたを召された方が聖なる方であるように、あなたがたもすべての行いにおいて聖なる者となりなさい。『わたしが聖なる者であるように、あなたがたも聖なる者となりなさい』と書いてあるからです。」(ペテロ第一 1:14–16)
Peter quotes this verse in his first letter when encouraging holy living amongst the early Christians. He writes, ‘As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy”’ (1 Peter 1:14–16).
しかし、新約聖書は、神がキリストを通して私たちを聖なる者としたとも語っています。したがって、使徒パウロも「あなたがたは、食べることや飲むことで、だれにも裁かれないようにしなさい」(コロサイ 2:16)と言っています。これらの規則はすべて、イエスの到来によって廃止されました。
Yet the New Testament also tells us that God has now made us holy through Christ. Therefore, the apostle Paul also says, ‘Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink’ (Colossians 2:16). All these regulations have now been superseded through the coming of Jesus.
Many of the regulations were probably there for very practical reasons. For example, the eating of pigs (as carriers of disease) may well have been banned chiefly as a danger to health. Similarly, the rules of decontamination, strict as they are, take account of practical necessities. God wants you to eat wisely and healthily!
出産後の清めは道徳的な汚れではなく、儀式的な汚れに関するものでした (レビ記 12:2)。清めは「血の流出」によるもので (7 節)、夫婦間の性交や出産に伴う罪によるものではありませんでした。これらの規定は、出産したばかりの女性にとって、実は大きな祝福だったのかもしれません。社会から長期間離れることで、出産後すぐに通常の生活の喧騒に戻らなくて済むようになったでしょう。
Purification after childbirth was not about moral uncleanness but ceremonial uncleanness (Leviticus 12:2). The cleansing was from the ‘flow of blood’ (v.7), not from any guilt attached to marital intercourse or childbirth. These regulations may actually have been a great blessing to women who had recently given birth. The extended period of separation from wider society would have protected her from having to return to the hustle and bustle of normal life too quickly after childbirth.
This passage also gives us a clue to Jesus’ background. It shows the poverty from which he came; Mary could not ‘afford a lamb’ (v.8). When Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem ‘for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses’ they offered ‘a pair of doves or two young pigeons’ (v.8; Luke 2:22–24).
God had a long-term plan for the birth of his son under these laws. God was working all the way through history to prepare the ground for Jesus. Jesus was born under the law. He fulfilled the law and brought all these regulations to an end on the cross. He rose from the dead and made it possible for us too, one day, to rise from the dead and to become, along with Jesus, heirs of God (Galatians 4:4–7).
Lord, thank you that I am no longer under law. Thank you that I have received adoption as your child and that you have sent the Spirit of Jesus into my heart. Thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Help me to take a long view and to enjoy a lifetime of your favour.
詩篇 30 章 7 節で、詩篇作者はこう言っています
しかし、時には問題や困難、病気などによって、その信頼は揺るがされ、7 節にあるように、「あなたが私から御顔を隠されたとき、私は落胆しました」(7 節 b)ように感じます。その場合、唯一の答えは、2 節に戻って、「ああ、私の神、主よ、私はあなたに助けを求め、あなたは私を癒してくださいました」(2 節)と祈ることです。
Pippa Adds
In Psalm 30:7, the psalmist says,
‘When I felt secure I said, “I shall never be shaken”’
I know that feeling when faith is riding high and I feel nothing will knock the confidence I have in the Lord.
However sometimes, through problems, difficulties or sickness, that confidence is rocked, and it feels like, as it says in verse 7, ‘When you hid your face from me I was dismayed’ (v.7b). Then the only answer is return to verse 2 and pray ‘O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me’ (v.2).